How Much Should I Charge for My Articles Making Great Passive Income?

9 replies
I have been writing for a website as partner where we have shared a 60/40 revenue share model for many years and I hold the copyright to the articles. The website now wants to be 100 percent in control (offering no more revenue share) by purchasing my articles and wants to keep hiring me for a paid-per article position.

During the initial meeting, they tried to offer me to give away all of my articles to them for free, in exchange for me being hired and being paid $150 per article moving forward.

My articles generate an average of 160 per day, so around 4,800 a month of passive income a month (although some months they make even 5,500 to 8,000), so I am making an average of 58,000 year, while they would make about 97,000 a year if I give up my 60 percent.

I denied their offer and said I want monetary compensation from the articles.

They came back and are now offering still $150 per article, an hourly rate for reviewing some articles , potential bonuses an yadayadayada and a 2,000 monthly retainer offer for 12 months.

I still think that is being rather stingy. I am going to try to ask for 4,800 retainer a month for 12 month (with the copyright released only once the full payment) or a lump sum of 58,000. I am really not too enthusiastic about the upfront payments, etc. as it means working more and losing passive income and we all know how companies may fail, go bankrupt, change rules etc.

From what I am reading 4,800 is a rather low offer still. Is there an average rule to follow when selling articles that have generated a good passive income for the last 10 years and continues to do so? I want to make sure I am not taken advantage of. Thanks to all that can help!
#articles #charge #great #income #making #passive
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Have you asked yourself WHY they want to end the revenue share after so many years? If your articles are the ONLY thing generating income on the site, why haven't you created your own site where you would have 100% control/income?

    What happens after 12 months? What good is $150/article if they don't need more articles? Not sure where you are 'reading' that $4800/month retainer is LOW for a writer but don't know what level of writing this is.

    The 'partnership' is strictly the revenue share agreement? Or do you own a share of the site/business? Could it have anything to do with the emergence of A.I.? Do you have a partnership or revenue share agreement in writing? If so, is there a 'buyout' option mentioned in it?

    If you accept a one year monthly payout - or a lump sum payout for the year...and give them the copyrights at the end of the have no guarantee of ANY payment after that one year.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Be the reason someone believes there are good people.
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  • Profile picture of the author rottiegal
    Hi, thank you so kindly for responding, it's refreshing to see another perspective.

    I have honestly tried to open a website of my own, more than 1,000 super in depth articles but never was able to succeed. People who were experts in SEO copied or reworded my contact beating me in SERPS.

    After this ongoing failure, I found that writing on the platform with THE 60/40 revenue model was 80 percent more successful.

    I asked them why they are considering discontinuing the 60/40 share and they told me that they prefer to be in control of the content, but I honestly think they are trying to cut costs, firing other writers and sticking to only a few and surviving on this extra revenue. There are chances they may close down this platform at some point and sell the content or transfer it somewhere else.

    According to them after the 12 months I will continue writing for them, but of course I don't count on it. I believe they do need more articles, but they just want to make 100 percent themselves and want to do as most other websites do (paying writers upfront) and stop doing revenue share. They expressed that no website do revenue share anymore, which is true.

    There is no buyout in the initial contract, it just says I own copyright to the articles. This new contract, if we come to an agreement, will supersede it.

    I must also consider that with the advent of AI the platform hasn't been doing very well lately, since April revenue share has decreased, so that adds to my thinking that maybe this may be a good time to sell them my content. It may help them as they earn more and cut costs, and it may help me get something before earnings may take a further tumble.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by rottiegal View Post

    I have been writing for a website as partner where we have shared a 60/40 revenue share model for many years and I hold the copyright to the articles. The website now wants to be 100 percent in control (offering no more revenue share) by purchasing my articles and wants to keep hiring me for a paid-per article position.

    Nothing lasts forever.

    Is this your only source of income? I hope that it is not.

    What will happen with the articles you have submitted in the past?

    Will you continue earning royalties from those, or will the rights be transferred?

    Originally Posted by rottiegal View Post

    I must also consider that with the advent of AI the platform hasn't been doing very well lately, since April revenue share has decreased, so that adds to my thinking that maybe this may be a good time to sell them my content. It may help them as they earn more and cut costs, and it may help me get something before earnings may take a further tumble.

    You have many factors to consider and you need to make some serious decisions.

    If I were you I would act quickly, like before the weekend.

    But, if you feel that you need to get an attorney involved, hire one today.
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  • Profile picture of the author rottiegal
    It's not my only source of income, but for an unfortunate series of events, despite putting the eggs in different baskets, it seems that all the baskets are breaking down at the same time. I will be forced to sell some properties that aren't generating much Airbnb income in the next coming months as I won't be able to likely afford paying for them anymore. People are also not traveling much and there is too much competition in my area.

    They want 100 percent revenue share on everything, all articles produced until now and the new ones moving forward which will be paid by commission. The rights for all the past articles will therefore be lost with the new contract. I just sent them my proposal and I am worried what they will answer. When I refused their 2,000 monthly offer, they told me I was welcome to send a counteroffer, so just sent it and hoping we find an agreement because truthfully, I don't think I can do less than that especially after reading that usually you should ask 2 to 3 times more than your annual revenue.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by rottiegal View Post

      It's not my only source of income, but for an unfortunate series of events, despite putting the eggs in different baskets, it seems that all the baskets are breaking down at the same time. I will be forced to sell some properties that aren't generating much Airbnb income in the next coming months as I won't be able to likely afford paying for them anymore. People are also not traveling much and there is too much competition in my area.

      They want 100 percent revenue share on everything, all articles produced until now and the new ones moving forward which will be paid by commission. The rights for all the past articles will therefore be lost with the new contract. I just sent them my proposal and I am worried what they will answer. When I refused their 2,000 monthly offer, they told me I was welcome to send a counteroffer, so just sent it and hoping we find an agreement because truthfully, I don't think I can do less than that especially after reading that usually you should ask 2 to 3 times more than your annual revenue.

      I am glad that you have options and something to fall back on.

      I think you will be fine but after this issue is resolved you might
      consider pivoting into some additional passive income streams.

      Even though your previous website did not work, I would highly
      recommend giving this another try. Perhaps you could set up
      some niche websites to promote affiliate offers.

      Or you could buy some income producing websites with the
      proceeds of your real estate deals. It really is the way to go
      for consistent income.

      I am not suggesting that you use AI to generate your written
      content, but it is a wonderful time-saver. It can advise on all
      sorts of problems, strategize business, provide step-by-step
      instructions, and too many things to list. If you haven't already
      done so, you should definitely add it to your repertoire.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I think you need to separate your previous work from any deal going forward.

    Your existing articles have a proven history of generating revenue for the site owners. If they now want to change the original deal but still keep the articles on their site, they need to compensate you for that. The fairest way would be to pay you the equivalent of one or two years' revenue, depending on how much you think the owners can afford and whether the copyright of the articles is going to be of much value to you in future.

    But agree this first, and then discuss a payment structure for any new articles.

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    • Profile picture of the author rottiegal
      I appreciate deeply your perspective, it makes perfect sense.
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  • A is an indefinite article, an' demands soopreme breatha life for nowan to keep throwin' it out there -- spesshly if'n you want audiences to gaze 'pon A article an' go like Yeah.

    THE is more perticulah, takes THREE TIMES AS LONG to type out as an A, an' immediately transforms anythin' indefinite into sumthin' singulah, like yanno THE skyscrapah aritcle 'bout HOW to write skyscrapah articles -- eg How To Survive Like A Mole When The Apocalypse Hits -- Evin if You Don't Personally Know Musk, Swift, Senior Cathlicks, or also Batman.

    Been a while now since I pumped out caaahntent, but I can say for sure fractions of dollahs per word gonna leaveya strung out in oblivion.

    So think MULTIPLES.

    Anywan with any kinda subscriptschwaahn readah list is DESPRIT for shit ain't jus' fillah.

    Like so many BFs said to Moi, "surely everythin' comes down to the way I sublimely fill your hole!"


    Mebbe ima bend ovah sum diffrent directschwaahn an' lift muh legs more slectively.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800846].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WayneT
    Originally Posted by rottiegal View Post

    I have been writing for a website as partner where we have shared a 60/40 revenue share model for many years and I hold the copyright to the articles. The website now wants to be 100 percent in control (offering no more revenue share) by purchasing my articles and wants to keep hiring me for a paid-per article position.

    During the initial meeting, they tried to offer me to give away all of my articles to them for free, in exchange for me being hired and being paid $150 per article moving forward.

    My articles generate an average of 160 per day, so around 4,800 a month of passive income a month (although some months they make even 5,500 to 8,000), so I am making an average of 58,000 year, while they would make about 97,000 a year if I give up my 60 percent.

    I denied their offer and said I want monetary compensation from the articles.

    They came back and are now offering still $150 per article, an hourly rate for reviewing some articles , potential bonuses an yadayadayada and a 2,000 monthly retainer offer for 12 months.

    I still think that is being rather stingy. I am going to try to ask for 4,800 retainer a month for 12 month (with the copyright released only once the full payment) or a lump sum of 58,000. I am really not too enthusiastic about the upfront payments, etc. as it means working more and losing passive income and we all know how companies may fail, go bankrupt, change rules etc.

    From what I am reading 4,800 is a rather low offer still. Is there an average rule to follow when selling articles that have generated a good passive income for the last 10 years and continues to do so? I want to make sure I am not taken advantage of. Thanks to all that can help!
    Ok, Lets take it paragraph by paragraph, You've been writing for them "for many years", and you "own the copyright", THIS IS A VALUABLE ASSET.DON'T GIVE IT AWAY.
    The 60/40 split is 60% for you, or them, that doesn't really matter if you hold the 'copyright'. The best income you cvan getIS PASSIVE INCOME, ie; continually getting paid for work you've done a long time ago, this is just money in the bank. They want to buy them so they want to buy YOUR 'IP' (intellectual Property rights), this is an extremely valuable asset, not to be laughed at, nor given away. The cost for this should be a LOT OF $.
    "and wants to keep hiring me for a paid-per article position", They can actually get ANYONE TO WRITE ARTICLES FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, how long is the term that YOU are the senior writer and YOU GET 1ST OPTION?

    "During the initial meeting, they tried to offer me to give away all of my articles to them for free, in exchange for me being hired and being paid $150 per article moving forward."
    ARE YOU KIDDING, THEY WANT YOU TO "GIVE" AWAY YOUR OWN WORK?? tHEY'RE TRYING TO ROB YOU. This is so laughable that they must think you are an idiot (no offence). DO NOT 'GIVE THEM ANYTHING"

    My articles generate an average of 160 per day, so around 4,800 a month of passive income a month (although some months they make even 5,500 to 8,000), so I am making an average of 58,000 year, while they would make about 97,000 a year if I give up my 60 percent.
    Your 'passive income' of $160.00/day is bloody good.....KEEP IT, If you do consider selling it then you want at least 4x the YEARLY INCOME (this is called 'goodwill).(Then you have to look at the TAX cost of such a lump sum)
    There are people out there who work 50 to 70 Hrs per week to get that amount.

    They came back and are now offering still $150 per article, an hourly rate for reviewing some articles , potential bonuses an yadayadayada and a 2,000 monthly retainer offer for 12 months.

    It looks to me that they're going to sell the website with basically no outgoing's, $2000.00 per month thay could cover from the sale price. You also said that this has been going on for 10 years, THEY'RE TRYING TO ROB YOU.
    "I am really not too enthusiastic about the upfront payments, etc. as it means working more and losing passive income and we all know how companies may fail, go bankrupt, change rules etc."

    YES, They may "roll the company", however YOU OWN THE COPYRIGHT, SO YOUR 'IP' CAN'T BE IN THE BANKRUPTCY OR THE SALE AS YOU OWN IT, NOT THEM. (I use to be an officer in the ITSA) and your right, they can change the "rules" regarding how much they're paying you in about 2 sec's.
    Check up on the 'IP' rights you have on the Govt website. Check up on the VALUE OF THE WEBSITE YOUR WRITING FOR! You can do this on the web, the sites will take into accountALL the sites revenue, Advertising, partnership income, ALL AFFILIATE MARKETING INCOME ETC.

    NO LINKS in posts - moderator

    Go from there, it lookls to me that YOU should start your own site, the same as theirs and take back y
    YOUR PROPERTY, They're trying to rob you.
    Yes "AI" is in the equation but is so far from writing a 'great' article that I don't think it's a factor in this.
    It looks like they're living off your work.
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