Advice On Promoting A New Blog (Free & Paid Methods)

Craig Fenton
Profile picture of Craig Fenton
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
28 replies
Hi Warriors:

Hope all is well.

If somebody were to start a new blog where they already have a good amount of content to share, what are the best ways to promote the blog, both free and paid methods?

As an example if somebody were to initiate a blog about Business or Make Money On Line, besides updating frequently, sharing the URL on Social Media, and the Pinging Services, what are your recommendations (Common and out of the box appreciated)?

Thank you as always and everyone feel good and be safe!
#advice #blog #free #methods #paid #promoting #social media #writing
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    Pinterest for sure. It's more of a search engine rather than social media site. Many people receive more traffic from Pinterest than they do SEO and Youtube. Heck, more than paid advertising. Join group boards on Pinterest and sign up to tailwind. This will get alot of exposure to your blog posts.
    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Craig Fenton
      Profile picture of Craig Fenton
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks for reply!

      A question about Pinterest. If somebody joins today as an example, is it hard for their account to get noticed since it is so late in the game?

      Thanks so much and have a great week!!

      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Profile picture of agmccall
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        Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

        Thanks for reply!

        A question about Pinterest. If somebody joins today as an example, is it hard for their account to get noticed since it is so late in the game?

        Thanks so much and have a great week!!
        You have to join and immediately upgrade to a business account.

        Without going into detail. You will need to set up "Boards" These boards should be about things you like. Hobbies, sports, etc. You should have at least 10 personal boards for your 1 business board.

        You need to follow people and get people to follow you. You need to make your images interesting, creative, and shareable.

        The process is a little more involved but doable and will take about a month to get traction.

        For some detailed strategies. Go to warriorplus and lookup vendor sojourn her name is Erica Stone She has a few Pinterest products that go into detail about building your boards and getting followers and how to make your images Pinterest worthy


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    WF- Enzo
    Profile picture of WF- Enzo
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    You already mentioned sharing the blog URL on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

    Start there.

    Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

    Hi Warriors:

    Hope all is well.

    If somebody were to start a new blog where they already have a good amount of content to share, what are the best ways to promote the blog, both free and paid methods?

    As an example if somebody were to initiate a blog about Business or Make Money On Line, besides updating frequently, sharing the URL on Social Media, and the Pinging Services, what are your recommendations (Common and out of the box appreciated)?

    Thank you as always and everyone feel good and be safe!
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guest posting
    Use pdfs
    Face book fan page
    List building
  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    George Flm
    Profile picture of George Flm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Newsletter advertising brings home the bacon. Just rinse and repeat.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

  • Profile picture of the author sofiarose
    Profile picture of sofiarose
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First make sure to compete onsite SEO, and then complete Website Audit. After that use social media platforms like Pinterest etc. Make sure to do Guest Posting, profile creation, for high and Quick ranking.
  • Profile picture of the author Old Molases
    Old Molases
    Profile picture of Old Molases
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can also try Off-page activities for the blog.
  • Profile picture of the author syntechsupport
    Profile picture of syntechsupport
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    be everywhere, make lots of content and share it across the internet.
    This line itself with occupy you if you do it consistently & properly.

    about the content you make, make sure it's good, align with each other. aka, if you write about 1 topic, you can make it the image version, video version, short video/ reels version, etc.

    GEt me?
  • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
    Marx Vergel Melencio
    Profile picture of Marx Vergel Melencio
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    Fundamental tactics are still effective in many industries, niches and geos up to this day ...

    • Introduce your blog to another brand's community of active viewers.
    --> For example, if your blog has authority content about dog training products, then having the operators of popular Youtube channels, about dogs in general, introduce your blog to their subscribers as a helpful content resource could likely give your blog the traffic that you want.
    ** And you're bound to gain more targeted viewers for your blog if you carefully select the Youtube channels to use, i.e. Subscriber base should match your ideal viewer profile and target geos.
    ** Plus, there are other traffic sources that you can use to do this, free or paid, some of which might work better for your target niches, ideal customer groups and geos, i.e. Guest posts and promotional stuff in highly relevant blogs with large active readers, social media communities, offline organizations and groups with digital and print publications and newsletters, etc.
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Craig Fenton
      Profile picture of Craig Fenton
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      Hi Marx Vergel:

      Thanks for such a well thought out and articulate post. Quick question, in the original days of YouTube you could private message the owner of the channel. This was perfect to see about reciprocal agreements. Since that is long gone, would you recommend a comment on one of their videos asking if we could help each other out (obviously written in a professional way).

      Thanks for clarification and enjoy the weekend,

      • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
        Marx Vergel Melencio
        Profile picture of Marx Vergel Melencio
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Craig,

        Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

        Quick question, in the original days of YouTube you could private message the owner of the channel. This was perfect to see about reciprocal agreements. Since that is long gone, would you recommend a comment on one of their videos asking if we could help each other out (obviously written in a professional way)
        Yes. That could work. But in my experience in remotely approaching prospects for B2B deals, LinkedIn InMail always works best. That's across the tactics I've tried. Throughout the past several years. Hands down.
        • What I do is, research about the key decision makers in the relevant teams of my prospect organizations, i.e. If I'm interested in a B2B digital marketing deal, then I try to find out more about the org's marketing VP and Web property manager.
        • Then, I look for them in LinkedIn. I also take note of the LinkedIn Groups that they're in.
        • Afterwards, I join those groups. I then share helpful content in those groups. I'm talking about stuff that's highly relevant to the hottest topics in those groups. All while being relevant to the brands and current projects of my prospects. Purpose is for my name to at least be familiar to my prospects when I contact them later.
        • And I send them a professionally written LinkedIn InMail, i.e. Components generally include a brief yet interesting introduction; relevant comments about their latest projects; an enticing single statement description about my already prepared proposal (customized for each prospect); and a hopefully compelling invitation to discuss my proposal in more detail if they're interested.

        I hope this helps you generate more ideas. Cheers!

        [ EDIT ]

        Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

        As an example if ten years ago Jane, Jack, Phil, Heather, etc. started a blog with great content, SEO Friendly, etc. and then nine years ago Cindy, Jim, Steve, Lisa did the same, and so on, wouldn't these folks show up in the Google searches way before the 2022 first timer?
        Key thing to keep in mind here is timeliness. Any search engine, be it Google or even a search applet of an arbitrary digital property, is interested in serving fresh content.
        • That's time-sensitive niche relevance. And topic freshness.
        • Using your example, if those other people continued publishing and promoting from that point up to this day fresh content that's optimized for timely user intent and niche community relevance, then chances are, they'd outrank yours. Otherwise, Google is likely to avoid serving their outdated content if Google Brain (the algo behind Google's ranking system today) "thinks" it's no longer relevant to the user's search intent nor to topics preferred by relevant niche communities.
        Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
        • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
        • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
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    Well be active everywhere where you can use forums and have your site in signature ,use fb groups and make your profile as a business one with a link back to your website ,create tiktok videos related to your niche ,twitter ,pinterest etc
    Find out my best method to make $200-$300 daily with affiliate marketing
    Atention : Not a quick rich scheme ,takes patience, consistency and some work also
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Claude Whitacre
    Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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    If you want to build your audience quickly, start a podcast. Then interview the people that are in your niche. Post the interviews on Facebook and Youtube (even if they are audio only). This will build your audience, of people actually interested in hearing what you have to say, quickly and cheaply.

    Transcribe the interviews and use them as blog posts.

    But for whatever reason, you haven't been told the best way to promote your blog. and that's to write great content. Lengthy, in depth, blog posts that people want to read.

    Make sure the titles target a specific question/market/reader/problem. Make the posts at least 2,000 words. Pack them with content.

    Far better to have 10 in demand, well written, SEO friendly blog posts, than to post 10,000 quickly written posts.

    The great posts get shared, linked to, and read. And they sell.

    I'm assuming your purpose here is to eventually sell something.

    Google loves great content, and rewards it by placing it first in searches. And these searches are where you'll get most of your traffic, in addition to the traffic from your podcast interviews.

    If you don't want to do a podcast, just do written interviews. And make the interviews your blog posts.

    Do a Google search for any aspect of your niche. See the first 5 results?

    What are they?? How are they written? How long are they? What points do they bring up? What platforms are they on?

    My guess is that one of the results will be a blog post. My suggestion is to promote your blog by writing blog posts that interest and profit your intended reader. Then most of the "promotion" will already be done.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Craig Fenton
      Profile picture of Craig Fenton
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Claude:

      Thanks for such an in-depth post.

      A question that I am always curious about. If somebody starts a blog and is willing to have 2000 word posts, keywords researched, and answering a problem, doesn't it still put the newcomer in the bottom of those that have followed the formula for a decade? Can they circumvent this or is the deck stacked against them?

      As an example if ten years ago Jane, Jack, Phil, Heather, etc. started a blog with great content, SEO Friendly, etc. and then nine years ago Cindy, Jim, Steve, Lisa did the same, and so on, wouldn't these folks show up in the Google searches way before the 2022 first timer?

      Similar, if somebody were to have been on Fiverr or Upwork and they have a five year lead offering ABC Services wouldn't the person signing up today even with the best work ethic show up less in the searches on the sites?

      Thanks for the additional explanation.

      May you and family have a great week to come,

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
        Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

        Hi Claude:

        Thanks for such an in-depth post.

        A question that I am always curious about. If somebody starts a blog and is willing to have 2000 word posts, keywords researched, and answering a problem, doesn't it still put the newcomer in the bottom of those that have followed the formula for a decade? Can they circumvent this or is the deck stacked against them?

        Similar, if somebody were to have been on Fiverr or Upwork and they have a five year lead offering ABC Services wouldn't the person signing up today even with the best work ethic show up less in the searches on the sites?

        Thanks for the additional explanation.

        May you and family have a great week to come,
        A five year lead goes away if you have great content, answering questions that your niche asks online.

        A newcomer is at the bottom. But you are assuming that the content is the same. Don't make the content the same. Be more specific in your blog posts. Niche down.

        And probably most important, write headlines (to your blog posts) that both grab attention and match a specific question your readers would ask.

        Only general marketing blogs share the readership. Make your headline so specific that it pulls better than the more established headlines.

        AI copywriting software will accomplish this for you. It will pull the best headlines for you. Or you can just do a few searches.

        You can even just create free Youtube videos with your blog post as the script. Just make short videos of a portion of your blog post...with links to get the entire blog post, or so they can subscribe to your blog.

        The answer is to be specific, not general...write a great headline (that both gets readers and ranks on Google), and create links to the blog.

        The links aren't for SEO as much as they are to draw readership. If your blog posts are well written, they will get shared.

        Don't worry about competition. Make your posts so tightly niched that the general blogs won't matter.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
        • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
          Craig Fenton
          Profile picture of Craig Fenton
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Claude:

          Hope it was a great day.

          Thanks for the further explanation of the promotion of the blog and ways of overcoming the newcomer VS. the established content holder.

          It is refreshing when somebody has knowledge and can share it in discernable langauge!

          You are a true asset to the forum.

          Be well!!!!

  • Profile picture of the author Dating Group
    Dating Group
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    Sounds very good. I love where this discussion is going.
  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    Profile picture of CyberSEO
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    Make a dozen of satellite autoblogs.
    CyberSEO Pro - the ultimate AI autoblogging and RSS, XML, HTML, JSON and CSV import plugin for WordPress with support for OpenAI o1, Claude, Gemini, Llama 3, Midjourney, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and more.
  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Profile picture of TobiMDD
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    Something that hasn't really been mentioned much here yet and is also a great way to build blog traffic and connections is blog-hopping.

    I learned that by simply searching other blogs in the same niche and leaving valuable and good comments to other bloggers under their posts.

    Then you share the posts of the other bloggers on your social media pages and give those bloggers even more props.

    This way, the different and established bloggers will become aware of you, leave comments on your posts and share your content on their channels.

    This creates connections and free traffic for you and the others - A win win situation, which if you have good blog posts will of course lead to sales.

    Good luck
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      Something that hasn't really been mentioned much here yet and is also a great way to build blog traffic and connections is blog-hopping.

      I learned that by simply searching other blogs in the same niche and leaving valuable and good comments to other bloggers under their posts.

      Then you share the posts of the other bloggers on your social media pages and give those bloggers even more props.

      This way, the different and established bloggers will become aware of you, leave comments on your posts and share your content on their channels.

      This creates connections and free traffic for you and the others - A win win situation, which if you have good blog posts will of course lead to sales.

      Good luck
      Excellent information, and highly useful.

      I do the same thing on Amazon. I review books in my niche, and mention that I'm an author. The reviews are in depth and show that I have experience in the field.

      It does lead to additional book sales. And if you leave lots of reviews (that get clicked as Helpful), your reviews start landing at the top of the reviews. This leads to engagement, and sales.

      I've also reviewed these books on my blog. Again, engagement is the key.

      I've even had reviews lead to phone calls from the author, and a couple of joint ventures.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author gloriameadows
    Profile picture of gloriameadows
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    If you go through a lot of effort to create good content, then do yourself a favor and share it, re-publish it, and pitch it to more places. Good content deserves to be shared with more people and the best way to do that is to share it in more places.
    • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
      Claire Koch
      Profile picture of Claire Koch
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      Originally Posted by gloriameadows View Post

      If you go through a lot of effort to create good content, then do yourself a favor and share it, re-publish it, and pitch it to more places. Good content deserves to be shared with more people and the best way to do that is to share it in more places.
      That is called repurposing:

      turn your article into different things such as video's wordpress documents, presentations, ebooks, newsletters,

      -make a video post into youtube
      -make a wordpress presentation post on slideshare
      -back in the day we used to do guest posting (asking others to post our articles on their sites)
      its nothing new...
      -strategy before you go out there expecting someone to do that put a clickbank link that pertains in the
      middle and tell your website owner you are targeting thats their link just to thank them for doing this.
      -make your article a fun pdf. use in forum sigs, in email sigs, or submit to pdf directory. People love pdfs
      perfect for ebook directories. etc,

      I saw someone else say do a newsletter. You need a autoresponder for that but yeah
      -newsletters oh man do they work but they went out of style. We used to charge for ads in our newletters and the newletter was right on website (we would just send out a update notification). you could point to your blog from the newsletter of your own or from others for a price. Most newsletters had free classified ads for being subscribed. Nothing stopping you from starting a autoresponder newsletter or go back to what we were doing before. You might resurrect the idea. I loved it. And i miss doing it.
  • Profile picture of the author DreamBuilderAF
    Profile picture of DreamBuilderAF
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    I am currently employing organic (so-called 'free') methods of marketing my content on social media and currently on this forum but also will be expanding the forums I use.

    With paid advertising, you really need to know what you're doing otherwise you're throwing good money after bad. There are plenty of courses about paid advertising but little mentorship. Find someone specific who's achieved the results you want with paid. There is a LOT of testing to do to get paid marketing right, no matter which platform(s) you choose to advertise on.

    The advantage of using social media interaction is you get to find out what your customer really wants. (I am currently using Facebook and Twitter and a bit of Instagram) but Randall Magwood is wise to mention Pinterest too. I am considering LinkedIn also.

    Hope this comment helps.
  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
    Profile picture of Artkantos
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    What has worked for me is first getting some traction through organic, SEO, social media etcetera, (posting and creating content about topics that you really can add value to), so you have the time to learn more about your audience, your ideal avatar, you can test different things without risk in that stage, start building your list, your foundations, etcetera. When you have some subscribers, sales and decent traffic, I would think of ways to getting paid to building your list and acquiring clients thanks to a solid funnel and an irresistible offer...That's what I would do in a nutshell

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