How to have a VA pay Fiverr freelancers?
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I want to be able to buy services (say, from places like Fiverr) but without me having to login to Fiverr and send payments myself.
Is there a way for someone else to handle payments to freelancers?
For example, I want to be able to tell a VA:
"Go to Fiverr, find someone who has at least 50 positive reviews and who can do this task for up to $X. Contact them, talk to them about the task, pay them, get back the completed task, and show me the finished results."
Maybe I can:
1) Create a Fiverr account to be used exclusively by my VAs.
2) Set VAs as subusers to my Paypal account and have them handle such payments?
Please only suggest solutions that are legal and compliant with the TOS of Fiverr, Paypal, etc...
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