My first legitimate attempt at using paid ads...

by 34 replies
I have always thought of paid ads as some crazy skill that would take years to master, and maybe it is...

However, it doesn't seem so bad after giving it a legitimate shot. After figuring out the non-userfriendly ads manager inside Facebook business, I think I have a rough idea of how this stuff works.

I only have 1 single ad as of right now, but I'm promoting it to 4 different ad sets, each with a $5/day daily budget.

Ad set 1 is people who have already signed up to my site as a free member and/or has already visited the sales page where you can pay the one-time fee to upgrade. This is my "retargeting" adset.

Ad sets 2, 3 and 4 are all being displayed the same exact ad, but each one has just 1 specific "interest".

I'm also a fan of using the service called "Clickmagick", which costs $67/month, but it is way better for accurate tracking then the Facebook add manager.

In just 2 days, I have made 2 sales as a direct result of the retargeting ad set, and I am picking up new leads pretty consistently (considering this very short amount of time that the ad has been running for).

Only 1 of the 3 ad sets seems to be showing any interest (according to who is clicking and joining my list), so I am already narrowing down my targeting.

So.... I *think* I am approaching this the right way, but I have no clue. I am very new at this paid ads thing, but I am determined to get good at it, because I believe that I can make some decent money if I figure it out.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #ads #attempt #legitimate #paid
  • Congratulations on the sales. What is your cost per acquisition if you don't mind me asking?
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    • Keep in mind that I'm still new at this, and what I have noticed is that Facebook's "tracking" is not 100% accurate. I did my best in setting up the "events" in Facebook Business Manager. However, I trust Clickmagick's tracking much more.

      I know that Facebook will be accurate with the amount spent, and I know that Clickmagick will give me much more accurate click tracking data. So putting those two data sources together, I have:

      Retargeting ad set:

      18 clicks
      2 sales
      $15.75 spent

      Combination of "cold traffic" ad sets:

      41 clicks
      1 sale
      5 leads
      $14.03 spent

      From this data, I can easily calculate my cost per lead and cost per sale.

      I know that it's only been a couple of days, but as the sample size continues to increase, I can more accurately predict things.

      I *think* I'm approaching this the right way, but I was hoping that some of the more experienced members would chime in here so that I know I'm on the right track!

  • Two sales in two days is FANTASTIC. And you are wise
    to start off with a small budget. You can always increase
    your spending if you see good results. There are some
    ebooks at Amazon on the topic of Facebook ads, you
    might want to skim over a couple of those or find some
    cheat sheets online.
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  • Congrats, mate!

    I think you are absolutely on the right track and just keep going.
    But be prepared for bad days too, but just don't give if some failure hits, just adjust/fix the issues/edit or change and keep going.

    Your results look very good, many people who starting paid ads spending thousands to break even and you making profits and building the list in the same time, awesome.

    But as I said, bad days will hit eventually, but you can survive if only you don't give up.

    Good luck!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Bkelly301
    Kudos on the sales.
    Keep at it.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Nice.

    As with anything when you take the time to learn it you will figure out what works and what doesn't. From there you just do more of what works and stop what doesn't.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Well done , good start , good luck !
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Wanted to point this out... as I will point out below THIS is your achilles heal and you just dont know it yet.

    Do a small amount of research on McDonalds commercials for 2019 on youtube ( ) how many different commercials are there? THIS is targeting the ad to the target. You are running a single ad to every target.

    Your retarget ad set looks like it might be working - time will tell ultimately. This message MAY get cold linking and buying but at a far lessor percentage.

    I am going to throw a curve ball at you and suggest you are not narrowing your target, you are seeing the results of poorly targeted ads. If ad 2 of 2, 3, and 4 is the only one getting results that means ads 3 and 4 are not targeted correctly.

    Interest as much as it may be a target, is not something I would have thought of. I would be playing on ads targeting parents that music gets you through good and bad, and right now may be a good time to dust off the guitar. Remember that New Years resolution all those years ago to learn to play guitar? Right now you have nothing but time.

    Its a well documented fact that learning an instrument helps with education. reading things like ( ) or searching "students that learn music" could create a great lander piece that Math and Science and English is Good... music makes it better.

    Right now like no other time you or I will experience in our lifeftime.. LITERALLY - Music is the gateway to better times... not just today but for every day after. and YOU are offering THAT. Playing Guitar = HAPPY - Don't you want your child to be happy?

    Hope that Helps!

    Awesome job on actually doing.. its GREAT to see you running ads and seeing an amount of success.. I just KNOW you are capable of BETTER - your willingness and fortitude all these years with this path of yours is truly inspiring! keep up the awesome work!
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Hey, as always thanks for the reply. I'm sure it is very solid advice (as always), but I'm not sure how exactly I would actually implement that.

      Facebook allows you to enter:


      Right now, I have discovered that 1 of my 3 "interests" is resulting in leads (and 1 sale). Therefore, I was thinking of dropping the 2 "interests" that weren't working.

      I'd then be down to 1 ad set again.

      From there, I could break it up into 3 or 4 more ad sets, all sharing the same intrest, but break it up by age, sex and location.

      Ultimately this would lead me to find a good audience that is interested.

      The common denominator is the ad.

      You are suggesting to use multiple different ads...but to what ad set?

      Also, to be a bit more site definitely isn't for beginners/kids. My niche is intermediate guitar players. I've found through my years of using organic traffic sources that most of my members are usually older than 50 years, mostly men.

      However, I'd still need to know exactly who to choose as my ad set. Males, older than 50, worldwide....but I still have to figure out which "interests" to choose.

      If I were to throw multiple different ads into the mix as well, I'd be completely lost.

      I *think* what you are suggesting is to leave the "interests" part blank, and just display the ad to all people over...say 30 years old. This would be my one and only ad set, which I would display multiple different ads to.

      In your case, the common denominator would be the ad set, and I'd be testing multiple different ads to see which one performed best.

      However as I said, my site is not for beginners or kids. My site is pretty niche-specific. Therefore I don't think that your suggested approach of targeting "all adults" would be very effective.

      However, I am also completely new to this advertising I don't have much if a basis to know which approach works or not.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Congratulations on your sales and thank you for sharing!

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I am happy to hear it's working for you. I constantly hear people complaining that social media ads just don't work or they work with marginal results. I tried social media paid advertising myself never had any real success. But then again, my niche wasn't related to entertainment. Entertainment is what seems to be working well when it comes to social media ads.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Well, I can't say for sure if it's necessarily working yet.

      My ultimate goal is to be able to increase the "ad spend" number and get a predictable ROI. I'm definitely not even close to there yet.

      I've had this business running for about 4 years now using 100% free, organic traffic. After making almost 2000 sales in that time, 3 sales is not a huge deal. Two of those sales came from my "retargeting" ad set, which means they already knew who I was and have been to my site. In other words, they weren't considered "cold traffic".

      What I'm really aiming for here is to be able to get cold leads to my site and have a certain percentage of them buy my $59 product.

      Without Clickmagick, I don't think that I would be able to get an accurate read on this. However, between Facebooks accurate "amount spent" data and Clickmagick's accurate tracking data, I have the following so far:

      Only Focusing on "Cold Traffic"

      • Total Spent: $29.52
      • Leads that Signed up to my Mailing List: 27
      • $59 Sales: 1

      Those 27 people are now going to be receiving my 5-part email series, and Clickmagick will let me know if any sales are made as a result of this cold traffic. The email series runs for almost 2 weeks...

      Therefore, I really have to let this run for a few weeks to really know if it is working or not.

      This whole tracking data thing is a fun, new learning experience!
  • Which country as GEO this ad ?
  • Banned
  • Congratulations for your sale and thanks a lot for sharing this.
  • I get what you guys are saying...I need to create ads that "speak to the desires of a specific type of person".

    My site is super-niched within the larger "learn guitar niche". My site is specifically geared towards intermediate guitar players (most of which are better players than me already), who are looking to learn music theory as applied to the guitar.

    This is why the 50+ years old crowd likes my stuff. They have been playing a long time, been there done that, but they want to now "understand the fretboard".

    I understand that my copy needs to be very specific to a certain type of person, but I still need to figure out that person...

    The big competitors in the guitar lesson niche already have the "join my site, learn to shred, be cool, get chicks, etc." angle covered.

    That's not what I'm selling though. That's not my angle...

    My angle is "you have been learning how to play other people's songs for years now. You might know a few scale patterns. Most of your friends probably view you as a guitar god. You've likely been on stage for years, but you still don't know your way around the fretboard"...

    My site is there to teach you all of that stuff.

    My site is a goldmine of information. Those who find my site and use it are blown away because they can not believe that I have so much valuable content for such a low price. People ask me all the time why I do not charge a recurring membership fee.

    What I am trying to convey through this paid advertising is "For only $59, you will have a Berklee school of music education at your fingertips".

    People don't understand just how much value I am giving away for literally peanuts...until they have already joined and given it a shot.

    I am there personally to help every single member of my site out 24/7. I answer all their questions ASAP....and that is on top of the 3000+ videos, 200+ written articles and thousands of useful charts and diagrams that they are given access to.

    This goldmine costs $59, one-time fee.

    I have said many times on here that I believe that I have a product that *should* be worth MUCH more, and I feel like I'm ripping myself off by giving it all away for just a low one-time fee.

    However rather that running around in circles, trying to figure out how to squeeze out as much possible money from each person....instead I'll just leave it at this ridiculously low price which makes each person feel as if they have struck gold (which they did).

    How do I communicate that?

    That is what I'm trying to figure out.
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    • With a due respect, you sound like a glutton for punishment.
      Stop trying to convey things. Raise your prices and start
      charging a recurring fee.
      • [1] reply
    • Why do they want to understand the freboard? Why do they want to go to the next level? Do they want to start composing? Form a band and be able to communicate their musical ideas better? They want to play someone's song with their own improvised variations?

      What can they do when they understand the fretboard that they cannot do without understanding?

      Your ads would run along the lines of... All the info you need to do x is on my site for $59. And I mean all.

      By the way, do you have testimonials / reviews that speak to that, specifically?

      Do you have anyone saying: Man, the amount of good info I got is amazing? Use those on your landing pages...

      By the way, what are your competitors doing? Quick research shows that offers 159 exercises. That's their unique sales proposition, it seems. (Also, add that site in your interests, and any other sites like that that are big enough to warrant it).

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • First, congratulations. You've started something and the results can only go up with experience. You've already had some great feedback.

    My views may differ from some, but it's my experience based on tons of experience and too much wasted money. Others may have different views.

    Unless you're a big name brand that is easily recognizable, I think a lot of advertisers are using Facebook Ads wrong, and obviously, I'm not the only one that believes this as a lot of those that spend big bucks on Facebook agree.

    People don't go to Facebook to buy, they're there to see what's up with their friends. When you're an unknown asking them to buy, you're just annoying most...which is why so many can't understand why their ads aren't working. Retargeting of course doesn't fall into my remarks.

    In my opinion, the best approach is to teach...which in turn brings in the big bucks. People will read something interesting on their way scrolling to see what their dude posted.

    I've done teaching posts that have brought in 10's of thousands of visits, which in turn created hundreds of thousands in revenue. I'm not saying that to brag because I'm not the first one nor the last I'm sure, and I have no doubt others out there are doing way better than me.

    I'm not familiar with your business, but from what I've read above, it has to do with music and guitars?

    First, let me say this: Don't ever sell anything or give anything away without using your customers to give you free publicity for your product. It makes your advertising go so much further and costs little.

    Example: If I were to do a blog post titled, "Amaze Your Friends By Playing The Guitar Like A Pro By This Time Tommorow...even if you can't carry a tune in a bucket", I'd do the blog post giving away some killer tips, then at the end say something like: "If you want to know 5 more crazy secrets that normally would cost you hundreds...", download this free report...or (maybe) grab this course that teaches you everything. Before they could download for free they'd have to share the article. Or, before they bought if they wanted 30% off, they'd have to share. I think you'd agree that most people that would be interested in your information probably have friends that share their enthusiasm?

    I can't carry a tune in a bucket, so I have no clue what excites your niche. I'm just quickly coming up with titles for topics off the top of my head to give a quick example without doing any research on your niche. I'm sure with your experience in the business you know what grabs attention in your market.

    This sharing thing is a secret some companies that have grown huge overnight have used...and it works. It's not only almost free advertising, but it gets shared with others that probably are interested in your stuff. Win-win. There's a ton of sites that let you set up a sharing tool.

    I ramble on sometimes, and probably should edit my posts more, Grammarly says I've got 19 writing issues with this post, but I'm just throwing a couple of things out there for you to consider.

    So my point, and I do have one, learn to use content marketing the right way on Facebook (and other places, but Facebook for this post), and you'll save yourself a ton of money and frustration...and add more customers than you probably thought possible.

    Having said all that...if what you're doing is what you're comfortable with, and for you it's working, then by all means keep on keeping on. I'm simply offering my views and suggestions.

    Hope you do good with your goals.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • This is really great stuff here!!

      I agree that ads on Facebook are kind of just an annoyance, but I do still look at them, so they definitely do work...I just need the right approach. I really like the approach you suggested here.

      Thanks to you and all of the other helpful replies in this thread. I'm going to bookmark this one!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I've recently started experimenting with Facebook ads and I believe the interest section is what really generates traffic your page. In the beginning, I would throw in a lot of interests which generated engagements with the page but didn't result in people showing any commitment to the services I was offering so I re-ran the ad but kept a precise targeting and found that although the numbers for the ad were similar or maybe slightly lesser, it resulted in more long-term interest from these people. My experience till now has been to strike with precision instead of spraying the ad all around and I've also learnt some new tricks from this thread too.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • Congratulations and thanks for sharing this. Will try ClickMagick.
  • Keep finding the right path, I think you're just a step closer.

    My experience not good as yours
  • Congrats! It makes me wonder that anyone has ever heard of Google Grants or ever run Ad campaign for NGOs on Adwords?
  • good results for just starting out with it
  • If you have a fan base that really like your site/community, maybe look into offering affiliate products they can buy.

    If I get amazing value from a community, and the owner posts a review video of some guitar and kindly asks if you will buy from their amazon link to support the site, I would probably do so.

    If your audience is big enough, you can also contact suppliers directly and ask if they would be willing to do a special deal for your audience.

    Another thing to add would be your own CafePress store (or similar). Jot down 50 things that would be funny to read on a t-shirt for a musician. Have some designs made, or make them yourself if you know how. Add to CafePress, and you have 50 designs that will fit on hundreds of products. Sprinkle those out to your audience over time.

    If you have a growing audience, find those "not so much work"-ways to increase income without working harder.
  • Sounds like you have a very good lead capture page with a good compelling offer for your target audience, the other good news when it comes to facebook advertising that more people who click on your add the cheaper your ad clicks become.

    You can also drill down another level with FB where you can sort by buyers that way your ad is being placed directly infront of people in your niech that have brought something off facebook in that nieche.
  • Yeah, Once we learn the power of PPC, Facebook Ads, it would always become our first choice to get the Ads whenever we start a new business. I would also advise you to use Google Ads. They are more powerful than Facebook Advertising.


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    I have always thought of paid ads as some crazy skill that would take years to master, and maybe it is... However, it doesn't seem so bad after giving it a legitimate shot. After figuring out the non-userfriendly ads manager inside Facebook business, I think I have a rough idea of how this stuff works.