Where did all the WSO comments go?

2 replies
Been a member for years but came away for a long long time, starting to get back into this but frustrated at the fact the comments have gone from the WSO section, used to be a great place to find out for sure if a WSO was legit and get more info in it.Is this a permanent change?
#comments #wso
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    No, they are not gone - just not as busy as it used to be. If you click on the lihnk in the Marketplace (dropdown in black toolbar above) - you'll see offers with comments and those without comments.

    About 3 or so years ago we found a few sellers who had a lot of great comments - which they managed with multiple accts. That doesn't happen now.
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  • Profile picture of the author pollytoast
    Oh I see, that's good then that the fake comments are gone. It's so hard getting back into this, unfortunately was doing a brilliant course and building websites but my entire hosting got hacked and I can't get into any of my sites at all now unless I pay hundreds for a security company to fix it, so so so so many hours, days, weeks, months worth of work that I can't even access so starting out again

    Halloween may be over but you can still check out these awesome Sons Of Anarchy Halloween costumes, these are quality items and not just for Halloween.

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