Would it be a good idea to create own work while going through a digital marketing certificate?

78 replies
I am studying realiablesoft's course.

I am currently making my way though the content marketing course in a wider digital marketing course. I was wondering, from what I have been learning , do you think it would be a good idea to create some of my own work so I can show this to companies? Even if I have to pay for some tools you think it could be worth the investment?

Warm regards,
#certificate #create #digital #good #idea #marketing #work
  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Yes i think if u are wanting to work for certain companies, i think it is best doing some research to see what qulafications or what courses they see is valuable, the good thing there is a lot of good courses that may include this type of certifiacate included perhaps, or how to go about working through or what is the best certificate to obtain, i hope this helps.

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Thanks for your message!

      I just compared courses and found one that was the cheapest one that could be studied remotely. And had a lot of different subjects within dig marketing covered within the course. Its seems kind of basic, cost me 130euro but maybe a way to get "my foot in the door". Are you working in dig marketing yourself?
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey! Do you think creating your own website, blog and posting there regularly would help you get hired?
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  • Profile picture of the author ekta yadav1222
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Great! Do you have any suggestions ?like my own website or blog with posts?
      Though when creating a website one would need help from a Web developer?
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      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

        Great! Do you have any suggestions ?like my own website or blog with posts?
        Though when creating a website one would need help from a Web developer?
        Not sure what your financial situation is. There are several places you can make a free website. Most have templates you can just fill in or change.

        There are also several places you can create your own blog posts for free. You could choose Medium and blog for free. The site gets a ton of traffic. Not particularly recommending Medium, just using it as an example.

        You can also make a free website on google sites. This may be an advantage for you because there are some good portfolios that are made using google docs, etc., and all Google products link to their site builder. If someone asks for your portfolio you can simply give them the link or include them on the site.

        As I'm sure you know, Digital Marketing covers everything from TikTok to Email to SEO, so I'm not sure what or if you've decided to specialize in a certain area.

        I initially read your original post wrong. No, I don't recommend portfolio school unless you've already earned an undergraduate degree.
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        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
          Hey! Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it a lot. We'll I have some money but I would rather free things if it gets me a job.. I could start by creating a website and blog about something I like. Need to think of that. I just finished a content marketing course so I'm making my way through that. Right now I don't really know how to design a good website just studying a dig marketing course right now. It cost 150euro more or less. I had a module in dig marketing in college so looking to expand on that.
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          • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
            Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

            Right now I don't really know how to design a good website.
            Just an FYI if you go to youtube, type in how to create a WordPress website. There are several videos that will walk you through the steps. A suggestion is to buy a domain from Namecheap.com and then get a separate hosting account from another hosting company that offers C-panel. Hostgator has a baby package if you're just starting out with a low monthly fee.

            On another note, when you are ready you can learn advanced web design for free on Edx or Coursera.
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            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Hey thank you! Ok really right now I want something (website) where I can post content and use some digital marketing skills I am learning about, I'll need to think of what to post..maybe about my journey with dig marketing. Just something to show the companies. I'll come up with a plan. I'll keep you posted, really grateful for your input!
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        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
          Hi so for the past hour I have been writing up a plan and so far I have come up with this. (taking into consideration I am studying a dig marketing course but I have only studied the content marketing part so far)
          1) I will create a free website and blog. (I will need to chose the topic, I am not a "specialist" in any areas but I do have interests in fitness, nutrition, history, mindset, so maybe fitness.
          2) I will use what I have learned so far to help me. Tools like Google Analytics for keyword research etc (It may not be perfect but I need the practice).
          3) I'm not sure of how many posts to post on the blog (right now it's something to show companies).
          4) I can advertise on social media, other channels etc.

          I'm not sure if this will get any traffic but at least it will help me practice. I guess I should look to start implementing what I have learned before continuing with anymore study from the course I am stuyding.

          Ok here we go!
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  • Profile picture of the author jhon steve
    Definitely! Generating original content to display your skills is a smart move. Investing in tools can improve work quality and appeal. Personal projects showcase expertise and passion, increasing your chances for exciting opportunities in digital marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Ok thank you! Would you recommend any tools that would help me do a better job?
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      • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
        Your name is Steve or jhon?
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    You can always build your own portfolio...

    however, you also have to realize there are those that go to portfolio schools.

    You learn how to build your portfolio by pairing with designers, companies, etc., and learn what works and what doesn't. You make a lot of connections in the business.

    After you graduate, you normally can walk into a job since you already have the connections.

    If you're wanting to freelance, you will definitely need to build a portfolio if you have any hope of being recognized.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763325].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey Max! Ok thanks I'll look into these portfolio schools. Though it's possible to create your own portfolio which I can imagine is cheaper?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm not a believer in rushing to take course after course....you can find excellent instructions on building your own site or wordpress blog online for free.

    Not to say you can't hire a site developer - but if you do, you still have to learn enough to EDIT your site and update it and add to it. I'm a proponent of 'learn as you go'.

    You may have to start a site - and then take a few hours to figure out how to solve a problem or get the site to look like you want it to....but if you do that you'll end up knowing what you are doing.

    Google is your friend - if you get stuck and don't know how to do something...a google search will almost always point you to free advice/training.

    First thing to do is decide WHAT you want to do. What will you sell? (selling is the whole point, isn't it?). Selling products - or entertainment - or information is what most marketers do.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763355].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey! Thank you! Right now I'm not sure what I would sell, or write about. But I know I need somewhere to show my skills or learn on the Job. I don't know would that help to create a website with something you might not sell but just to get the hang of setting it up. Any suggestions for places to set up free websites? Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey thanks for your message! So I'm thinking of blogging on medium.com all about health and fitness starting off. I will link it to my wordpress website and I get the hatchling plan.
      What do you think?
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  • Sounds like a neato perspective.

    The more horizons you jugglin'
    the less you gonna slow out slugglin'.

    Wear crap shoes.
    Fall ovah.
    Cutchya face.

    What is more abominable
    than multitaskin'?

    Yeah but anyways prolly it is best always to suffuse on out on the Caahsmaahs.

    I am tryin' a variety of angles here.

    Hope 1 (or many) smackya in the tits.

    Plus you survive a bear attack miraculously.

    That is universally cool, I figure -- even if you in NoBearsNoplaceLand.

    Squoils can rock it also.

    Actschwlly, they are the Prehensile Tail Fiends ovah most similarly sized quadrupeds.

    Bcs how else they smoochied inta the popular imagination without appearin' too good 'longside no darn ROBINS evry Christhistlemuss?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763356].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    If you are totally new to website development, I would
    recommend starting out with something like Wix.

    You can register your own name as a domain name
    somewhere, redirect it to Wix, and set up a site that
    looks like a resumé or use it to display your graphics
    or other work.

    Once you get the hang of things, you can do what
    DWolfe suggested. Knowing WordPress is a great
    skill to have if you plan to make money online.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764232].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey ,thanks for your reply! Ok I've been looking into building a WordPress website. It costs money not a whole lot to buy a domain name and Hosting. I am completely new to Web dev. Is with free as well as the domain name? I'd so I'd give it a go! Thinking of posting a blog about fitness and umuts sub categories and updating every week. Something to show the companies. I know some tools cost money there are free trials too, I want to practice long form keywords, linking, etc like I'm learning in my course.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764325].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

        Hey ,thanks for your reply! Ok I've been looking into building a WordPress website. It costs money not a whole lot to buy a domain name and Hosting. I am completely new to Web dev. Is with free as well as the domain name? I'd so I'd give it a go! Thinking of posting a blog about fitness and umuts sub categories and updating every week. Something to show the companies. I know some tools cost money there are free trials too, I want to practice long form keywords, linking, etc like I'm learning in my course.

        It costs around $10 per year to register a domain name.
        Some registrars charge more and some a little less, but
        that is the general price.

        Hosting for HTML sites is about $20/month. That is what
        I pay for my hosting and I have had that same hosting
        plan for 20 years.

        WordPress has gotten expensive because of the hosting.
        There was a time when you could just host your WP sites
        on any hosting, but not anymore.

        I got a deal on my latest yearly hosting plan because I did
        an upgrade to a more expensive package. If you plan to
        use WP, you will need to find something that is in your

        You can setup something free at WordPress.org, but I
        don't use that so you will need research. I think they give
        you free hosting, but there may be limitations of what you
        can put on your site, which is why I don't bother with it.

        Back in the day most of the free blogging sites did not
        allow affiliate links or ads, so I always paid for my own

        Be aware that sometimes things start off as free, and
        soon you find yourself paying a monthly or annual fee,
        because you did not want to move your websites to
        another hosting and it's easier just to pay.

        I would recommend avoiding paying for too many things
        until you start generating some income, even if it's only
        $50 a month, because those fees come around fast and
        it can cut into your budget, especially when you have
        other expenses and you are just starting out.

        I learned my basic HTML skills, things like hyperlinks,
        at HTMLGoodies.com. You should know some HTML
        whether you use WP or not.
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        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
          Hey thanks for your message. Yeah 50 is not bad. How long did it take you to hit that? I know there will be some costs involved but I'm only new so trying to not spend too much and put what I am learning into action. There are also tools like semrush which I will need to get used to using for Keyword Research and such.
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

        Hey ,thanks for your reply! Ok I've been looking into building a WordPress website. It costs money not a whole lot to buy a domain name and Hosting. I am completely new to Web dev. Is with free as well as the domain name? I'd so I'd give it a go! .
        Right now NameCheap has a sale on dot.com domains that cost $8.95 currently for a full year - https://www.namecheap.com/domains/re...PR_LO_20230801 That's not an affiliate link! or visit https://www.namecheap.com
        Namecheap has word press hosting but you have to pay for the year in advance. Dotcom domains normally cost $13.98 a year.

        Hostgator has the Hatchling plan for $3.75 a month if you are on a tight budget. Link to Hostgator - https://www.hostgator.com/

        Hope that helps.
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        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
          Ok for a domain I can use name cheap and for Hosting the hatching plan. Right now I'm just practicing what I am learning but would like to make money off of what I write in time.. I guess with ad sense, will need to look into this..
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    It's great to have a plan, just make sure that you
    leave yourself some room for flexibility.

    Fitness, nutrition and mindset are great niches,
    especially if you decide to get into affiliate

    If you need guidance or have any questions
    just post them here so someone can help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764320].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey Monetize! Thanks for your answer. I've researched on how to create a WordPress website. Though is this a good way to increase your chances of getting hired? My plan is to blog and put into action what I have been learning, though I am only beginning
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
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        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
          Hey tha ks for your reply. Out of interest did you blog or create your website on free platforms? For WordPress it's only 10$ a month and the domain name.(about 30 a yr) I'm really new to this though so learning as I go. Someone also recommended wiz. I jaut want a place to get noticed, learn which I can take with me going forward!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Jack if you go to the top toolbar in Black you will see your user name. Hover over it till you see a drop-down box. Then switch to the classic view, to quote who you are replying to. Some of us do not use the Modern version. You can always switch back between the two views.
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey ! I'm not sure if this message is easier to see? I'm "replying" to you. Right now thinking of starting to blog on medium, start a WordPress website and learn as I go, while continuing to study my dig marketing course. End goal= to build practical skills, maybe earn money online, take it with me for jobs or maybe going out on my own. Thinking health and fitness.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Regardless if someone wants to tell you about the old days, remember this...

    there are more people becoming millionaires daily than at any time in history.

    It is now easier to generate wealth than ever before.

    The goal should be to follow the money and get into something that is lucrative.

    I hear people talking about 'the good old days', yes, that was when the internet was new and a lot of suckers were falling for everything. Their honey pot dried up and they didn't have any more ideas beyond simple concepts.

    We're in a new age. People are making a ton of money. Follow the money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764447].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
    Hey guys!

    So after all of your replies which I am very grateful for , I think I have decided to start blogging on medium, create a wordpress website and link them to one another (if you can do that). I will also keep studying my dig marketing online cert.

    Why am I dong this?

    To get some practical experience, build something to show companies, make money online and keep learning as I complete my dig marketing cert.

    What do you think?

    I know a wordpress website is not too costly (about 30us per yr) for hosting and a domain name. I can probably dedicate 3-4 hrs a day to this. Hopefully that would be enough.

    All feedback welcome!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764449].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

      Hey guys!

      So after all of your replies which I am very grateful for , I think I have decided to start blogging on medium, create a wordpress website and link them to one another (if you can do that). I will also keep studying my dig marketing online cert.

      Why am I dong this?

      To get some practical experience, build something to show companies, make money online and keep learning as I complete my dig marketing cert.

      What do you think?

      I know a wordpress website is not too costly (about 30us per yr) for hosting and a domain name. I can probably dedicate 3-4 hrs a day to this. Hopefully that would be enough.

      All feedback welcome!
      Why do you need WordPress?

      WordPress is overkill for most businesses in my opinion.

      There are website builders out there that are a lot cheaper and easier to use.

      You can make a free website with google sites if you want.

      Remember, it's the content that matters. Not the flashy spinning logos and images that slide and move...and paragraphs that slide in and out...

      people are interested in your content. Content. Content.

      Don't confuse effort with results.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764450].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Why do you need WordPress?

        WordPress is overkill for most businesses in my opinion.

        There are website builders out there that are a lot cheaper and easier to use.

        You can make a free website with google sites if you want.

        Remember, it's the content that matters. Not the flashy spinning logos and images that slide and move...and paragraphs that slide in and out...

        people are interested in your content. Content. Content.

        Don't confuse effort with results.

        I agree with this 100%.

        I only setup WP if I need to use a plug-in.

        If I don't need that, I develop HTML sites.

        I can actually build an HTML site faster than a
        WP, because I tend to fiddle with the code and
        get wrapped up in all of that.

        Now when I need a WP, I hire someone else
        to develop it and save myself the headache.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764451].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

          I agree with this 100%.

          I only setup WP if I need to use a plug-in.

          If I don't need that, I develop HTML sites.

          I can actually build an HTML site faster than a
          WP, because I tend to fiddle with the code and
          get wrapped up in all of that.

          Now when I need a WP, I hire someone else
          to develop it and save myself the headache.
          Since you're good with html and building sites, you'd probably be a whiz at webflow.

          I started messing around with it a few years ago out of boredom. Even joined the group and all.

          I always thought it was a little comical how people were building these awesome sites...and still making no money.

          I remember back in the 90s I read a story about an ecommerce company that was the first company to spend over a million bucks to build their website. It had every new thing you could imagine. They went bankrupt a few months later.

          I think it was a couple of years ago Hertz sued Accenture after they had a website built. Hertz claimed the website wasn't producing. Would have to go back and look up all the details to be more accurate.

          I'm firmly convinced someone can have a portfolio on google docs and still make a lot of money...then again that's safe to say because I know some people doing it and rolling in the bucks.

          Too many times people will take forever to put a website together...then forever doing this and that. I think it's mostly a stall tactic because they know when they have everything done to what they consider perfection, they'll have to actually get out there and start selling something.

          Just start where you're at and go from there. Get a proof of concept. Tweak as you go.

          Anyways, I'm droning on. I always enjoy your comments because they make my mind think.
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          • Profile picture of the author jacktravers

            Do you think Wix could be a good option? To get your own domain it's 10euro a month.
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      • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
        Hi Good morning.

        Ok I see. Someone recommened HTML sites but I don't know how to code. I also heard Wiz being mentioned.

        So I should start with a free site at least and just start practicing.
        Do you have any recommendations?

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      • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
        Ok I am going to set up a website on wix, initially starting out a blog . I will also blog on medium. For health and fitness.

        While setting it up it wants me to have my own domain and for that I need to upgrade to premium. Cheapest is 10euro a month (light) to (business) 29euro a month. Guess the light would be ok?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Do yourself a favor on this forum - put your cursor above your name in the black toolbar abpove. You will see "view classic" in the gold 'box' - click on that and go to the classic forum view here.

    Then you can quote the person you are answering instead of multiple posts in a row with no 'target'.

    You indicated you want to 'blog' - so use Wordpress...which is a blog. There are countless FREE 'how to start a wordpress blog' online - utilize those. You do not need to know how to code to put a site online - but you need to learn to do it if you want to work online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764536].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hey Kay thank for your suggestion! I have changed to the classic view. Alright I will start on wordpress and medium then. You said you don't need to learn how to code for a website but you need to learn it to work online? If I understood your message correctly.
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  • Profile picture of the author guinemojo23
    In my opinion, Absolutely, creating your own work is a fantastic idea! It demonstrates practical skills to potential employers. Investing in tools can enhance your output quality. Consider free trials or affordable options initially. Your initiative and hands-on experience will speak volumes to companies looking for skilled digital marketers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764537].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers

      Yeah I am thinking the same thing. I will start blogging on Medium and wordpress and link medium to my wordpress site while putting into action the dig marketing skills I am learning. And continuing to study the dig marketing course. Any suggestions are always welcome!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You said you don't need to learn how to code for a website but you need to learn it to work online? If I understood your message correctly.

    No - didn't mean it that way. You never need to learn how to code to work online. You can hire someone easily if you need code written - but you probably won't need it till much later. There are many tools that make it easy to launch a blog/site.

    No, I would not recommend WIX but that's just me. I recommend using wordpress - short learning curve for a basic blog site.

    The reason for using 'classic view' is so you can quote the person you are answering - you may have to log in again for the classic style to show - not sure about that.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764561].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hi Kay!

      Ok I am going to try out blogging on Word press and see how it goes. I need to put up a lot of content. If I have any questions I will put them in here. Really appreciate all of your input!

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  • Profile picture of the author Ella Elise
    Yes, yes, yes. I am a digital marketer and I will say only one thing: you can't learn marketing fully if you don't learn it practically. Whatever you are learning, also do it practically. You are learning content marketing, start creating your own work. this way you will not only become more skilled but will also be creating a portfolio that will help you land a job
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Thanks for your answer! Right now i'm blogging and maybe i could make some videos explaining what is content marketing, so I learn it and people learn it too. But it's time consuming. Do you think a cert and blogging is enough to land a job?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11765356].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

        Thanks for your answer! Right now i'm blogging and maybe i could make some videos explaining what is content marketing, so I learn it and people learn it too. But it's time consuming. Do you think a cert and blogging is enough to land a job?
        I didn't pick up on this at first, but I see now your INTENT is to get a job. Right?

        Correct me if I get any of this wrong, OK? You are taking their Digital Marketing course which has this in bold:

        It will teach you how to grow traffic to your website in 60 days or less, starting from scratch, and how to increase sales using proven digital marketing techniques.

        So you are hoping to land a job, when you get the cert and all of this in the thread is looking for some experience?

        You might want to set aside some time every day and ask Who is hiring, and see what the provider sites have too...such as freelancer and all. To see what a contractor is getting and if they are getting any work.

        As for your blog, USE what each lesson teaches to see if it works for you, or why it doesn't.

        By the end of the course, you should have 10 or more companies lined up to offer your new found knowledge to. Of course, you will be now competing with thousands of others who have their certificates and little to no experience as well as those who have been doing IM for some time and are now competing for low paying jobs in that space.

        Look close to home for job ops, and be prepared to make a presentation to local companies who might be looking for a beginner to get cheaply. That is the main appeal you will have, being a new certificate holder.

        Learn your lessons well, APPLY them at every opportunity and maybe the INTENT will change as your grow, to be less of an employee and more of an Entrepreneur. Good luck.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11765367].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
          Hey Gordan

          Yeah my goal is to get a job. But I want to be my own boss eventually, sooner rather than later. I hope after this course I will be able to find a job to get some experience and income and progress from there. My reason for starting in this is because i could use these skills for my own business some day. Thanks for the comment!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11766718].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

        Thanks for your answer! Right now i'm blogging and maybe i could make some videos explaining what is content marketing, so I learn it and people learn it too. But it's time consuming. Do you think a cert and blogging is enough to land a job?

        Videos don't need to be overly time-consuming.

        You can get Camtasia or something similar and
        record your computer screen while you are doing
        various tasks. This is ideal for presentations,
        demonstrations, courses, etc.

        You can also use it to edit videos that you made
        using gopro or your phone.

        I suggest making videos about things that you
        actually know about. If you don't know very
        much about content marketing because you
        lack experience, how are you going to teach
        it to others.

        As to landing a job, you can get a job working
        for somebody else, or create one for yourself.
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        • Profile picture of the author jacktravers

          Yeah my goal is to get a job after the course and then eventually start my own thing.

          thanks for the comment!
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            This was covered earlier in the thread...choose a host and get started.

            Keep in mind that if you get a cheap price on a domain - it won't be that cheap when you renew next year. That's fine - by then you should be making enough money to pay your hosting and domain fees.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
            ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11777864].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Ok thank you, I am going to choose bluehost for domian and hosting where I will have my site and blog!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11777869].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
            I recommend getting your Domain from Namecheap and then pointing the server at your Bluehost account. Just an FYI nothing wrong with Bluehost, however, they want full payment upfront. While Hostgator you can make monthly payments on hosting.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11777870].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
            Hey guys! Anyone have anyone problems with widgets not showing up on my homepage after publishing them?

            For the HP menu changes update straight away.
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          • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
            Hey guys I have the sitemap enabled for my theme, I don't think I need to add any code?
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            I 'merged' your last 4 posts - made a few minutes apart. You are repeating the same questions/comments answered earlier in the thread.

            You don't NEED 'affiliate info' until you are ready to use it and you are not there yet. Focus on adding good content - lots of it - to your blog.

            Four months ago you were 'starting' your blog - now you have TWO posts. You don't need us to tell you that's not enough content. You need to focus on your blog - on good content aimed at your targeted audience - and on learning to promote your blog.

            Everything else is background noise at this point.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
            ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780426].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Ok yeah I will look to add content over the next while, while keeping it good quality. and hopefully I get traffic. This is all new so right now it is slow and i'm doing everything solo (with help from google and yt vids) but I'll keep working. I'm also using free tools like Google Keyword Planner for keywrod research and I have a trial for semrush but I'm reluctant to use it straight away. Not sure on your thoughts?

              Also anyone know how to contact wp support? Seem to be hard to get in contact with.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780535].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            You are going in circles - you ask a question - and when it's answered you just jump to another question or the same question in a different way.

            You need to pay $5 (go to 'user CP' above left - then scroll down left hand menu near the bottom and click on 'paid subscriptions') and buy a '3 line signature'. That will give you a signature on this forum where you can add a link to YOUR BLOG and start getting traffic. It might also motivate you to do the work required to build a blog.

            Also anyone know how to contact wp support? Seem to be hard to get in contact with.
            Wordpress has a support site for WP users - there are about 60 million WP blogs online. Your expectations for 'support' may not be realistic.


            EDIT: Just noticed a discussion that might add to your understanding of how to promote your blog. Might be worthwhile to read through the responses to that new marketer's questions. Dr Mani and Monetize (and others, too) offered practical advice that applies to everyone promoting a site online.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
            ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780555].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Hey Kay! I added my site url to my profile, I think you can see it now, once you click on my profile.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780693].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            I added my site url to my profile,
            I see it - kudos on the posts you have added...the 'meals' one is really good...as I was reading the list of 'diet meals' my thoughts were 'expand on that' - I was happy to see you had done that. The images and description are a great start to your blog.

            When you said 'I have two posts' - it sounded like nothing much but you have obviously worked on those posts. Keep the quality up but try to add at least a couple new posts a week.

            Keep in mind the organization of your blog. Watch for double 'headers', etc and when you are blogging - jump right into the MEAT of the subject. In other words - don't spent much time telling readers what you are 'going to tell them' in the article - just get to the important points to keep the reader's attention and keep them on the page.

            You have a good start - just keep going but keep 'organization' in mind so that the posts you are adding remain easy for readers to find....and also so you can go back to those posts later when you HAVE generated traffic to your blog....and you can add affiliate links, etc.

            My comments are from a 'visitor' viewepoint - others here may have better advice on management or organization.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
            ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780715].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

              I see it - kudos on the posts you have added...the 'meals' one is really good...as I was reading the list of 'diet meals' my thoughts were 'expand on that' - I was happy to see you had done that. The images and description are a great start to your blog.

              When you said 'I have two posts' - it sounded like nothing much but you have obviously worked on those posts. Keep the quality up but try to add at least a couple new posts a week.

              Keep in mind the organization of your blog. Watch for double 'headers', etc and when you are blogging - jump right into the MEAT of the subject. In other words - don't spent much time telling readers what you are 'going to tell them' in the article - just get to the important points to keep the reader's attention and keep them on the page.

              You have a good start - just keep going but keep 'organization' in mind so that the posts you are adding remain easy for readers to find....and also so you can go back to those posts later when you HAVE generated traffic to your blog....and you can add affiliate links, etc.

              My comments are from a 'visitor' viewepoint - others here may have better advice on management or organization.

              Thanks Kay! some things I was worrying about. When I have the page title and H1 header they both show up on the page when viewed. Is this meant to happen?

              With organization, I am trying to find a solution to group all of my "nutrition" blogs in that section etc, Right now they show up in all sections. I have asked for help on wp support.

              Also for my diet meal post it is 4k words long. But it gets cut out on the left hand side when viewed by mobile. My other post with 2k words this does not happen. Not sure why?

              Also anyone know how to bold words in the meta descrip in yoast seo?

              Also I guess with afil links and adsense it makes sense to first get a lot of traffic before worrying about these?

              Any advice is welcome everyone!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780799].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Hey Kay! I remember you mentioned not to use "double headers". What do you mean? I see the page title and H1 title both show up on the article page. Is this meant to be like this?

              Warm regards,
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11781312].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            I don't see it now so may have been corrected....previously, one page had the same title in large print repeated twice. Remember your goal is HUMAN eyes on your site so it has to make sense.

            Every page I saw on the site has the same two article titles...

            Your 'about me' is all about your path to nutrition/exercise based on sports and rehab. Yet the only content is weight loss and there is nothing that tells the reader why YOU are an expert in weight loss.

            The competition in 'diet and weight loss' is HUGE so I'd advise focusing on your experience of nutrition related to rehab and recovery.To gain traction for your blog you need content - lots of content....keep writing and adding.

            Also - look at competing sites in your niche to see how they approach 'titles' and create interest with those titles.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
            ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11781345].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

              I don't see it now so may have been corrected....previously, one page had the same title in large print repeated twice. Remember your goal is HUMAN eyes on your site so it has to make sense.

              Every page I saw on the site has the same two article titles...

              Your 'about me' is all about your path to nutrition/exercise based on sports and rehab. Yet the only content is weight loss and there is nothing that tells the reader why YOU are an expert in weight loss.

              The competition in 'diet and weight loss' is HUGE so I'd advise focusing on your experience of nutrition related to rehab and recovery.To gain traction for your blog you need content - lots of content....keep writing and adding.

              Also - look at competing sites in your niche to see how they approach 'titles' and create interest with those titles.

              Hey Kay ! so the double header thing, one of those is the H1 title and the other is the title that people see in the serps. But I don't know why it is showing up as it is. I will have to check this. Also I don't hold any kind of degree in rehab, nutrition etc just interested in it. So I try to stay within my box. But I want to add value to people and I know a thing or two about nutrition. Rehab not so much. Not sure if anyone ever had problems with articles showing up in different categories on their site yet they only put a category tag for "nutrition" for example?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11781869].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
              Just uploaded a new article on strength training. Pretty happy with this one!
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  • Profile picture of the author zbhell boy112
    best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
    Hey Guys.

    So I'm going to set up my own WP Site. I have been looking at some things and have found the following:

    Name cheap

    has WP Hosting at 82 us per yr.
    Domain name: 10us per yr



    Host gator

    45 per yr hatchling plan
    Domain 20us every year after the first yr.
    WP Included

    You can see in both Hostgator (WP pre installed) and namcheap (WP hosting) that WP is included.

    Is there a difference?
    As I see it hostgator is cheaper so maybe I could go with this?

    (what I want to do is create my own site to create work to show to companies and a blog with email newsletter).

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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    I think it would be a good idea to take in and what you have learned and when you have mastered the skills, to implent your own work and show them to companies and even explain you are going through a training and ask the companies for feedback or evalution i hope this helps ypu.

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post

      Hi guys! I have a problem with something. I am trying to create an xtml sitemap for users on my site. I have been told to go to the file manager, theme, and create a partials folder there. But I'm not sure if im doing it right or going to the right folder. I've gone to cache folder-theme and created it there (in file manager).

      IDK why a WP blog needs a sitemap, isn't that generated
      automatically? But if you really need to know, you should
      contact the theme developer to assist you.

      It is fantastic that you are taking some action, you have set
      up social media accounts, but you are doing typical beginner
      things like getting wrapped around the axle with things that
      don't even matter.

      Outgoing links need to be affiliate links, not this-is-what-I-use
      recommendations that won't generate income and only serve
      to help people leave your site.

      You want people engaged in your site, and if they click to
      leave it should be to something that pays. YOU.

      Have you signed up with any affiliate networks?

      If not, do so right away and get some weight loss products.

      Use ChatGPT to help you write engaging content, get this
      blog done and move on to the next thing.

      And ask it to help you with domain names because yours
      is much too long. A seven word domain name?

      Domain names should be easy to remember and not be

      You are on the right track, you just need to simplify your

      Good luck with your sitemap.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11779398].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
        Hey thanks for your reply. Well I would like to get affiliate links to make money but I have only posted 2 posts and my pages have only been recently indexed so I have no site traffic right now. So I was thinking of looking for affil links after i get traffic. And the domain name well i cant change that for at least another yr, that's my fault. Do you have any advice on affill links?

        Btw I have an XML sitemap for GSC just not a XML sitemap for users but my site is pretty small right now.

        Also I'm using yoast seo and its saying i should include more of my keyword in the first paragraph even though I have said it multiple times. Not sure why is this. Also 1 article I have is 4k words long while another is 2k. I guess 4k is fine?

        Also I have added alt text to my images on a post but yoast doesn't like it that the keyword is not included in the alt text. But once my alt text is describing the picture then it should be alright? For example If I have a picture of a bowl of oats I said "bowl of oats." Not "bowl of oats diet meals" "diet meals" being the keyword phrase.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
    Guys at the moment I am creating my website blog I wish to add an HTML Sitemap for users. I am having some difficulities. I have saw that I should find my theme folder in file manager and add a partial folder and within that a file with code to create one.

    But I cannot find the theme folder, (at least I found one within theme manager (cache - theme) but im not sure its the correct one or what to do afterwards to create the sitemap.

    Also would you include an image sitemap?

    I have yoast seo and there they say they include images in the XML sitemap.

    Any advice is welcome. thank you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11779404].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author art72
    This brings back a ton of memorable moments I too experienced trying to figure out all the technology and building websites...

    To this day... I still find YouTube being the BEST solution to nearly any technical difficulties you are experiencing... be it sitemaps, submitting your site(s) to be indexed by Google or even basic HTML, creating links, or what have you.

    SEO that's a more intense collection of knowledge in and of itself, whereas, one question is often answered differently depending upon who you follow.

    If anything, concentrate on creating SEO friendly content and on-page SEO such as keyword density, titles, headings, sub-headings and over time you'll learn to write blog posts, articles, or reviews that speak to the readers interests... but, have the added value of SEO scripted content to get free organic traffic from the search engines.

    Couldn't help to respond... as I took forever to get a basic grip on the technology, but as KayKing mentioned... right now, you should concentrate 80% of your efforts providing VALUE to your audience/readers interests!

    Good luck and Happy New Year!
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780560].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Hi thank you for your message. Alright I will look to add content but keeping it high quality. Hopefully the traffic comes!

      Talk soon and happy new year!
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The answer is obvious: create a portfolio NOW while going through the certification process

    At the end of the day, clients would only want to hire you if you DELIVER RESULTS

    If you're having a tough time finding clients, do FREE WORK and ask them if you can use them for your CASE STUDY

    Create case studies

    They go a longer way in SELLING your services than mere resume items or random past work
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780611].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Right now I am working on my own blog. If I was to do free work for people, do you mind any kind of company who needs dig marketing work done on their site? Or could I contact a dig marketing agency?
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  • Profile picture of the author showrav7
    It depends on you. Maybe try tools

    Originally Posted by jacktravers View Post


    Yeah my goal is to get a job after the course and then eventually start my own thing.

    thanks for the comment!
    good Luck for your goal
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11780641].message }}
  • I think using goods tools to create your own work for portfolio purpose is great. But I will suggest you to go first for the free tool if available, so that you will gain some more confidence and you will also know how the free tool is working for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Ok thank you I am using google keyword planner.
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  • Profile picture of the author VUILIVE SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author annaalford
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    • Profile picture of the author jacktravers
      Originally Posted by annaalford View Post

      When you're studying for a marketing certification it's an idea to incorporate your own projects into the curriculum. This way you can put the knowledge you've gained in class into practice and deepen your understanding and skills. Moreover having projects, in your portfolio provides employers or clients with concrete proof of your abilities, which can enhance your credibility and prospects in this competitive field. By working on projects you'll also have the opportunity to come up with ideas or insights that may not be covered in the certification program. It's a smart strategy, for furthering your digital career!
      Thanks I'm working on my own site at the moment. Trying to post each week while providing value to viewers. I have completed the certificate. Cheers!
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