How to set a date for a product launch in the IM niche?

4 replies
Hello fellow warriors...

I'm considering launching my first product in the IM niche. I need to set a launch date.

I looked at launch sites like and all future dates for several MONTHS seem to be already "booked" by other product creators.

Sometimes, there are FIVE different launches on the same day.

Having several launches happening on the same day dilutes the attention of the market.

How would you approach this issue if you were me?

#date #launch #niche #product #set
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    There's always going to be competition in the IM arena. If you're waiting for a gap, you'll never launch your product.

    I would circumvent it by either building and nurturing my own list of subscribers before launch so that I'd have an exclusive and primed market to promote to, or I'd do a deal with an existing marketer who already has access to a targeted group of potential buyers.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Not to offend anyone....

    In the last few years those 5 launches a day are all pure garbage anyway. Regurgitated stuff, software that doesn't work, pie in the sky promises, 8 upsells of more junk, and so on. I just check on products to see what is being promoted. Always disappointed so I don't check as much any more.

    Want to do well? Don't worry about other creator's products. Make a fresh, useful, unique product and just beat them with quality. Someone with a real serious product will not care too much when the junk is being launched. You want to think long term anyway - not just launch day. Otherwise your only choice is to get on the churn and burn circuit with the rest of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Don't wait for the perfect time to launch. Just go ahead when you are ready and let it run.
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  • Profile picture of the author hbeezy
    I'd say do the launch on a day where there's less competition but people are more likely to be on the internet. Sunday and Monday I would say are bad days... Tuesday-Thursday are good choices. Usually that three day stretch is where the bulk of launches are in the IM space. Friday is iffy and Saturday is usually the day everyone does whatever they want. I wouldn't completely count Sunday out though because everyone is trying to get ready for Monday. So you may have some people in your demographic chilling at home surfing the net looking for something (I.e. your offer)

    Hope that helped.
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