Targeting gay community online

8 replies

I'm gay but not a marketer, I'm a developer. Currently I'm working on non-adult gay website/community. I'd like to get potential subscribers before I go any further. I'm not sure where to start advertising.

I don't know many online gay communities, except for dating apps, but I don't want to go there. Facebook seems like a good option but I can only target specific "gay" interests.

Can anyone give me some tips?
#community #gay #online #targeting
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by MarioG1 View Post

    Facebook seems like a good option but I can only target specific "gay" interests.
    I might be missing something here, but if you're not targeting specific gay interests, why are you trying to target the "gay community"?

    Why wouldn't you just target prospects who are in the market for the product or service you're offering?

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    • Profile picture of the author MarioG1
      Well that's because I don't want to target specific niche, I'm not offering any services. I'm want to build gay community on my site. It's more about sexual orientation than anything else
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      • Originally Posted by MarioG1 View Post

        Well that's because I don't want to target specific niche, I'm not offering any services. I'm want to build gay community on my site. It's more about sexual orientation than anything else
        Let me see if I understand this correctly. What you want to target the gay community in general, regardless of interests? And in the case of Facebook, you want to target everyone that identifies as gay?
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        • Profile picture of the author MarioG1
          Exactly. Facebook is just an example, if there is better alternative I'll take it
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What is your plan to attract 'subscribers' - what would they be signing up for? What do you have on your site that will interest someone enough to sign up and give their personal info to do so?

    A google search found 60 million results for .... gay online community ...many of those are .org discussion sites....and all of them have a focus that is more detailed than 'gay community in general'. Have you checked out those 'communities' to get ides of what visitors are interested in talking about?

    Just a quick look at the list of results shows that most sites have a focus that is much more detailed than what you are proposing. The discussion sites target various problems or interests of the gay community they serve.

    An online community - like a forum - relies on members that return again and again. What plans do you have to provide an ongoing interest on your site?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    You need to target 'specific' interests and not the gay community in general.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    You don't have to target your community only.

    Facebook, Google are 2 places to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jefay
    I have been looking for such info too. Any more tips here? I would appreciate anything. I have found some really interesting and cool online gay chat rooms, for example, and I like using those a lot. How do you target such audiences? That's what I am thinking about right now...
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