2024 final sprint to the bank, hope you all cash in.

10 replies
2024, I can't tell if this has been a very fast year, or due to all the USA election rhetoric, a verrrry loongg one. Will be glad if and when the election is over, hopefully by Christmas.

These last two months, and from Thanksgiving on, many businesses will live or die, and there is still money to be made as folks get in a holiday buying mood. Hopefully, your IM isn't totally dependent on this final sprint...but that doesn't mean you still can't cash in.

With the aid of AI, and some personal experiences to share, you could still make a shiny penny or two in the next couple of months, maybe just enough to launch your future next year, if you have bigger plans of action.

And that brings us to PLANNING and NEXT YEAR and this: what is your plan of action for 2025? Do you have one?

Would you like one?

It feels like only yesterday we were looking ahead to a new year of 2024, feels like I'm on a bullet train going by a picket fence with the years flying bye-bye.

I'm closing out this one with some final work. Next year is mostly feeding the birds and squirrels from the rocking chair. I hope you are ready to make 2025 the kind of year you want to have.

There are plenty of folk still here who can help you out, if you ask the right kind of questions. But you might want to hurry, more and more of us are riding into the sunsets and you may not be happy with what is left, just sayin.

Anyhow, PLAN for 2025. Take ACTION, and adjust in the direction of your goals, same old song and dance from me.


P.S. My bad. Thanksgiving in USA is Nov. 28, I sometimes forget what an International audience the WF has. We Americans begin our big spending spree, usually the Friday (called Black Friday) after our Thanksgiving.
#2024 #bank #cash #final #hope #sprint
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Next year is mostly feeding the birds and squirrels from the rocking chair.

    That was my plan for 2024 - and it was a success. Not a rocking chair - but a porch swing with drink holders. Highly recommend it.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11808856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    It feels like only yesterday we were looking ahead to a new year of 2024, feels like I'm on a bullet train going by a picket fence with the years flying bye-bye.

    When I was in my early twenties, an older person told
    me that time passes by faster as you get older.

    I have not experienced this sped up time phenomenon,
    but maybe things are different for you.

    As to my future plans, I will continue building current
    passive income streams and developing additional
    ones in order to supplement my retirement.

    I also plan to do a few active things throughout 2025,
    since I am still able to do light and soft work.

    And I will continue to optimize A.I. to get things done.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11808859].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Speeding time is a real thing, you'll see.

      Both of you deserve the porch swing and/or the continued success, you have both worked hard to get there. It is something hard to get across to many a younger and newer Warrior, many seem work averse, albeit, the real key to success.

      Kay, your pic brings back my youth, 2 horses two doors down and a pony in the house behind, I made a nickel for cleaning the stalls and brushing down in exchange for a ride now and then. People who have never been around horses don't know what magnificent creatures they are.

      Monetize, you were one of the first Warriors to tell us all to get with it when it comes to AI, a few/couple? of years back. It is a very useful tool, and it is doing a lot of research for me for my final report.

      As for Christmas season, now is the best time to get ready for NEXT Christmas, I think it was savidge4 who bought a lot of Xmas stuff at huge discounts, that stuff doesn't go out of style too often.

      Using AI and almost any personal experiences, one can quickly generate a little report or hotsheet or information folio and have it on the market in days, maybe hours. They still need to find traffic of course. I marvel at some of these Warrior sig files, and wonder why some of these guys doing money making activities don't create a little info product many Warriors would probably buy...oh well, tis what it tis.

      Lets watch this week unfold, it feels like it could be a tipping point in America, I don't know how, but it FEELS that way in my bones (also going to rain tonight, like speeding train time, another senior wonder to marvel at).

      Anyhow, appreciate your input, always good stuff.


      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      That was my plan for 2024 - and it was a success. Not a rocking chair - but a porch swing with drink holders. Highly recommend it.
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      When I was in my early twenties, an older person told
      me that time passes by faster as you get older.

      I have not experienced this sped up time phenomenon,
      but maybe things are different for you.

      As to my future plans, I will continue building current
      passive income streams and developing additional
      ones in order to supplement my retirement.

      I also plan to do a few active things throughout 2025,
      since I am still able to do light and soft work.

      And I will continue to optimize A.I. to get things done.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11808860].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Using AI and almost any personal experiences, one can quickly generate a little report or hotsheet or information folio and have it on the market in days, maybe hours. They still need to find traffic of course. I marvel at some of these Warrior sig files, and wonder why some of these guys doing money making activities don't create a little info product many Warriors would probably buy...oh well, tis what it tis.

        IDK what is going on with people, whether it is laziness, fear
        of the expense, or they are leery of trying something new.

        Expense should not even be an issue since so many tools
        and platforms are free to use. Things like Amazon KDP and
        YouTube are free, but it seems like most newbies here are
        not doing anything at all.

        I was in a Discord and one of the youngsters told me that
        he didn't have time to read a book. There is no excuse for
        this since they can easily do read alouds, what can be
        easier than that.

        As to A.I., particularly ChatGPT, I use other models but this
        is my favorite, I use it for something just about every day.

        Of all the things it does, the one that knocks my socks off is
        its ability to provide HEX colors. When I am working on a
        graphic or website I can tell the thing I need something like
        a shade of purple that's not too dark, and it gives me the
        HEX color code, names the color, describes it, and other
        colors that it complements.

        And when I look at the color it is exactly what I need.

        No human can do that.

        It saves me time in looking at color charts as there are
        16M HEX colors available.

        It does other things but that is the one thing that amazes
        me the most.

        Its content creation is awesome, and it can make a person
        seem like an expert in endless topics, limited only by that
        person's imagination.

        It's not too late to get with the A.I. program and use it to
        develop income generating products.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11808887].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    2024, I can't tell if this has been a very fast year, or due to all the USA election rhetoric, a verrrry loongg one. Will be glad if and when the election is over, hopefully by Christmas.

    And that brings us to PLANNING and NEXT YEAR and this: what is your plan of action for 2025? Do you have one?

    Would you like one?

    It feels like only yesterday we were looking ahead to a new year of 2024, feels like I'm on a bullet train going by a picket fence with the years flying bye-bye.

    P.S. My bad. Thanksgiving in USA is Nov. 28, I sometimes forget what an International audience the WF has. We Americans begin our big spending spree, usually the Friday (called Black Friday) after our Thanksgiving.
    So this is where you lot are hiding out?

    Plan of action same plan of action l had a month ago go long with one reputable company then switch only after a year or more and trade another company in 2026 for an undisclosed period of time then switch back or retire whichever come first.

    This plan requires luck a lot of hard work initially and some hope that l am right about Plan B or the second trade.

    I won't go into the details since this isn't that place for that only to say that is my plan for next year.

    Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

    When I was in my early twenties, an older person told
    me that time passes by faster as you get older.

    I have not experienced this sped up time phenomenon,
    but maybe things are different for you.
    I wish that were true but it isn't at least for me, l wish time went fast at least for the next few years so l could achieve some life long goals faster.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11808977].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    P.S. My bad. Thanksgiving in USA is Nov. 28, I sometimes forget what an International audience the WF has. We Americans begin our big spending spree, usually the Friday (called Black Friday) after our Thanksgiving.
    Despite alla the schwango gowin' on today, there is one thing for which ima soopremely fortchunaite:

    Thanksgivin' don't fall eithah ON or NEAH my birthday this year.

    So I gaht a little grace to be free -- like them Summah gals with their fam-free cruises, or evin' nowan born on Christmas Day says I will scowl abominably for the entire festive season bcs I KNOW all my gifts are 2-in-1 CHEAPO bcs I forced to share with the babbajeezis.

    My view?

    Mixin' bohemian abomnayschwaahn with fam-centric celebrayschwaahn is nevah a great look.

    But I do OK with the kids though bcs they are fine with findin' Moi in a heap sumplace.

    An' Mom gave up on my essential diligence credentschls milliseconds aftah I was born.

    So mebbe I will go skiin' this year, an' show up for the big day sans 3 of my limbs.

    Or an EYE ... yeah, mebbe I will do an eye.

    Or mebbe evin I will show up in the besta health, but jokingly confess to havin' been possessed by a deemin.

    Or was that 2019?

    Janno, I turnin' into sum kinda delinquent, year on year ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11809005].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      WAS WE??????

      Thanks PB, in my final holiday report, I am addressing the OBSCURE little known money makers which exist outside of mainstream IM...and dive into things like astrology, crystal balls, tarot...and mlm cashgifting, hotsheets and adsheets which keep a passive income stream flowing for many.

      In USA, mailorder is alive and well and there are plenty of momma and poppa home based money makers who rake in hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in CASH every single month.

      I have been mostly silent on the obscure for these last couple of decades, but it is time to pull back the curtain and see what is out there. I think many will be surprised and awed at how people make a buck or two in the real world.


      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Despite alla the schwango gowin' on today, there is one thing for which ima soopremely fortchunaite:

      Thanksgivin' don't fall eithah ON or NEAH my birthday this year.

      So I gaht a little grace to be free -- like them Summah gals with their fam-free cruises, or evin' nowan born on Christmas Day says I will scowl abominably for the entire festive season bcs I KNOW all my gifts are 2-in-1 CHEAPO bcs I forced to share with the babbajeezis.

      My view?

      Mixin' bohemian abomnayschwaahn with fam-centric celebrayschwaahn is nevah a great look.

      But I do OK with the kids though bcs they are fine with findin' Moi in a heap sumplace.

      An' Mom gave up on my essential diligence credentschls milliseconds aftah I was born.

      So mebbe I will go skiin' this year, an' show up for the big day sans 3 of my limbs.

      Or an EYE ... yeah, mebbe I will do an eye.

      Or mebbe evin I will show up in the besta health, but jokingly confess to havin' been possessed by a deemin.

      Or was that 2019?

      Janno, I turnin' into sum kinda delinquent, year on year ...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11809006].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Yes it's important to position ourselves and be ready to capitalize off of trends and the excitement that people feel when purchasing during holiday seasons .
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well 2024 was a good year as i implemented great strategies in my business but i dont achieve my financial goal .I hope the 2025 it will be my year
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

      Yes it's important to position ourselves and be ready to capitalize off of trends and the excitement that people feel when purchasing during holiday seasons .
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      Well 2024 was a good year as i implemented great strategies in my business but i dont achieve my financial goal .I hope the 2025 it will be my year
      Black Friday, Holidays, Christmas is a time when many people go into the black, the old accounting term that tells the bookkeeper they are now in profits and not red ink.

      It is an Evergreen, always happening time to make offers and possibly to cash in on trends too. An ideal tidal wave happens when a trend peaks at this time of the year. As to the importance of positioning, I might argue; when is it NOT an important part of your business?

      I like trends, like Sports Betting became a couple of years ago, but, for bread and butter sure-thing profits, I'll stick with Parade Of Life, Evergreen buyers.

      The second quote might want to be followed by analysis; WHY wasn't a financial goal achieved? How far short did you fall? What will you do differently in 2025 to bridge that gap? How can your great strategies be leveraged?

      Thanks for your comments.

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