How to advertise or reach people of high class as Luxury Vacation Rental?

Francisco Pizarro
Profile picture of Francisco Pizarro
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
I have been tasked with marketing some short rental Luxury villa in Caesarea, Israel
Tried listing it on Airbnb and Booking and create a website with google ads campaign
But months passed and I find little success, the war is a factor but I think the main reason why is due the high price
How to reach and advertise to the upper 1% - 5% or what channels they use?
I need to break into the luxury market
#advertise #class #high #luxury #people #reach #rental #vacation
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Profile picture of savidge4
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Francisco Pizarro View Post

    I have been tasked with marketing some short rental Luxury villa in Caesarea, Israel
    Tried listing it on Airbnb and Booking and create a website with google ads campaign
    But months passed and I find little success, the war is a factor but I think the main reason why is due the high price
    How to reach and advertise to the upper 1% - 5% or what channels they use?
    I need to break into the luxury market
    People in the 1 to 5% category do not book their Airbnb's, they have people that do that for them.

    The first thing I would do is compare your Listing vs others on the platform ( Airbnb ) They will be doing something you are not - its probably that simple.

    I have never looked at the back end of Airbnb... can you see how many impressions your listing has gotten? If the impressions are minimal... there are 3ish 4 variables you need to look at. The Price, and I would not be concerned with that to start. The PHOTO - probably the most important, the primary bold title "Apartment in Jerusalem" as an example, and then the by line below - "Brand new gem with a garden in Talbyeh" being an example.

    If you look at Israel specifically there are only 90 properties listed. Look specifically at the listings with the "Super Host" tag and figure out how your listing is differnt. Again little to no clicks on the listing work on the 4 variables listed... You have clicks... You need to look again at the collection of photos, and the text that describes the property.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Profile picture of savidge4
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ok so I found the listing... The photo isnt bad.

    The title: "Entire home in Caesarea" maybe "Private Villa in Caesarea".

    I would say the description is written more for Architecture Magazine than it is describing the property.

    Fully furnished... Is the kitchen "Stocked" how many sq feet is the property. Is the "Office" all equipped and ready for remote work?

    Pool table, exercise room Pool and Jacuzzi...

    You need to answer all of the questions a person would ask if they are going to stay there.

    Pictures may speak 1000 words... but people want to see it in writting as well.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
  • Profile picture of the author Asif345
    Profile picture of Asif345
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i think you should use linkedin automation tool
  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Profile picture of Moodesburn1977
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can try hosting exclusive events for people in this type of market and collobrating with luxury brands or even infulencers in this market

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
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    I think that blogging and you tubing will be a good way to geo targeting and getting traffic I.e leads .

    You can also start a face book fan page to compliment the other 2 ..

    I highly recommend blogging though .
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Profile picture of writeaway
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Step 1: figure out your target buyer persona

    Step 2: Figure out where they hang out online (free sources of traffic)

    Step 3: Figure out WHO they find credible - reach out to these people re brand deals (many are cheap or even free!)

    Step 4: Figure out the type of content they prefer - create these or crowdsource it for close to free
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Profile picture of DABK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You advertise in 'places' like this: a publication for Chicago's richest suburbs.

    Or the Rob Report
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As your natchrl Princess, I gotta tellya luxury vacationstuffs comes at a price.

    Bcs if'n I swankyin' out all excloosive on a delish royalty ticket ... an' then crowds of doobious no-hopers show ... my luxury balloons kinda burst.

    That is why you gotta charge at least 10x the gowin' rate before you even considah layin' on special biscuits or scented pampahstuffs.

    Bcs luxury ALWAYS means my friends can't afford this, my neighbors can't afford this, an' FFS prolly I cain't afford this ... which is why I want it so bad.

    Also, throw in sum kinda high viz concierge who don't appear to do nuthin'.

    An' bill for his or her ass by the millisecond.

    Remembah: Luxury is only for the select few, or'n evrywan would be dowin' it.

    Why, evin the AIR in this place has its own unique an' sought aftah charactah (check Savidge here for the importance of writin' that all out).

    An' evin' peein' ain't like you nevah experienced it before!

    Bcs this is how the elite pee!

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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