what type of content should i write as a beginner in affiliate marketing ?

13 replies
hello guys , i want some advices about the type of content should i start with, i'm in health and beauty niche when i use seo tools i found that popular topics has high competition, i'm confused should i go with big headling regardless of the competition and build high qualite content at first, or is traffic more important so going for subtopics like best shampoo..that has less competition and maybe high volume sometimes
#affiliate #beginner #content #marketing #type #write
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    What I usually do is check the YouTube comment sections or forums or face book groups or Quora to see what people are talking about and what they are interested in .

    I figure out which keywords I want to use after I start the writing process .

    After you choose a topic or sub topic you should be able to figure out which key words you want to use or you can figure it out after you start . drafting your post .

    I'll advise you not to focus too much on keywords during the writing process so that you can flow naturally .

    Don't focus on word count either and I'll explain why .

    If you are able to get your point across writing a 600 word post do it but if you are not alternate and keep writing until you drive your message home
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    • Profile picture of the author Mc Luka
      thank you, you mean focusing on content quality more important than the keywords research at first
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Check out Bruce Clay on keywords or Backlinko. Or both. You'll learn how to choose the right keywords (you choose keywords based on intent, competition and such).

    You need to go for keywords where you can make it to the top 3 positions.

    First website in search results gets about 30% of the possible visitors;
    #2 gets 12%
    #3 gets 8%
    till you get to #9, which gets a tad above 1% and #10 which gets a bit more than 2% (last items on the page is more noticeable than the previous one).

    Page 2 and down get a teeny tiny number of clicks.

    So, you want to be on page 1. Depending on how many searches there are, you might benefit enough for your purposes if you're #9. For most keywords, you need to be #1.

    Don't shy away from keywords with next to 0 searches, if they're good keywords (buying keywords). If you rank #1 for 200 keywords with 1-10 searches, you will have visitors.

    By the way, go to Google keyword planner, have it search keywords based on your url (then for each each of your pages you want to rank). Google will bring you keywords in the order of importance (i.e., if the first result is, for instance, click here, Google thinks the content on the page best matches the search: click here, even if your site is about invisible blue sneakers.

    Originally Posted by Mc Luka View Post

    hello guys , i want some advices about the type of content should i start with, i'm in health and beauty niche when i use seo tools i found that popular topics has high competition, i'm confused should i go with big headling regardless of the competition and build high qualite content at first, or is traffic more important so going for subtopics like best shampoo..that has less competition and maybe high volume sometimes
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    • Profile picture of the author Mc Luka
      thank you, i understand from your words that i need to go for subtopics that has low competition even with low volume ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kingshouse
    Give the market what it wants.

    Search articles already out there and remember to write for people not the bots. I know this sounds counter intuitive but I have written articles based on just a keyword as well as written articles based on PROBLEMS in the niche.

    I find the problem solving articles are better as you are not writing for the bots but the people with problems in your niche. You want to offer them solutions as that is why they are searching online. The keywords they use is just an indication of the problem and not the solution to their problem.

    Once people are reading your articles the bots will follow.

    Am I saying don't bother with keywords...long chain or short chain? No. I am simply saying Find a problem in your niche and write about it.

    The people with the problem will enter those problem keywords and they will see you can actually help them with their problem.

    Ask this question. If they get to read my article because of my keywords what next? Are you going to keep wondering what keywords they are using?

    Jamell made a very good point there when he said he reads the comments on YT. If you follow that advice you will not lack what to write on!

    Try top blogs with the same strategy.

    Find out what is trending and ask why. The why is usually the problem that product solved and not the keywords that lead to it.

    All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Mc Luka View Post

    hello guys , i want some advices about the type of content should i start with, i'm in health and beauty niche when i use seo tools i found that popular topics has high competition, i'm confused should i go with big headling regardless of the competition and build high qualite content at first, or is traffic more important so going for subtopics like best shampoo..that has less competition and maybe high volume sometimes

    If you are confused about what you should do for your affiliate
    marketing business, then you need to take the time to learn.

    This isn't something you learn through forum posts.

    And based on your comment, you also need to learn how to
    write and proofread.

    Nobody is going to read your poorly written content regardless
    of what it's about.

    Even if you hire someone to write for you, or use AI to generate
    your content, you still need to know enough to edit that work.

    Affiliate marketing, content marketing, etc. might not be a good
    fit for you. There are other ways to make money online.

    Good luck to you because it's not easy, and if you're not willing
    to put in the effort, it's probably not going to work for you, and
    others like you.
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  • Profile picture of the author deltahost
    Very interesting, I recently opened a very similar (https://www.warriorforum.com/search-...ur-website.htm) topic on this forum and no one looked at it)))

    If I answer your question, it is not clear what you mean by "type of content"? Content can be divided into commercial and informational (encyclopedic) and then subdivided...
    In your question you did not write - what is your website about? Do you tell people about beauty / provide cosmetology services / sell goods for cosmetologists / sell cosmetology goods for home use? Look at how many possible "types" of content on one topic, of course it will be different. If you know a website that you would like to repeat (someone else's) or be similar to it, this will simplify the understanding of the readers what you would like.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    You can get a thousand ideas by researching long tail keywords, and you can write good content by improving it with AI. Build up a good writing routine, and you could go on endlessly for many months or years. It will take time, which means seeing results after about a year or so would mean that it is successful.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well this its a competitive niche and yea popular terms are very hard to dive in
    I think you should use a keyword tool and search for keywords in your niche that are not so competitive and search for long tail keywords ,this are keywords with more than 3 or 4 words for example : weight loss diet for moms working at home .
    Also i think you should diversify your content by using social media ,short videos etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Mc Luka View Post

    hello guys , i want some advices about the type of content should i start with, i'm in health and beauty niche when i use seo tools i found that popular topics has high competition, i'm confused should i go with big headling regardless of the competition and build high qualite content at first, or is traffic more important so going for subtopics like best shampoo..that has less competition and maybe high volume sometimes
    You probably don't want to hear this, but simply churning out content based on popular keywords will get you precisely nowhere. You'd just be one voice in a sea of identikit articles with nothing to set you apart from the rest.

    As a beginner - presumably without a sizeable following - your best bet is to select a product or a range of matching products, buy them and use them. Then write a review about your experience and create videos showing the products being used.

    If you do that, the keywords will appear naturally throughout the content, but crucially, you'll be providing potential buyers with something that's actually useful while building trust and authority.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      You probably don't want to hear this, but simply churning out content based on popular keywords will get you precisely nowhere. You'd just be one voice in a sea of identikit articles with nothing to set you apart from the rest.

      As a beginner - presumably without a sizeable following - your best bet is to select a product or a range of matching products, buy them and use them. Then write a review about your experience and create videos showing the products being used.

      If you do that, the keywords will appear naturally throughout the content, but crucially, you'll be providing potential buyers with something that's actually useful while building trust and authority.
      An' herein lies the myth of the AI sinkhole.

      tbh too much marketin' GO-AHEAD stuffs relies on the tribute band mythology.

      "Words that have done well."

      "Proven strategies."

      It is as if nowan evah read a dickschnry an' read what INTEREST means.

      Without the glory of surprise, eyes go sleep steada prickin' up.

      How many times does yr dinnah gotta be regurgitated fore'n you quit eatin' the fkr?

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790263].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Mc Luka View Post

    hello guys , i want some advices about the type of content should i start with, i'm in health and beauty niche when i use seo tools i found that popular topics has high competition, i'm confused should i go with big headling regardless of the competition and build high qualite content at first, or is traffic more important so going for subtopics like best shampoo..that has less competition and maybe high volume sometimes
    This is the thought process that is played out across the internet when trying to figure out what terms to start with... and the advice is always the same "High Traffic" terms. I would oh more than argue this is the worst advice you can follow.

    Just looking at Google as an example.... The moment you post content on your site and the Google spider finds you... the clock starts ticking... what clock is that you ask? I call it the DA ( Domain Authority ) clock. In an absolute nutshell this is a score of your sites ability to #1 provide meaningful content, and #2 the ability to provide content that ranks well. I know saying this I may get some flack... oh no no is what they will say.

    I have been in this game for way to long... if you start with low traffic low competition words and can rank well... as you progress to harder and harder terms, life is much easier. You have "proven" to google you can ( again ) #1 provide meaningful content, and #2 provide content that ranks

    Starting fresh you will NEVER rank for a high volume, high traffic, ton of competition terms it simply wont happen... and its not that it wont happen in the next few months... it wont happen over the next few years. IF you are lucky, after years ou might finally get a break, and things will hit.

    So as an example dont go after "WordPress" as a key word term, go for something very specific like "OceanWP theme for WordPress" Pull up the 2 searches and there are 2,560,000,000 results for "Wordpress" and 284,000 results for "OceanWP theme for WordPress" You stand not a chance ranking for "Wordpress" and a heck of a good chance ranking for "OceanWP theme for WordPress"

    The idea here is to get top 10 ranked pages in the very beginning... for very low competition terms... get a few of these and then produce content that targets slightly harder terms, and RANK... and again slightly harder and again and again. You are basically proving thru ranked pages to Googles algorithm, that you ( and again ) #1 provide meaningful content, and #2 provide content that ranks.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • @Mc Luka,

    Valuable pieces of SEO-centric advice in this thread.
    From a balanced range of perspectives, too.

    But SEO isn't always the "best" traffic generation strategy. Especially for beginners.

    So let's dial this down to foundational levels, for risk management purposes.
    • And to do this, I start with perspective clarity:

    ** Let's say I'm a beginner in affiliate marketing.
    ** Let's say I have little to no modern business development experience.
    ** Let's say I can work, part time on my affiliate marketing business.
    ** Let's say for this, I can tap a small share of a sustainable income stream.
    ** And let's say I'm ready and willing to do this for a year or so.

    So now the question becomes:
    • Is SEO really the "best"[1] affiliate marketing strategy for my "target niche"[2], across my "target geos"[3], for my "ideal audience"[4]?

    1: Qualifiers I set based on given persona for this contextual "best" are positive levels of the strategy's accessibility, sustainability, and scalability.
    2: I think of competitiveness when hearing "target niche".
    3: I think of sustainability and scalability for "target geos".
    4: I think of conversions and growth potential when talking about "ideal audiences".

    So if my affiliate marketing business is in the health and beauty industry, then:
    • I also have the option to niche down further to a micro group (within my ideal audience), in a micro area (within my target geo).
    ** This allows me to identify matching "local influencers"[5] and platforms[6] with accessible promotional deals.

    5: bloggers, vloggers, social media publishers, etc. in target micro areas
    6: private ads, sponsored posts, etc. across ideal niche networks

    I think this simplifies the range of strategies for the supplied persona.
    • And because of this alternative option -- I can do the following with more simplicity and clarity (which I need to do anyway with or without SEO):

    ** I can focus on sales funnel development, CTRO (click-thru rate optimization), and CRO (conversion rate optimization).

    It's also faster to fail with this strategy, than a SEO-centric approach.
    • After all, you can follow this sequential workflow (and each component is fully manipulable to best suit time and ad spend budgets):

    ** Start with say three lead capture pages, each with a particular opt-in offer plus a unique style / approach to convert leads.
    ** Send traffic to each from equal ad airtime levels from influencer X.
    ** Build a subscriber list while finding out what works.
    ** Scale what works. Drop those that don't.
    ** Adjust accordingly. Build and test strategies with viable growth potential.

    Besides, this strategy is based on this evergreen technique for generating traffic:
    ** Find out what and where your customers are up to, where and who they listen to.
    ** Think of how and why they do that.
    ** Design your content. Place it there.
    ** Evaluate your results. Tweak and scale accordingly.
    ** Explore growth and expansion opportunities. Test 'em out.

    I hope this helps. Cheers!
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    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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