How much advertising copy do you need to get a prospective client to send you five measly dollars?
If you're one of those silly dudes who know nothing about marketing, you'd say...
"Keep it short and simple"... right?
Well... I have a client who regularly sends out a 12-page letter that asks for $5 bucks... and he gets sometimes a 32% response (depending on the mailing list).
Almost 1 out of 3 send him $5 bucks from his 12-page letter.
Imagine that.
Actually he's tested the waters and he doesn't like short letters. "They don't work." he says.
I have the 12-page letter, I'll send it to you if you reach out to me.
The letter asks for $5 and those who send in $5 bucks, get a longer, 32-page letter that asks for $300... and that's where he makes his real money.
I'm bringing all this up to remind you that "people" will not read long winded ads and sales letters, but PROSPECTS will. Big difference. Keep that in mind.
If you're a "prospect" for a safari trip to Africa, you're HUNGRY for information and will read any amount of ad copy about the trip to Africa -- as long as it's INTERESTING and HELPFUL.
So, how much copy do you need to get $5 bucks out of a prospective client? In the case above, the guy needs 12 pages of ad copy.
Just thinking.
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Linwood Austin, Marketing Consultant and Business Loans Available. Phone: 801-895-9598
Linwood Austin, Marketing Consultant and Business Loans Available. Phone: 801-895-9598
Linwood Austin, Marketing Consultant and Business Loans Available. Phone: 801-895-9598
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Linwood Austin, Marketing Consultant and Business Loans Available. Phone: 801-895-9598
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Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.