Need Help With Digital Delivery Systems

5 replies
Hey guys. If this is in the wrong sub forum, please feel free to move it to where it belongs. I'll try to make this brief.

Since 2006, I have been using DLGuard to deliver digital products. Recently, Hostgator upgraded to PHO 8 and DLGuard no longer works and Sam appears to be MIA. I just hope he's okay. He's a great guy.

Anyway, I need a new digital delivery system. I've read there are some free plugins for Wordpress that will handle this. Does anybody have any familiarity with these? If not, is there something you can recommend?

I prefer it to be something made by a major company, like a Hostgator, that I know isn't going to go out of business.

Any help that anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.

#delivery #digital #systems
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

    Hey guys. If this is in the wrong sub forum, please feel free to move it to where it belongs. I'll try to make this brief.

    Since 2006, I have been using DLGuard to deliver digital products. Recently, Hostgator upgraded to PHO 8 and DLGuard no longer works and Sam appears to be MIA. I just hope he's okay. He's a great guy.

    Anyway, I need a new digital delivery system. I've read there are some free plugins for Wordpress that will handle this. Does anybody have any familiarity with these? If not, is there something you can recommend?

    I prefer it to be something made by a major company, like a Hostgator, that I know isn't going to go out of business.

    Any help that anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.



    It would help if you specified what you need the system to do but
    I can recommend Thinkific and StanStore for digital downloads.

    They both have fees but it is worth it if you are generating sales.

    There are free digital download platforms at FourthWall and
    GumRoad, and you can google for more.

    If you have been using the same system since 2006 it's probably
    time for you to do something different.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11798561].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post


      It would help if you specified what you need the system to do but
      I can recommend Thinkific and StanStore for digital downloads.

      They both have fees but it is worth it if you are generating sales.

      There are free digital download platforms at FourthWall and
      GumRoad, and you can google for more.

      If you have been using the same system since 2006 it's probably
      time for you to do something different.
      I'm not doing anything fancy. I sell patch libraries for soft synths. They're light downloads and one file for each library. GLGuard worked perfectly until it didn't work anymore. I can't even pull up the Admin page.

      Anyway, I don't need anything fancy but I do need to set up multiple products and I'd prefer to not have to pay a fee because I really don't make that many sales in a year. This is really just a hobby now as I am basically retired.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan

    This isn't going to directly answer your question, but thought I would mention it in case it would help. If you login to cPanel on Hostgator, you can navigate to the MultiPHP Manager, and you can rollback to PHP 7.x, so that you can at least login to DLGuard Admin and get anything you needed. You can then click to go back to PHP 8.x as well.

    Here is a screenshot from Hostgator on what that will look like in cPanel:

    Of course, you'll still want to keep looking for a new delivery system, but this will help if you just need to get logged back in to get some records or info, so that the migration to the new system is a bit easier.

    All the best,
    Jack Duncan
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11798786].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Jack Duncan View Post


      This isn't going to directly answer your question, but thought I would mention it in case it would help. If you login to cPanel on Hostgator, you can navigate to the MultiPHP Manager, and you can rollback to PHP 7.x, so that you can at least login to DLGuard Admin and get anything you needed. You can then click to go back to PHP 8.x as well.

      Here is a screenshot from Hostgator on what that will look like in cPanel:

      Of course, you'll still want to keep looking for a new delivery system, but this will help if you just need to get logged back in to get some records or info, so that the migration to the new system is a bit easier.

      All the best,
      Jack Duncan
      Thanks Jack. Actually, I don't really need anything from DLGuard other than for it to work. So I;m just going to look for a new system and move on from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Mebbe try snoopsyin' up the sniffhole of whatevah as the least threatnin' of predators.

    Worst case scenario is like *smoochie*.

    tbg without no cloo as to how yr system delivahs digitally, I am equally an open maw of relentless (& actschwwly real transformative) yadda yadda, or I am soopremely ditzoid beyond all practickyool releveronce!

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11798793].message }}
  • If you're having trouble with the digital delivery of your gifts or looking for ways to streamline the process, we're here to help! Our team can assist with everything from troubleshooting delivery issues to optimizing your digital gift options. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, and let us make your gifting experience smooth and hassle-free.
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