How do I get shown as a price platform in search results?

1 replies
I own an online booking platform that allows customers to book a venue for their event, whether it's for a conference, wedding, or anything else. In the US, it's similar to Peerspace. I've noticed that my main competitor is being shown in google search results as a price portal for nearly all venue-related search terms. We are a bit larger in the market and generally ahead in terms of SEO.

I was wondering how to get displayed as a price portal.

Do you know if it has anything to do with Google My Business or Schema?

Thanks alot in advance!
#platform #price #results #search #shown
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    is there not a search v=facility in goggle, anything that i dont know, i use ai, or even outsource for someone else to investegte, but it might cost you a price, but not that much

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