Support desk: Who's the idiot, the marketer or me?
OK, probably they went off duty for the rest of the weekend, I figured. So now that it's Monday morning on the East Coast, I called. The phone message gave me a support page to go see.
Now here is the idiotic part. The support page asks me to watch a video first. And what comes on the video is a trailer for a John Woo movie! What??
Then after the trailer (I was still watching only because I was so stunned and baffled) comes the marketer I purchased from, telling me over and over again in 12 different ways to use the email address on the page to contact his support team. (The one I had already used.)
What in the world is the purpose of having a video there - and one that starts with a trailer for a commercial movie? Is this multimillionaire marketer so cheap he has to use an ad-supported service to post a video? Is he so stupid he doesn't realize there's a disconcerting ad before he comes on the screen?
Or am I the idiot for not wanting to put up with any of this to get service?
Marcia Yudkin
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