How should i stand out?

6 replies
Hello good friends and members of this great community.

I am about to offer a WordPress website support and management service to businesses/brands.

Where I help brands fix WordPress website "technical issues", do small task like "upload a post", update wordpress core, plugins and themes, daily backups...etc...

But I discovered that there were lots of services like this on the internet... Wpcurve, wpbuffs etc

So I thought niching down by industry would differentiate my WordPress support service.

I think it would be something like "Unlimited Premium WordPress support and management for X industry"

I have potential industries to service their WordPress websites too...

*Real estate professional websites* *Educational services and Schools websites* *Politicians website* *Event websites**Coaches*

Or what's your recommended industry you feel there is a demand.

* I need your advice, should i niche my WordPress premium support services by industry or just be a generalist ?

*What industries do you recommend that might benefit alot from my WordPress premium support services?

Thanks great warriors... I would really appreciate your advice.
#industry #management #niche #premium #service #support #website #wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    That's a good first step

    After all, people who get hosting services with CPANEL already have a pre-set WP management offer in their panels.

    Talk about stiff competition

    I suggest you drill down by niche and actually become an 'expert' in that niche

    Twitter is a good place to start when looking for niche-specific influence leaders you can network with

    LinkedIn is indispensable
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    • Thanks writeaway. What niche do you think would have high demand for my WordPress service.?

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  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    I think you should niche down into something very specific instead of being a generalist. Someone told a great story in this forum a few weeks ago. I can't find it at the moment, and I'm going to butcher the details, but I remember the message clearly.

    They told the story of a brick layer (may have been another profession) and the guy was great at what he did, but there were SO many brick layers around town and he was not getting enough work. He started marketing himself as the best cornerstone installer (or something else a brick layer can do) in the city. He started getting more business and he was able to charge a little more because he was offering a specialized service. Here's the kicker....once he got the cornerstone job, he would say "oh, by the way, I'm also a great brick layer if you want me to do that for you as well".

    So, narrow down your niche and once you get a client, you can softly let them know what else you can do for them...what other value you can provide.

    Marketing yourself as a "SPECIALIST in Real Estate Professional Websites Created by Wordpress" is much more appealing to people in that industry compared to "Specializing in WordPress Website Support and Management" even though you're doing the exact same work.

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    Check out Dan Harris and his books on Amazon.

    Dan started a niche Wordpress customer service biz a few
    years ago and sold it to Godaddy, if I remember right, for millions.

    In his 7 Day Startup Book, he walks you through the process he
    used to come up with his Wordpress tech help biz.

    Maybe it can help you brain storm some ideas on how he did it...
    I know he turned his Wordpress tech biz into a membership
    that brought in recurring income, so that was his uniqueness.
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  • What industry(ies) do you recommend would use value my service?
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    • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
      All of them. Wordpress is one of the largest website builders in the world. Every single niche will more than likely have businesses using a Wordpress site that may need support. Learn how to market in one niche and then once you mastered your system or skill in that, move on to all the others. You reach has no limit here....Specialist in Pole Dancing Websites Created by Wordpress, Specialist in hardware websites created by Wordpress, Specialist in Yoga Websites created by Wordpress, Specialist in Photography websites created by Wordpress...etc etc etc
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