Dos and Don'ts of a product launch

19 replies
Hey warriors, I'm pleased to be here again. I joined this forum in 2014 when I newly got introduced to internet marketing. For me it's been a progressive journey, it couldn't have been easier without your selfless contributions.

Today I'm about to launch my first product. And I feel really excited about it.

However, I have a few questions which requires a few professional guidelines from you about what and how to go about a successful launch.

1. Should I launch my product on both JVzoo and warrior plus at the same time. Not sure about this

2. Please any recommendations and practical steps on how to make a successful launch

Thanks in advance for your intuitive contributions
#donts #dos #launch #product
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'd recommend a copy of Jeff Walker's "Launch Formula" - available on Amazon....might even find it in your library.

    Not sure anyone can give full list of 'what to do when you launch' - but I'd advise waiting to launch until you have a plan in place. You've worked hatrd on a product and you want to 'make a splash'.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    If liar's pants really did catch on fire, watching the news would be a lot more fun.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ruth Inyama
      OK, Apart from a complete "what to do" list, what's your take on launching on both platforms ((JVzoo and Warrior plus) concurrently?
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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by Ruth Inyama View Post

        OK, Apart from a complete "what to do" list, what's your take on launching on both platforms ((JVzoo and Warrior plus) concurrently?
        Either might be best. A consideration is, your long term goals and strategies. How does this first launch position you in the marketplace?

        What are your backends, or your funnel, what else will you be offering?

        How do you want to perceived in your field? Kay gave a great idea, the guy who knows about launches...and I'd bet your library can get a copy too.

        What are the differences between JVzoo and WarriorPlus? Well, I can offer my opinion, and hopefully others will render theirs.

        I feel WarriorPlus gives me the opportunity to get to know the expert better, because she has more of the same type of products I'm interested in. So, it feels as if there is a longer term strategy with WP, that the affiliates stay with their people longer.

        JVzoo, however, might be better for quicker or faster results to gauge the market for your product. The downside to choosing either one is, both platforms are about AFFILIATEs MAKING money, so your product and back ends have to have that appeal to them.

        What strategy, if any, do you have for launching your product as a NON affiliate product? Is it good enough to stand on it's own, without the need to pay people to sell it for you?

        And what do you THINK the lifetime value of one of your new customers might be, the average number of times at a given amount will they continue to buy from you?

        But more importantly, CHOOSE one, and launch.

        See what you are told in one of the marketplaces, get some data, feedback and hopefully testimonials too.

        If the product is done, and you are ready to launch...then LAUNCH, and learn from there.

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        • Profile picture of the author Ruth Inyama
          Thanks Gordon for your generous response. I hope to do just that
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony S
    Hi Ruth, I have been doing a lot of research on better digital product launches. If I would give any advice, I would say that It would be best to consider if you already have a list to launch to. If not, I would suggest you do your launch on Warrior Plus starting with a free product to begin with to build a list. Then once you have at least an idea of how your product will do well in Warrior Plus then do a launch of your full product in both platforms, JVzoo and Warrior plus. It seems that doing it this way will not only save you some time in the long run but also give you an opportunity to see how your product might perform before you commit to a full launch. I hope that helps.

    "Give a person a fish they can eat for that day: teach them how to fish they can eat for their lifetime".

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    • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
      Completely agree with the list. It's a lot more difficult to gain traction without a list. I focus on building my list first with a lead magnet and then a drip campaign. Once I'm happy with the size of the list, I will then begin promoting my offer. By this time, the list knows, likes and trusts me, and my conversion rate is much higher than otherwise making cold offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth Inyama
    Thank you all for your great piece of advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    Create controversy.

    Bad news travel at least twice as fast than good news.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

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    • Profile picture of the author Ruth Inyama
      Can I get an instance please....this method sounds interesting. Will love to know more. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    For #2, give out free copies in exchange for feedback / testimonials / case studies

    Tweak your product until people get RESULTS

    Once you have a PROVEN track record of producing results, connect with influence leaders in your niche

    They will MAKE your launch successful by putting the word out (in exchange for an affiliate cut)
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  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    Spread the news on Facebook groups and pages... submit your product to JV sites like Muncheye or similar sites... ask for feedback, use testimonials.

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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    I will suggest...before launch gather as many testimonials as possible...because that's what will make your product an easy sell...for that you can give FREE copies to some action takers to test your method...and provide result-based testimonials...

    also add clickbank to your list other than jvzoo and warriorplus...because of their huge affiliate database...

    What's your niche?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ruth Inyama
      Not sure what niche but it's a training product that 's going to teach people the simplest way to use a software
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by Ruth Inyama View Post

    Hey warriors, I'm pleased to be here again. I joined this forum in 2014 when I newly got introduced to internet marketing. For me it's been a progressive journey, it couldn't have been easier without your selfless contributions.

    Today I'm about to launch my first product. And I feel really excited about it.

    However, I have a few questions which requires a few professional guidelines from you about what and how to go about a successful launch.

    1. Should I launch my product on both JVzoo and warrior plus at the same time. Not sure about this

    2. Please any recommendations and practical steps on how to make a successful launch

    Thanks in advance for your intuitive contributions
    I'd start with the one. You don't start off cooking a 7-course meal when first learning to cook either. This is just the first of many launches, so don't build it up to be this huge event that will make or break you. With this said, I've never launched a product on either platform so I'd be curious to hear about your results! Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Depending upon the response to your product, I would consider staggering the launches, perhaps a few days or a couple of weeks apart. But the main thing is that you launch, you don't need to read a book about it, just get your product out there, that is the most important thing. This way you will learn by doing and then you can launch more products until you have perfected your own system of introducing your products.
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  • Profile picture of the author freeabs
    My results on product launches on both JV Zoo and Wp has been mediocre although I did all my homework prior to launch. Among the problems are:

    1) There are way too many products on these platforms
    2) Big players with huge buyers list are dominating
    3) Big affiliates are not responding cos they have their own launches
    4) Other affiliates are just a waste of time
    5) if you don't hold contest, say goodbye to a good launch.

    Just go to muncheye and see how many products are lined up daily and dominated by a few players.

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  • First off: Best way to ensure you have a successful launch on those platforms, especially in the crowded market we have today, is to invest in a coach who actually guarantees to be your top affiliate and helps you recruit more affiliates. Otherwise you're not likely to get any affiliates, for the reasons freeabs mentioned in his reply. That's what I did for my first launch back in 2016, and for every launch since. I owe my existing multi-six-figure business to that decision.

    As for where to launch, there is TECHNICALLY no need to do both anymore. Because now JVZoo has JVZooPay (like a wallet) and Payoneer etc, so no more PayPal concerns. HOWEVER, despite this fact, the recent PayPal problems are still fresh in people's minds and many W+ only people are staying firm on their decision never to promote anything on JVZoo because they're still scared of losing their PayPal accounts. I myself had one very big name affiliate recently tell me he simply would NOT promote my launch next week, because my launch was on JVZoo only. Not a huge deal, because I have about 2 dozen other big name affiliates on board, but for someone just starting out, every affiliate counts. That's the only reason I MIGHT lean towards a dual platform launch. But I've never personally done one so take that with a grain of salt.

    Again, most important thing, get a coach who will promote as an affiliate and help bring other affiliates on board.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigbinhire
    Good thread to read, thanks for sharing this kind of threads.
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