Keeping track of your Enemies (Oops, I mean COMPETITION!)...Do You Watch Them Like A Hawk?

Profile picture of acrasial
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16 replies
It has come to my attention in another thread asking how to find articles based on view counts, to ask this question:

How do you keep track of your competition?
#competitiondo #enemies #hawk #keeping #oops #track #watch
  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Midas3 Consulting
    Profile picture of Midas3 Consulting
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    Apart from initial competitive analysis, I pay little attention to competition in various niches, I find spending our time on more promotion and keeping abreast of proven tested improvements in various sales techniques more lucrative than worrying about every tweak competitors make.
  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta
    Profile picture of GoGetta
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    It depends on the project!

    If its a new niche I am diving into on Clickbank for example, I would initially look at the top dogs, see what they are doing, map out a plan of attack and then put all my focus into playing out that plan of attack to the best of my ability!

    I never look at what they are doing after! I focus on myself and whats working for me! But there are online projects where spying on the competition is needed always!

  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Profile picture of acrasial
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Another old thread dug up. THIS IS ALSO SOMETHING I AM NOTICING ON THE FORUM, and I am not the only one noticing it, and I am also not the only one who is dissatisfied with that, as there have been threads by other warriors commenting on this very occurrence.

    I guess I am CRAZY for noticing these things, and I am crazy to think that these things would be handled or managed finally in one way or another, so that this forum can get back to being the best forum it can be.
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    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Profile picture of JayXtreme
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      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      Another old thread dug up. THIS IS ALSO SOMETHING I AM NOTICING ON THE FORUM, and I am not the only one noticing it, and I am also not the only one who is dissatisfied with that, as there have been threads by other warriors commenting on this very occurrence.

      I guess I am CRAZY for noticing these things, and I am crazy to think that these things would be handled or managed finally in one way or another, so that this forum can get back to being the best forum it can be.
      You're not crazy.. I noticed it too.. and it is a little annoying, in fact, I started the thread about it last week.



      Bare Murkage.........

      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Profile picture of acrasial
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        Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

        You're not crazy.. I noticed it too.. and it is a little annoying, in fact, I started the thread about it last week.



        Yup I saw that thread. Lots of things are going on in this forum. According to people in the "off topic" section, I can't change things here! So I guess complaining about it is all people can do? Lovely.
        The Wait Is Almost Over...

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        • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
          Profile picture of JayXtreme
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          Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

          Yup I saw that thread. Lots of things are going on in this forum. According to people in the "off topic" section, I can't change things here! So I guess complaining about it is all people can do? Lovely.
          2 things pop into my head...

          The off-topic forum is a whole different place, best not to go there. Like an alternate dimension.

          And the other thing was, your suggestion in the OT forum was a bit of a bad idea... Well-intentioned, but bad all the same



          Bare Murkage.........

      • Profile picture of the author Thomas
        Profile picture of Thomas
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        Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

        ...I started the thread about it last week.
        Sounds interesting. Somebody should dig that up...

      • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
        Profile picture of KarlWarren
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        Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

        You're not crazy.. I noticed it too.. and it is a little annoying, in fact, I started the thread about it last week.


        In 3 months, I have a feeling we'll be seeing the thread again
        eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
  • Profile picture of the author sellingmanagerebay
    Profile picture of sellingmanagerebay
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    I don't like calling them competitors, because I learn a lot from them. I often visit their sites and if i like their methods I also try to adapt it as well. I am more interested in how they do things to become successful on what they do.
  • Profile picture of the author jennypitts
    Profile picture of jennypitts
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    I am seeing that a lot as well. And if other Warriors notice, the first person to comment on the old thread is more often than not a newbie with less than 20 posts. And are often looking for simple threads they can answer without having to elaborate too much on the topic. NOW, I am not trying to make anyone feel bad or anything, but give them a break : 0, they are in the process of learning. And what may seem like OLD news to us is DARN good news to them.

    Oh, and before I forget about the poll, I do not care what anyone else is doing. I concentrate on my strategies, try to improve on them and SURGE!!! Way too much to do to be worrying about others...
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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    People waste far to much time wondering what their competition does.. If they would spend just half that time on their own business they would see that they would double their productivity and income...

    Edit: Like Steven, I need to pay closer attention to dates ... I see now this is an old thread...

  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    Christophe Young
    Profile picture of Christophe Young
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    Not really.

    Besides, you never really know who is making money and who is really successful.

    I would rather spend time testing and finding things that work for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    Joe Benjamin
    Profile picture of Joe Benjamin
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    I could care less.

    I enjoy making money on my terms based on what
    I want to do...not what some other business person

    How long did it take you to write this poll by the

    I'm not sure how it's productive to care so much
    about what other people are doing...I doubt very
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