Treat It Like A Business
course on laying the groundwork of internet marketing. I created
everything up until day 7 and then kind of put the rest on the back
I decided to share day 1 here. I hope you find some value in it. If you
want a pdf version of this article, I attached it to this post.
Treat It Like A Business
If you are looking for an easy way to make a lot of money, go
buy a lottery ticket. A common theme that I keep seeing people
ask about is "How can I make easy money online?" Or some
very close variation of that. Keyword being "easy".
Look, there is work involved in this business. If I told you how
many hours I've spent learning about marketing you probably
wouldn't believe me. And with the amount of money I've spent to
learn marketing, I could have bought a brand new 5 series BMW.
Internet Marketing is serious stuff. If you are going to half
ass everything you can expect half ass results. If you want to
make serious money in IM then you need to treat it like a business.
I want to also point out that there is a difference between
doing business and playing business. So many people play
business and yet in their mind they are doing business. When I
say "doing business", I mean actual work that gets done.
And when I say work, I mean work that is part of the overall big
picture. Work that will put money in your pocket. I do not mean
spending 2 days trying to make a header for your website. Or
spending weeks trying to come up with some clever logo. That is
playing business.
So many people think they can just spend a few hours online and
make $100,000 a year. Is it possible? Absolutely! Will it happen
if you are completely new to marketing, selling, getting traffic
to your website, and all of the other things involved in
internet marketing? No. In fact, this type of mentality, to me,
is insulting to the people that have put in the time and effort
to learn what it takes to be successful online.
This goes for any area of your life. You wouldn't walk into a
job interview with no experience and tell the interviewer that
you want to be the CEO and you aren't looking to put in the
time and effort to learn the company. What do you think would
happen if you tried that? You'd get laughed at.
If you play sports, you don't go to your first practice ever
and tell the coach you want to be on the first line. Again,
you'd get laughed at. And told to take a hike.
Life Doesn't Work That Way
In most cases you have to put in the time and the effort. You
just don't wake up successful at something. Sure, you may end
up being a natural and it may come easy to you. But, you will
still have a learning curve. Even if it does come natural,
again, you won't wake up an expert. You won't wake up with
$100,000 sitting in your account.
Look, I'm not saying you can't make a lot of money fast.
After all, who the hell wants to make slow money. But the fact
of the matter is, in order to build a long term income, it is
going to take some time.
There are certain habits you need to acquire. Habits that will
be conducive to you succeeding online. You are not going to make
$100,000 with $20,000 a year habits. Please remember that. Just
like any other area of your life, you need to work at it to be
successful. So thinking IM is any different is just plain
There are many different areas of IM that you will either need
to learn yourself or outsource. In the grand scheme of things it
all comes down to getting traffic. Converting that traffic.
Then testing to raise your conversions.
But, if you were to zoom in and look into those 3 words, there
is so much more going on. There are so many ways to get traffic.
So many ways to test different things to increase your
To learn all of those things takes time. Or, you can pay someone
to do it for you. But there is two problems with that. First,
you may not have any extra money to outsource. Second, if you
outsource everything you won't have a finger on the pulse of
your business. You'll be flying in the dark. Without
So it's in your best interest to know a little bit about
everything. Enough to keep things in check. Enough to have an
idea of what's going on. Enough that you don't get screwed
Again, this all takes time. It takes....
So if you have this vision of sitting around hitting a few
buttons on your keyboard and then counting all of the money
you make, stop right now. Don't even bother.
Succeeding online takes time. It takes commitment. It takes
focus. You will have to learn new things. You will get
frustrated. Hell, you'll probably want to give up at some
But if you stick with it and keep on plugging away and learn
from your mistakes, you will succeed.
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