How to have a VA pay Fiverr freelancers?

11 replies
Very often, I need small tasks done. Examples:

- Have a site error fixed

- Edit a video


I want to be able to buy services (say, from places like Fiverr) but without me having to login to Fiverr and send payments myself.

Is there a way for someone else to handle payments to freelancers?

For example, I want to be able to tell a VA:

"Go to Fiverr, find someone who has at least 50 positive reviews and who can do this task for up to $X. Contact them, talk to them about the task, pay them, get back the completed task, and show me the finished results."

Maybe I can:

1) Create a Fiverr account to be used exclusively by my VAs.

2) Set VAs as subusers to my Paypal account and have them handle such payments?

Please only suggest solutions that are legal and compliant with the TOS of Fiverr, Paypal, etc...

#fiverr #freelancers #pay
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    If you need regular small tasks done, you could set up a VA on a retainer. Then let them handle and pay for all the bookings and add their fees on top.

    You'll pay more by not going direct to the source (eg to fiverr), but that's your choice.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Profile picture of the author perneali45
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      If you need regular small tasks done, you could set up a VA on a retainer. Then let them handle and pay for all the bookings and add their fees on top.

      You'll pay more by not going direct to the source (eg to fiverr), but that's your choice.
      Would they pay using their Fiverr and Paypal account though?

      Or mine?

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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by perneali45 View Post

        Would they pay using their Fiverr and Paypal account though?

        Or mine?
        It would be easier if they paid using their own accounts. That would give them the flexibility to use a variety of service providers. By the same token, it would make it easier to rip you off, so you'd need to trust them and set a mutually agreed budget.

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author LilyMunday
    I've been reading the other comments and really think you shouldn't be giving someone else access to your PayPal account. Your VA will be trusting you to pay them their wages so I don't think it is an unrealistic plan to ask them to do the task, pay it with their own PayPal and add that cost onto your bill for them.

    This will definitely keep it straight and clean. You will also be able to track what is being done and their credibility, which is so important.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11645111].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perneali45
      Originally Posted by LilyMunday View Post

      I've been reading the other comments and really think you shouldn't be giving someone else access to your PayPal account.
      I wonder if Paypal allows for specific limits for account sub users. For example:

      - They can make single payments up to $X.

      - They can only spend $Y within Z days.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It used to be possible to give limited access to your acct - I used that on occasion but don't know if it is still an option. Would be easy to find out - ask paypal.

    There are other considerations - does the VA have a PP business acct or a personal one? If you want VA to cover expenses from their acct - you may need to pre-pay some funds into that acct for them to use.

    If the VA uses their own acct - could there be any liability for them if there is a problem with the 'gig' they are ordering/paying for?

    Another solution might be for the VA to do the research - touch base with the seller and arrange the work being done - then provide you with the details so you just place the order and pay.
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    • Profile picture of the author LilyMunday
      Hi Kay, I think that maybe he is looking to set and forget. Perhaps it's a holiday plan.
      I think your suggestions would work better but I do wonder if the 'gig' went sour where the responsibility would lie?

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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    If you trust the VA to do this and that. You might as well trust them to pick a gig which would work right for the project needed to be done. In which case, they should pay the money money on their own accord and have that added as the final bill including the wages to be paid by you.But the trust of the VA is paramount here. I was on a call some webinar and this guy would give the credit card for her VA phillipines for the amount required to do certain task. And think he paid her monthly something like 300-400. But she was almost like an extended family member to him. They would share very private information with each other about your wife, kids and hobbies and what have you.If you are lacking trust, don't do anything stupid at all, especially dealing finances.
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  • If you're working with a new VA or you're with a VA you're not 100% sure you could trust yet. This would be your best option.

    Originally Posted by perneali45 View Post

    1) Create a Fiverr account to be used exclusively by my VAs.
    Just set a limit per task so you don't go over budget and change logins whenever someone else uses it.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Never pay a Virtual Assistant based on the TIME they spent

    This is a surefire way to get ripped off

    Pay based on a pre-agreed QUOTA - either they deliver the results you want or they don't get paid

    Back in the day, only hour-based or "best efforts" VA outsourcing was available

    Now, there are services you can pay based on results.

    Don't get ripped off by 'slow' contractors
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    • Profile picture of the author LilyMunday
      I found your answer very interesting as I am employing a freelance writer at the moment and I pay in advance. Now you may say this is crazy but this trust system is working very well and he actually overproduces to say thank you for putting my faith in him.

      But still, I agree to pay for actual articles or gigs than rather on time taken.
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