Why do some vendors deny someone to market their affiliate products?

Profile picture of DigitalMediaOutreach
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8 replies
Hello. I am new to affiliate marketing, learning and wanting to get going. So, I sent a request to market a product and was denied.

I am curious as to why would a vendor deny someone to market their product?
#affiliate #deny #market #products #vendors
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Profile picture of agmccall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    it has to do with their reputation. They feel if you do not have any affiliate sales then you might be spamming or other black hat methods. There are a lot of products you can get approved for on the different networks. Try and find some inexpensive products to promote so you can build up some reputation then when you request you will get approved.

    Also sometimes it is the wording in your request. just use google to find some scripts that different marketers use.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Profile picture of Monetize
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by DigitalMediaOutreach View Post

    I am curious as to why would a vendor deny someone to market their product?

    You are not the only person that this has happened to.
    That is a part of life in affiliate marketing.

    Usually when I have been rejected I could figure out why
    without asking others.

    I recently contacted an affiliate network and was told that
    I needed $X amount a day ad spend budget. I could have
    spent that but it didn't seem wise so I moved on.
    I did not mope around about it other than regretting that I
    wasted my time on those emails and phone calls.

    The fact of the matter is that you probably don't know what
    you are doing and you are probably not going to generate
    any sales.

    Affiliate networks/managers want people with established
    websites, traffic, lists, groups, etc. that they can market to.
    They don't have time to babysit newbies.

    Meanwhile there are a million other offers you can push.

    Go to ClickBank or DigiStore24 or somewhere and find
    something you can push without special permission and
    get busy generating income and stop worrying about
    being rejected.
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Mark Singletary
    Profile picture of Mark Singletary
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    Another reason is that some/many new affiliates sign up to be an affiliate for the sole purpose of getting the product or service at a discount.

  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Serene Carmen
    Profile picture of Serene Carmen
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    Some vendors check to see whether your website aligns with their brand, others have certain traffic requirements.
  • Profile picture of the author Sofia Schulz
    Sofia Schulz
    Profile picture of Sofia Schulz
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    Some vendors don't go for outstanding value, and sometimes they don't really know the products they promote.
  • Profile picture of the author Ruby Soto
    Ruby Soto
    Profile picture of Ruby Soto
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    In my point of view this also depends on the history they have, maybe they have had experiences of people who were starting their business and it turned out to be a failure. this makes them hesitate to offer their products to people starting out.

    Ruby Soto
  • Profile picture of the author Chandana Raghunath
    Chandana Raghunath
    Profile picture of Chandana Raghunath
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    If your website (or what you sell) doesn't align with the brand's industry, or that you don't have a website at all and are going to purely leverage personal socials to promote (indicative of spam).

    Happy to help if you need tips/want to know which networks are marketer-friendly - have had a long relationship with affiliate marketing!
  • Profile picture of the author hbeezy
    Profile picture of hbeezy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For starters, the vendor doesn't know you. Second, you may have no proven record of selling. Third, you may have no description of yourself. Fourth, the request for the affiliate promotion could be better, which in turn bolsters your chances of getting approved regardless of if the other three are still a reality.

    I think the simple question to ask is "if I was selling a product, how would I want affiliates to approach me" and what would I want them to look like, do I want them to have a record, etc.

    Put yourself in the vendor's shoes for a second.

    There's an ebook that was written sometime ago called "bro please approve me" by Arun Chandran, I think if you look it up you'll find it. It's free and it helps aspiring affiliates to increase their chances of getting approved to products they normally would not get approved on.

    EDIT: so the report is free but in order to get it, you have to be on his list. It's completely worth buying something cheap from him just to get access to the report. Unless you can find it for free somehow lol
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