Tell A Friend Forms

Profile picture of keystothemind
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
What is your experience with using tell a friend forms to get more traffic?

I am thinking of using one with my newsletter readers, but am having trouble finding a script which actually works.

What do you think?
As the old refer / tell a friend forms worth it? If so, how is it done?

Thanks for your help!
#forms #friend
  • Profile picture of the author andas09
    Profile picture of andas09
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I tried these a few years ago and the outcome was useless for me, i think i paid about $10 for the script but gave up after 4 months or so.

    The main man (Mike Filsaime) created "Viral Friend Generator" a while back, so if you want to tackle it in the the correct way; then i would seriously consider checking out his software.

    Cheers, Paul
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
      Tony Dean
      Profile picture of Tony Dean
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I get so many spam emails a week through 'tell a friend' forms on sites. I don't recommend it.

      The worst case scenario is you get your domain blacklisted - remember - the spam comes through YOUR server!

  • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
    Frank Tocco
    Profile picture of Frank Tocco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have used Mike Filsaime´s "Viral Friend Generator and found it hard to upload to my website so I found a free script online and added it to a capture page. I was useless UNTIL giving people a reason to take the time to Tell A Friend. I offered a free report with high perceived value to people for telling 3 friends and it worked like a charm then.
    If you want the code for it contact me and I´ll find it for you and help you set it up. No strings. Just want to help.

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