Free registration vs. "Freebie giveaway" - which one do you think is better?
I will be breaking up my content now, such that there will still be the premium membership for a 1-time fee, but I will also have several different smaller courses for sale. No matter what people buy, it will require them to create a username and password in order to access the content.
After I make this change, my "freebie giveaway" will be much less then what I was giving away before. Therefore, I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to also change the way that I get people on my list.
Simple aWeber form or keep the "free registration"?
The benefit of having them create a free registration is that it makes the process of buying much easier since they already have a username and password. The downside is that people may be more hesitant to fill out a registration form even though it's free.
The benefit of having them simply fill out an aWeber form is that it requires much less action on their part to get onto my mailing list.
I'm wondering which of the 2 options you would choose?
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