Facebook name change and running ads

2 replies
Hi there,

Complicated one this... Any thoughts really appreciated.

My wife has an established Facebook account which she's had for 10 years. Never used it for anything other than personal, although she's not super active on it.

She has recently legally changed her last name and added in a new middle name.

So for example. she's gone from "Clara Jones" to "Clara Nova Hamilton".

What she'd ideally like to do is change her name on Facebook to her new middle name and new last name.

So her profile name would ideally change from: "Clara Jones" to "Nova Hamilton".

After this, she'd like to run some ads, but our fear is that even though Facebook lets you go by your middle name and last name (or it did last I checked). It might see a first and last name change as a bit weird and ban her from posting any ads at all.

Is doing this too risky and would it be better to change her last name only and keep her first name (which hasn't changed legally)? So to go from Clara Jones to Clara Hamilton?

Ultimately she'd be happy to keep her name as Clara Hamilton if you could post in a privately run group as Nova or as the name of her business. But I don't believe this is possible. If she were to set up a private Facebook group everyone and engage with people they would see her first and last name, right?

I'm guessing it would look better to only change her last name, but she'd rather use her middle name as that's the one she's using as a pen name on social media to keep her side hustle separate from work.

Sorry for that being overly complicated, any advice would be much appreciated.

#ads #change #facebook #running
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The 'complication' is that you are asking on a public forum rather than asking FB help site or a dedicated FB forum.

    Everyone here could tell you 'no problem' - 'it's fine'...and FB could still ban you because no one on this forum can answer for Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author newxxx
    why not Clara (Jones) Nova-Hamilton ?

    or Clara Jones Nova-Hamilton

    i've seen both on fb
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