Rank these FB Ad Testing Dimensions

5 replies
  1. Creative
  2. Copy
  3. Audience
  4. Country
  5. Landing
  6. Offer
  7. Placements

How do you rank these testing dimensions in order of importance? What am I missing?
#dimensions #rank
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    in order to get a "sale" you need a series of conversions to get there right? I dont rank one variable over another, I rank each step as a whole.

    So you have the AD or call to action first. so the text the image the color etc etc. If this aspect is NOT working... you need to figure out why - is it the audience, the placement, the copy, the image? If the bait is not working the rest will fail.

    So from there we goto the lander... does the text of the lander match the text of the bait? Where is the friction?

    And then lastly is the part that matters most right? the conversion...

    when I am starting a funnel I work these things out in specifically this order..i get the Bait right, AKA the traffic to the lander.. then I get the lander to do what it needs to do, and then I get the conversion aspect to convert. I DO NOT try ad changes things on 2 or all three levels. One piece at a time until i get it right. and then move onto the next step.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I agree with Savidge. I do not see the benefit of comparing them.

    Country? If your buyers are not in the country your ad is running, you're screwed, no matter what else you do. If they are, how is it more or less important than the rest?

    The others, they all work together, you get one completely wrong, the others fail too.

    Since one failing, messes up all the others, are they not equally important?

    Originally Posted by cringwall View Post

    1. Creative
    2. Copy
    3. Audience
    4. Country
    5. Landing
    6. Offer
    7. Placements

    How do you rank these testing dimensions in order of importance? What am I missing?
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  • Profile picture of the author MrShabir
    If you are selling in only One Country then first is "Country". Then you need to choose "Audience".
    But "Creative" is most important for Ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Milk Man
    Cost Per Acquisition over everything.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      And how to you decrease your cost per acquisition?

      And what does that have with the 7 criteria the question is about
      1. Creative
      2. Copy
      3. Audience
      4. Country
      5. Landing
      6. Offer
      7. Placements?

      Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post

      Cost Per Acquisition over everything.
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