Affiliate Marketing Traffic Sources

52 replies
For those successful on Affiliate Marketing, can I please know which traffic sources you use for advertising? We know 3 major traffic sources GoogleAds, FB, and MSAds, what are the others? Which ones makes you successful?
#affiliate #marketing #sources #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author anh hungan
    I am success with Email marketing, and Google Ads.

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  • Profile picture of the author MAV1Enterprises
    I have had success with email marketing. I have been hesitant about trying FB Ads. Although, I have friends who have had a lot of success with them. IMO email marketing is so good because everybody is always checking their email at least 10x's a day. If you write good copy that relates to your audience and solves a need, you can be very successful.

    I hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author softshred
    I didn't focused that much on email marketing. But guys you really provided a great info. I should try email marketing also. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author adeone79
    Try Quora ad. A good number of people on Quora are professionals looking for tips, help, products or services to better their living, business and improve their knowledge/skills.

    I've had success running affiliate marketing with Quora ads. Though, it seems a bit expensive than Facebook ad.

    A Blog That Helps You Make Money

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  • Profile picture of the author MoeDavis
    I've been testing many traffic sources as most Marketer's do, but I've had the most success with Email marketing, in particularly with Solo Ads.
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    • Profile picture of the author MAV1Enterprises
      Which provider do you use for solo ads if you don't mind me asking? I have been debating if I want to go that route. I have heard about some people paying money and not getting the targeted traffic they paid for.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I guess you are only asking for paid traffic sources then?

    I had huge success moments with youtube ads. I also tried solo ads but was not in profit with that.

    At the moment I prefer free traffic strategies such as forums, quora and blogging.
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  • Profile picture of the author softshred
    With respect to most of the replies, it seems like email marketing is the first thing to consider for traffic source. Besides, you say that Quora converts too but that's expensive. So, first to try on would be Google Ads and Email Marketing. Thank you guys!
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  • Google Ads and email marketing are a good choice to drive traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Schaub
    Youtube ads, solo ads, and email marketing give great results.
    Get Sales on Demand
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    • Profile picture of the author softshred
      Hi, which solo ads traffic provider you use and that converts? Thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author Samuel Wilson
        Originally Posted by softshred View Post

        Hi, which solo ads traffic provider you use and that converts? Thanks

        Facebook is full of solo ad providers and the good thing is that you get to see other users' reviews; that way you can tell which providers are worth investing in
        Children's Book Illustrator:
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by Jim Schaub View Post

      Youtube ads, solo ads, and email marketing give great results.
      I don't think solo ads are any good.

      Total waste of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leadnetwork
    Email marketing, SEO, PPC works great for me
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  • Profile picture of the author Bella zanny
    Email marketing and FbAds has to be the top on my list
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  • Profile picture of the author John47
    Pinterest is also worth looking at as it allows affiliate links in the main section plus paid ads.

    As regards Solo Ad sellers Wayne Crowe gets good conversions.
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    • Profile picture of the author MAV1Enterprises
      Have you had any success with Pinterest? I have posted some pins in one of my niches, but it is heavily saturated and have not had any success generating new traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kolimania
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    • Profile picture of the author softshred
      Get response still requires email list. Rather I try AWS SES with mailster plugin on my own list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Start a blog and youtube channel to get targeted search engine traffic .Startba face book group as well .
    List building via Email marketing can work as well if done correctly .
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Social media is best place to get traffic via Facebook, Youtube, Instagram etc
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  • Profile picture of the author N1coleW
    I use Email traffic, PPC and social media. Now I wanna connect them with SEO and it will be my perfect combination
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  • Profile picture of the author Mejabibabs
    Email marketing is still one of the best. An as old as it's you will enjoy it.
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  • Profile picture of the author LeandroWMaster
    Facebook Ads is a good one
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  • Profile picture of the author Dororall
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    • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
      With any form of paid advertising, targeting is the most important thing... And this is where it gets tricky.
      Every platform needs some time investment (on top of the money investment) in learning how to show your offer to the right audience.
      I know at least one person who has had major success with any form of traffic, so anything works if done correctly.
      Many paid programs about Internet Marketing will show you how to drive traffic using solo ads and it's for a reason... Solo ads are the simplest form of targeted traffic there is, but there are so many shady sellers out there giving a bad reputation to the industry that you need to do your due diligence before going big.
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  • Profile picture of the author infernal199
    For quick result use below online platforms:
    • Google ads
    • Social media ads
    • Online ads

    Note: focus on a single platform to get yourself used to it.

    If you want free traffic source, then you have to go a long way:
    • Social media page (build lots of active followers)
    • Build a blog (with thousands of targeted and quality visitors)
    • Forum (help other people and build networks)
    • Quora (same as above)

    And this list continue...

    Generate $11,893 every single month! Build a robust online business right from your home computer. Visit:

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  • Profile picture of the author toysoldier80
    Right now I mostly use Solo ads and email marketing for my affiliate traffic sources. One of the best I hear is creating your own website and using organic traffic as well as PPC ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alberto Marsh
    As most marketers do, I've experimented with a variety of traffic sources, but I've had the most success with email marketing, specifically Solo Ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author davehayes
    I use Solo Ads, one Top ranked emailer, Leadsleap and another social site for promotion as they give me the results I want. That being optins that pay, plus I get paid when they don't join my opportunity as well
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Originally Posted by softshred View Post

    For those successful on Affiliate Marketing, can I please know which traffic sources you use for advertising? We know 3 major traffic sources GoogleAds, FB, and MSAds, what are the others? Which ones makes you successful?
    I do:
    1. my own traffic source
    2. social media
    3. forums

    Never used Major Ad traffic sources like FB or Google ads .
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    I use Solo ads, Google ads (but you have to be careful and can't send traffic directly to affiliate links or lead capture pages) and You Tube ads.

    Each one is a learning curve in itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author vivekodm
    Facebook Ads is more useful to compare google ads when you use for affiliate marketing , and if you want to more promotion , you can choose Display Ads in Google Ads.

    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimPh
    I am using Solo ads and MSAds.
    People are complaining about Solo ads that the quality is very bad. Yeah, it is not good as Google ads or MSads but it is cheap. If you have a good plan, you can make big with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by TimPh View Post

      I am using Solo ads and MSAds.
      People are complaining about Solo ads that the quality is very bad. Yeah, it is not good as Google ads or MSads but it is cheap. If you have a good plan, you can make big with it.
      Solo ads are a waste of time.

      Only the people who sell them make the money.
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    • Profile picture of the author schttrj
      Originally Posted by TimPh View Post

      I am using Solo ads and MSAds.
      People are complaining about Solo ads that the quality is very bad. Yeah, it is not good as Google ads or MSads but it is cheap. If you have a good plan, you can make big with it.
      Just curious, how are solo ads cheap? If a click costs 50 cents and the optin rate is 30 percent at best, the cost per lead comes down to $1.67. Yes, it is lower than GAds and MSAds, where the cost per lead can go much higher, but then again, nearly not as targeted and intent-based.

      Let's say the responsiveness of the list is 10%. That means, only 10 out of those 100 leads actually interacts with our emails. You, being a dealer of cold traffic, would surely know that even 10% open rate is extremely rare for such cold, non-targeted leads.

      Once we start pruning the non-responsive leads and trim down to only the openers and clickers, we might have a cost per lead of $16.67. So, ideally, every subscriber must return a revenue of that amount or more to turn a profit.

      Next comes the niche problem. A CPL of $16 is not that much in some industries but in the MMO and Biz Opp niches where they are being bombarded with offers left and right and churning rate is rather high, the level of trust is rather low, can you really justify that the cost is low or that it offers the same ROI potential as GAds and MSAds?

      I would really want to know your answer to this. (Since you are an experienced marketer)
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  • Profile picture of the author incomenow
    Originally Posted by softshred View Post

    For those successful on Affiliate Marketing, can I please know which traffic sources you use for advertising? We know 3 major traffic sources GoogleAds, FB, and MSAds, what are the others? Which ones makes you successful?
    Well, I haven't used any of the advertising platforms you mentioned for affiliate marketing neither have I used any other out there. All I have been doing is building out quality content, promoting content on forums, including Quora, and building engagement with my audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author N1coleW
    I still think that email marketing is more effective for a lot of niches, especially if you have your own list of customers and you build your marketing strategy wisely
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  • Profile picture of the author Aryana Altaha
    I think solo ads from the right vendor works the best. It doesn't consume nearly as much time as organic traffic and unlike FB or Google ads, is less expensive (depends on how many clicks you buy) and overall is higher quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brackwom
    I grow in affiliate marketing or gain traffic with the help of SEO.
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  • Based on the product you're trying to promote, Pinterest/Tiktok work well too - I've had plenty of leads coming from Pinterest (especially if the products are directed at women). Otherwise, Google & FB ads work well. I also worked on SEO and Quora in parallel.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Lopez
    I use RTX Platform. Great traffic and very affordable. I target via urls and keywords and then I use those targets to gain users and retarget them via Google Ads and FB. Works amazing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Tailor your Traffic sources to the niche. If it is Financial you go where they are same for Dating.

    You create a strategy for each niche.

    Know your audience demographic then learn their language and pain points.

    Your Offer is the Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author FaraiMist
    A few of the most popular sources include; Web 2.0, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter
    Some newer but less popular options are LinkedIn (slower), Digg (slower), Pinterest (slower) and Reddit.
    For sites with extremely high volume in traffic like Youtube or Wordpress for example it is not really an option since you need to distinguish yourself from the hundreds of other advertisers fighting over one potential customer given the lower price point site-wide if any ads are offered. You can find these lists by doing some research on major providers so you know where your competitors are looking for their website visitors.
    I personally do amazon affiliate marketing based on WordPress website and bring traffic from Google (Organic) as well as some social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author abdurrafay
    Hi there. When I use to make amazon affiliate websites. I use to do mainly seo for organic traffic. There are few tips and tricks for that. Sign up for platforms like quora and reddit. They have communities there and I'm sure you will find there relevant to your niche. Take part in discussions which will redirect to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny J Hembrom
    Originally Posted by softshred View Post

    For those successful on Affiliate Marketing, can I please know which traffic sources you use for advertising? We know 3 major traffic sources GoogleAds, FB, and MSAds, what are the others? Which ones makes you successful?
    According to me best is Quora ads which are popular for contextual ads And Pinterest traffic.

    One benefit we get here, is that our content never get outdated here like on IG or FB
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  • Profile picture of the author Old Molases
    Rakuten Affiliate Network is good option too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny J Hembrom
    Originally Posted by softshred View Post

    For those successful on Affiliate Marketing, can I please know which traffic sources you use for advertising? We know 3 major traffic sources GoogleAds, FB, and MSAds, what are the others? Which ones makes you successful?
    • Pinterest
    • quora
    • Linkedin
    • Relevant forums
    • Youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author iron1
    YouTube ads, Quora ads, Taboola, and a few 'cherry-picked' solo ads (that I have vetted thoroughly) work best for me with my 'front-end'. Then it's funneled into hot, warm, cold leads for our email marketing campaigns.

    Solo ads are a waste of time.
    This isn't entirely accurate. Solo ad buying depends greatly on your product/offer, the niche, the demographic and many other variables. To be able to find successful list owners who aren't 'relying' on selling solo ads as their business model, but instead have an equal or greater advantage for announcing my offers to their customers.

    My 2 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author Shizuka
    There are many marketing platforms from where you can get traffic. But as per my experience, Blogging and Email Marketing is the best way to get free traffic for your affiliate marketing.
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