I just joined the warrior forum. this is my 1st post. super noob question. please help! lol

1 replies
Hello everyone out there on the warrior forum! I just joined a few minutes ago because I'd like to start my own internet business. I've been doing some research over the weekend to learn more and I read that the warrior forum is a great place to get some help on my journey.

A little earlier I read an article that talked about an upcoming event to help noobs like me but there was no mention of where the event is taking place. The article just said it'll be a live event and that it's free to attend. I'm a little skeptical but willing to keep an open mind.

The problem is I have no idea where it's taking place. Please let me know if anyone can make sense of this or identify where this will be because I've read this article 4 times and I'm still clueless. Here's the article I'm referring to:
[webinar link removed by moderator]

I apologize for this completely noob question. I'm almost embarrassed making this post because I feel like the answer is staring me right in the face and I'm just missing it. Any help would be so appreciated! I'm 67 years old and still trying to figure this internet business stuff out so please be kind in your replies.

Frank Reilly
#1st #forum #joined #lol #noob #post #question #super #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    The ad says it's a virtual class, so the location is in front of your computer.

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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