What is online reputation management (ORM)

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Just thought I'd share this. Some think online reputation is "reverse SEO" or just removing bad reviews.

Yes, SEO is part, but there more to it; Yes, it MIGHT be possible to remove reviews, but ONLY if they violate the site's TOS.

Basically, it mitigates damage done to an individual's or business's online reputation. The best approach to negative, misleading, inaccurate, or damaging content, is suppressing the visibility of harmful material in search results. ORM repair aims to cultivate a positive online presence that accurately represents the client's true character, expertise, and values.

It includes:
Research--set a strategy based on goals of the brand or individual, and evaluating the problem.
Platforms--update and create new platforms, especially forums and those that are industry specific.
Content--create excellent content, such as blogs, articles, posts, videos, photos, presentations, and share.
Repeat--the key is constant updates, pivoting and adding new posts.
#management #online #orm #reputation
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    These days reviews are everything, people buy from brands.
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