by MarkR
5 replies
I have a client that needs to buy an already registered domain that will likely be 100's of thousands of dollars.

Can anyone recommend a broker that can handle this deal?

Any advice for how do go about a purchase like this?
#broker #domain
  • Profile picture of the author klixion
    Is the domain for sale or is it in use? A broker won't be useful unless the owner of the domain is willing to sell it. Maybe have your client contact the domain owner to see if it's for sale and deal with them directly. Use to finalize the deal.
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    • Profile picture of the author dsimms
      I purchased a 5 figure domain through Escrow, and escrow is pretty tight on how they accept funds, cash in, cash out, deal done...

      Is the domain for sale or is it in use? A broker won't be useful unless the owner of the domain is willing to sell it. Maybe have your client contact the domain owner to see if it's for sale and deal with them directly. Use to finalize the deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkR
    Yes. It shows that another broker is selling it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Given the rate at which people are being scammed online, your client needs a tech servvy advisor and an attorney just incase the deal wont pull through. Otherwise I see him loosing the $$$.
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  • Profile picture of the author BouPLy
    Seriously - If you are buying - You have to go to the party who has THAT name. If you are selling then who knows - You can advertise it around and put a for sale sign on the website.

    For regular sites - there are always special floating around. I paid $1.00 for many of mine for the first year and transfered them the following year for whoever had the best price on renewals. Never buy you domain your host from the same source.

    Good way to get hijacked.
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