EZA account suspension - yikes!

19 replies
Just getting ready to launch my articles and my site (again) and got an email from EZA that my account had been suspended because my article appeared elsewhere on the Internet.

I had written this article a while ago and submitted it to EZA first in 2007, then took a wee vacation from IM, and just now getting ready to go at it again.

In the meantime someone had taken my article (is this legal?) and changed it up a little bit and posted it on their site.

Now EZA is saying I am not the original author and they are suspending me.

Obviously I wrote back and am awaiting their response, but has anyone else experienced problems with article piracy and the consequences of that with EZA?

Thank you!
#account #eza #suspension #yikes
  • Profile picture of the author tommen
    There are other good article directories than Ezine Articles that you can use.I always post the unique article on my blog first, let Google index it, and then submit it to Ezine Articles. Never had any problems, same with other directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing

    ive actually stopped using ezinearticles.com after they did the same to me with an article i wrote in 2005 and ehow does a similar thing with their suspensions too.

    At the end of the day there are many article directories to chose from and you can get great traffic elsewhere. Personally i get great response from articlesbase.com and goarticles.com without feeling hard done by.

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author keivn2
    So basically, it is not wise to use an article that you submitted to ezine to other article directories?

    if that so, i wonder, would a minor changes of ezine article would good enough to submit to ther directories?
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  • Profile picture of the author JMPruitt
    i usually write several versions of each article and submit a unique one to EZA. That way they have nothing to complain about. However, I agree there are so many good directories, don't worry about it. I love GoArticles, Article Base, and Article Dashboard.
    follow my relationship marketing blog for tips on building more traffic without relying on Google's whims.
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  • Profile picture of the author keivn2
    for every veteran out there,

    Is there any good and recommended articles directories for me to submit my articles?

    so far, I am submitting to ezine, dashboard, goarticle, articlebase and hubpages...yeah.. that all...

    any more suggestion?
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
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    • Profile picture of the author Marilynj55
      Thank you, everybody! This place is SO helpful. Hadn't thought about the premium account as a way to solve this problem, will have to look into it.

      So many things to do and learn, it's a wonder I have any free time whatsoever!
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Not trying to be negative at all here but I think that ARTICLE MARKETING does not work that well for the WORK AT HOME AND HOME BASED BUSINESS NICHE because all of the competition out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Been there ... just go ahead and send them an email and they will straighten it out but it may take 2 weeks ... yikes!
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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    The premium account won't solve your issue. I had the exact same problem and they suspended my account even though I was a premium publisher.

    However I did contact them by email afterwards and cleared out the issue and my account was reinstated.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      This is the reason why when people say I should put an article on my blog
      first and then submit to EZA, I don't do it.


      I submit to my blog. Somebody sees the article, takes it, strips off the
      resource box and puts it on their blog.

      I then submit article to EZA.

      You can figure out the rest.

      All that mumbo jumbo about ownership and blah, blah, blah, means nothing
      to me.

      All I care about is traffic and EZA gives it to me.

      I can then always put my article on my blog after the fact (which I do)
      and not have to worry about having my account suspended.

      Sorry to hear about your problems with EZA. I wish I had a solution other
      than submit to them first, but I don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Garratt
    This happened to me and it has nothing to do with submitting unique articles to EZA.

    Recently the EZA link checker got triggered due to problems with a server I use. Several of my articles got flagged as having dead links and because it took a while to get the server problem sorted I had to resubmit the articles to EZA.

    Well 2 of these articles got rejected and my account suspended because they found the articles published elsewhere without my name on them. They had obviously been stolen from EZA because I don't submit the same article to anywhere else but EZA, not even my own site. (This has changed since I now know that it does me no good)

    These 2 articles were written by me and accepted by EZA in 2006 so why did they think that I had stolen them from someone else? Especially as one of the duplicates had a publish date on it of only a few months ago.

    EZA told me that I had to get the duplicates accredited or taken down by hassling the thieving web sites. That is aggrevation I don't need.

    Luckily the 2 articles in question were not important to me so I just pulled them from EZA instead. I had to accept that not only had some thief stolen my article for their use and profit but they had also succeeded in getting my articles pulled from the site it had been displayed on for 3 years. I know life isn't fair but it would be nice to think that I would get some support from a web site that gets 80k views a month to my articles.

    I am now working towards being less dependant on EZA than I have been.

    Please visit my blog and if you have an interest in electronics then please join me at Home DIY Electronics
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    ive actually stopped using ezinearticles.com
    I recently went through and deleted all of my articles at ezinearticles.

    It was very liberating!

    Just became too big of a time suck for me. I'm feeling much more productive now and have been testing out the other directories. Found a few that actually send pretty good traffic and it seems more consistant.
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  • Profile picture of the author davtom
    I had that happen to me a couple of years ago. The first I knew about it was when I logged in to post a new article and the site told me that I was suspended.

    I emailed them to ask why, and somebody replied and said that I had used PLR content and asked me which package it was from, highlighting a site that had posted my article without the signature.

    I emailed them back, and explained the situation - that the site was using my article illegally, but there was nothing I could do about it. I did actually email the site in question, but nothing happened.

    I got access to my account again, but the whole episode left a poor taste in my mouth for article marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      I usually publish to Ezinearticles first, and then submit articles elsewhere.

      I had one run-in with iSnare, which rejected my article because it existed elsewhere without my name.

      Turned out someone in Eastern Europe had snagged my earlier version from EZA. Fortunately, they accepted the existence of my EZA article as proof that it really was mine.

      And the other site? no contact info. Couldn't figure out how to contact them, and at this point, I don't even remember what article it was. I did file a complaint somewhere but have forgotten the details.

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