How to buy links from influencers

5 replies
Hello, I hope you're all doing well!

You've probably all seen and perhaps used types of pages for listing your offers and other links in your social media bio sections.

I was wondering if you might share any ideas or suggestions about ways to finding micro-influencers and paying them to put one's own link in their bio and sharing it with their followers?

Is there software out there that helps one find micro-influencers who would sell links in their social bios?

Any helpful suggestions are most appreciated.

Thank you!
#buy #influencers #links
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK

    Never used them, , not an affiliate, but they exist.

    Originally Posted by josephs View Post

    Hello, I hope you're all doing well!

    You've probably all seen and perhaps used types of pages for listing your offers and other links in your social media bio sections.

    I was wondering if you might share any ideas or suggestions about ways to finding micro-influencers and paying them to put one's own link in their bio and sharing it with their followers?

    Is there software out there that helps one find micro-influencers who would sell links in their social bios?

    Any helpful suggestions are most appreciated.

    Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoNerd
    You got the title wrong there, I was wondering buy links from influencers, how?

    But yeah you're basically going to reach out to them for a free product/free post trade especially if they are micro (i.e they are under 100k follower)

    You're best handpicking them by just searching thru social media .... as most you'll find on any influencers' platform (which you can easily thru google)... they will require some form of payment and your product shipped to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    I'd say reach out to them using multiple avenues, like email, social media, postal, and phone. Make a long term deal with them instead of just a link in bio. If they are happy with your products, they will push it forward for years. Give them a good cut of profits, and work for their audience.

    It needs to be worth their time, since they are in high demand as people. This is such a valuable marketing strategy if done consistently.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author shasmas
    Consider using social media monitoring tools or influencer marketing platforms to locate micro-influencers. Alternatively, you can manually search social platforms for individuals with high engagement rates. Once you've identified potential influencers, negotiate collaboration terms directly with them.
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  • Maybe someone here have had successful experience with micro influencers? Could u share some link please?
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