Which is better - Selling ready-to-launch product OR launch first and THEN sell on flippa?

Profile picture of SqueezePageEngine
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7 replies
Hey hey! So I was just curious, I have a SaaS popup maker product that I was planning on selling on flippa.. but I was wondering if you guys thought it to be better to:

1: Sell the product "read-to-launch", which means the current product has had zero market exposure.. but is fully ready to launch in just about every way. I would also have no income proof doing it this way which of course it wont sell for as much without.


2: Do a quick & smaller launch with it to prove market interest, and have some level of income proof.. & THEN sell it. (downside assumption: The domain / templates / product will have already been on the market?) (upside assumption: I'll make more money overall, plus proving interest and income on flippa.)

The reason I didn't know which would be best is I've never sold a website before really. I don't know which is better - to have already launched a product or to have it launch ready. I'm guessing launch first but it will take more time overall. I guess I didn't know if it's frowned upon sometimes to launch a product first because then someone couldn't just relaunch it immediately?

Thanks in advance! Just wanted your quick opinion Have a wonderful day!!
#flippa #launch #product #readytolaunch #sell #selling
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  • Profile picture of the author fasteasysuccess
    Profile picture of fasteasysuccess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The more traffic and sales and basically numbers you have, the more value and easier to sell will be since product/site been proven, making money now and have proof. When I sold my first business, I received a chunk just for the domain because had established steady traffic and had analytics and proof of income for credibility and increased value big time. If looking for quick flip, would suggest at least do a quick launch so can do proof of concept and have value already attached.
  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    WF- Enzo
    Profile picture of WF- Enzo
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    Number 2 - do a small market launch to test out the waters so you can evaluate your market's reception to your product.
  • Profile picture of the author webcontent
    Profile picture of webcontent
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When you say you are starting something new, the thing you require is proper planning. Why are you hurry in just submitting your products to any source and sell it? More important is analyzing market, study the behavior, build reputation, work on finding prospects, focus on making brand awareness, work on first bringing leads and then converting them to sales.
    That way you will be able to see results that are- long lasting, better in terms of conversion or sales, more profitable as brands get value addition.
    Thoughtful Minds - Offering Content writing, Copywriting that Search Engines and user both love.
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Profile picture of dave_hermansen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Would you rather buy a website that:

    a) has never made a dime?
    b) has made some decent money but has a very short history?
    c) has made a lot of money but sales are trending down over the last several months?
    d) has gradually made more money every single month?

    Which one of those sites would you pay more for?

    Profit, history and trends are what dictate the amount of money something sells for on Flippa (or any other marketplace). The more of those things that you can show, the more money you will make when you sell it.

    There are obviously other factors involved such as if the business model/product is "evergreen" or more of a fad, if your business is easily replicated, and the amount of competition, but those are the key factors that drive the price you can get for a website.
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  • Profile picture of the author SqueezePageEngine
    Profile picture of SqueezePageEngine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you all so much. Every single point was absolutely spot on! Thank you thank you all!!!

    To answer the question "Why are you hurry in just submitting your products to any source and sell it?", the reason is I'm needing to make a little bit of money so I can launch a much much bigger project I've been working on for 3 years.. But in order to do so I need a private server, or at least better than cheapest shared account on HostGator + many other things needed to do a nice launch properly.

    Thank you all for your answers again I truly appreciate it!
  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    Profile picture of palmtreelife
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're in need of quick money, I'm not sure either of these options will work. You may be able to convince an idiot on flippa to give you an over valued price for your unproven product...but you're into unethical waters there and looking for a needle in haystack.

    Strategy 2 is the right way to do this in my opinion, but it's not so quick to earn money. Generally, you'd want at least 6 months of proven income to get legitimate buyers on flippa, but also to set a fair market price for your product.

    Ideally, you'd be able to wait a year and "mature" your product with proven income history. That will make you a LOT more money as you will have firm numbers to back up your valuation.
  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Profile picture of Medon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would suggest that you launch it first. You will have a proof and thus find selling it easy to sell the product.
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