Video Reviews on Amazon

Profile picture of writeboywrite
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Hey everybody!

So, I was over on Amazon and noticed something I've never seen before. In the following book's product listing, there's video reviews - which look like they're being provided by Amazon Associates (Affiliates).

(links not permitted)

From what I understand, book and product reviews that are obtained by paying the reviewer are against Amazon's terms of service.

So, here's my biggest question regarding this marketing tactic:

How did the author or team behind the author find these people willing to do the video book review and upload it onto the book's product page?

I thought perhaps it was influencer marketing and they used an influencer marketing platform - but these reviews have to be obtained WITHOUT paying the reviewer ...

So how the heck did these people get found, approached, and closed in order to get their video reviews?
#amazon #reviews #video
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Claude Whitacre
    Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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    Originally Posted by writeboywrite View Post

    Hey everybody!

    So, I was over on Amazon and noticed something I've never seen before. In the following book's product listing, there's video reviews - which look like they're being provided by Amazon Associates (Affiliates).

    (links not permitted)

    From what I understand, book and product reviews that are obtained by paying the reviewer are against Amazon's terms of service.

    So, here's my biggest question regarding this marketing tactic:

    How did the author or team behind the author find these people willing to do the video book review and upload it onto the book's product page?

    I thought perhaps it was influencer marketing and they used an influencer marketing platform - but these reviews have to be obtained WITHOUT paying the reviewer ...

    So how the heck did these people get found, approached, and closed in order to get their video reviews?
    The reviews are done by purchasers of the book. They are customers. Lots of video reviews are done every day by the readers.

    These reviews are not paid for.

    For whatever reason, some people just like reviewing books, and some like doing it with video. I suppose it's the idea that video reviews show up first, and it gives the reviewer a chance to bask in the author's celebrity. And if they are on video, it makes them feel good.

    I've had hundreds of reviews on my books, and have never paid for a single one. And I've reviewed hundreds of books myself. Never been paid a dime.

    Some authors just have fans. And video reviews are easy to do.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
    • Profile picture of the author writeboywrite
      Profile picture of writeboywrite
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      These aren't regular book reviews. I am sure of it. As the other commentor suggested, they are from Amazon influencers.

      I know a lot of authors on KDP, and some with hundreds and even thousands of reviews - but nobody has video book reviews.

      (I am not suggesting that NOBODY has them, but most do not.)

      And again, these are not in the regular book review section.



      Once I realized it's Amazon Influencers I should have just done a search for "how to find Amazon influencers in my niche." LOL

      Anyway, thank you for your reply!

      Will Blesch
      VSL copywriter

    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Profile picture of agmccall
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      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      The reviews are done by purchasers of the book. They are customers. Lots of video reviews are done every day by the readers.

      These reviews are not paid for.

      They actually could be paid for. A while back I noticed on Fiverr that people doing paid reviews would, add as an option/upsell the cost of the product in their review fee so they could purchase the product/book. That way the review would show "Verified Purchase"


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
        Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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        Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

        They actually could be paid for. A while back I noticed on Fiverr that people doing paid reviews would, add as an option/upsell the cost of the product in their review fee so they could purchase the product/book. That way the review would show "Verified Purchase"

        Fiverr used to have people who sold book reviews. Amazon deletes these reviews, and can even delete your book listing if you keep paying for reviews.

        Another thing Amazon is cracking down on is having authors review each others books. If they see a pattern of you reviewing books where your book reviews also show up...the reviews could be deleted.

        Originally Posted by writeboywrite View Post

        That's pretty much what I thought. (By the way, I didn't realize I couldn't post links, so the book that I am talking about is "The ChatGPT Millionaire" by Neil Dagger.)
        Weird. I've seen thousands of Amazon sales pages, and this is the first one I've seen with a separate video section above the other reviews saying "Videos for this product". Usually the video reviews are just at the top of the reviews section, then the images, then the written reviews.

        Something I'll have to look into. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

        Added later; I just went to the sales pages of several best selling Amazon books. They all have the same video section. It must be a newer feature.

        I also noticed that these sales pages have an identical format .

        Added later later; I just went to the Amazon Influencer page. You earn 4.5% on physical book sales that are bought through your link, just like any amazon affiliate. (If I understad it correctly)
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Profile picture of Monetize
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    Originally Posted by writeboywrite View Post

    Hey everybody!

    So, I was over on Amazon and noticed something I've never seen before. In the following book's product listing, there's video reviews - which look like they're being provided by Amazon Associates (Affiliates).

    (links not permitted)

    From what I understand, book and product reviews that are obtained by paying the reviewer are against Amazon's terms of service.

    So, here's my biggest question regarding this marketing tactic:

    How did the author or team behind the author find these people willing to do the video book review and upload it onto the book's product page?

    I thought perhaps it was influencer marketing and they used an influencer marketing platform - but these reviews have to be obtained WITHOUT paying the reviewer ...

    So how the heck did these people get found, approached, and closed in order to get their video reviews?

    The videos are posted by participants in the Amazon Influencer Program.

    Influencers get paid commissions if someone watches their video and buys the product.

    You need to have social media followers in order to be accepted into the program.

    You can read all about it on Amazon.

    Google "Amazon Influencer Program" and the Amazon link should be first in the search results.
    • Profile picture of the author writeboywrite
      Profile picture of writeboywrite
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      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      The videos are posted by participants in the Amazon Influencer Program.

      Influencers get paid commissions if someone watches their video and buys the product.

      You need to have social media followers in order to be accepted into the program.

      You can read all about it on Amazon.

      Google "Amazon Influencer Program" and the Amazon link should be first in the search results.
      That's pretty much what I thought. (By the way, I didn't realize I couldn't post links, so the book that I am talking about is "The ChatGPT Millionaire" by Neil Dagger.)

      If you check that book's listing, the dude has some major marketing stuff going on that most other authors on Amazon have little to zero clue about or how to accomplish.

      The thing that's throwing ME is how he's finding the Amazon influencers, and then how he is approaching, and getting them to do a video review.



      Once I realized it's Amazon Influencers I should have just done a search for "how to find Amazon influencers in my niche." LOL

      Anyway, thank you for your reply!

      Will Blesch
      VSL copywriter

      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Profile picture of Monetize
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        Originally Posted by writeboywrite View Post

        That's pretty much what I thought. (By the way, I didn't realize I couldn't post links, so the book that I am talking about is "The ChatGPT Millionaire" by Neil Dagger.)

        If you check that book's listing, the dude has some major marketing stuff going on that most other authors on Amazon have little to zero clue about or how to accomplish.

        The thing that's throwing ME is how he's finding the Amazon influencers, and then how he is approaching, and getting them to do a video review.

        I did not see any videos on this product page, I only
        saw the pictures in the buyers reviews.

        The influencer videos I am referring to are placed
        prominently towards the top of the product page, for
        example they might make a video about a particular
        appliance that is featured on that appliance page.

        They tend to do videos about higher priced products
        since they get a percentage of the sale.

        I don't think this author is doing anything extravagant
        other than placing some HTML in his description box.
        I have seen this done on other book listings.

        He is probably paying for his book to be promoted
        on the Amazon site, because he has sold at least
        two thousand books and that is commendable.

        I've read some user comments about the process
        Amazon uses to inform influencers which products
        they want videos for, but that may have changed.

        If I were you, I would contact Amazon support and
        address those questions to them.
  • Profile picture of the author professionaltraffic
    Profile picture of professionaltraffic
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    Originally Posted by writeboywrite View Post

    Hey everybody!

    So, I was over on Amazon and noticed something I've never seen before. In the following book's product listing, there's video reviews - which look like they're being provided by Amazon Associates (Affiliates).

    (links not permitted)

    From what I understand, book and product reviews that are obtained by paying the reviewer are against Amazon's terms of service.

    So, here's my biggest question regarding this marketing tactic:

    How did the author or team behind the author find these people willing to do the video book review and upload it onto the book's product page?

    I thought perhaps it was influencer marketing and they used an influencer marketing platform - but these reviews have to be obtained WITHOUT paying the reviewer ...

    So how the heck did these people get found, approached, and closed in order to get their video reviews?
    Hello, in my opinion, video reviews will give sellers and customers an overall view of the positive and negative aspects of a product that customers have experienced. Video reviews, I think, are is the most fair way to evaluate a product that all suppliers and sellers need to acknowledge. Thanks for your post
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Profile picture of Monetize
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by professionaltraffic View Post

      Hello, in my opinion, video reviews will give sellers and customers an overall view of the positive and negative aspects of a product that customers have experienced. Video reviews, I think, are is the most fair way to evaluate a product that all suppliers and sellers need to acknowledge. Thanks for your post

      Someone being compensated for a sale is not going
      to give a fair review, by video or otherwise.

      They are going to feature the positive aspects of the
      thing, and gloss over anything negative.

      If you were trying to sell something, are you going
      to tell people that it's really a piece of junk?

      Let's say you were trying to sell a puppy. You are
      going to advertise it as cute, cuddly, warm, friendly,
      protective, etc.

      You're not going to tell people about the countless
      hours they will spend cleaning up you know what.
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Profile picture of Monetize
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    I apologize OP.

    I couldn't see the videos because I was using a pop-up blocker.

    Please forgive.
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