Ripped Off at Flippa !!

26 replies
I'm curious... after recently purchasing my very first website at Flippa... and NOT receiving the product... what recourse do I have to acquire what I paid $75 for?!?!?

- Nov 29 - won an auction for $75
- Nov 29 - paid Success Fee same day (didn't know any better but it was only $2 anyway)
- Dec 1 - heard from seller re: invoice (Google checkout - would find out later that there is no recourse for refund this way ...didn't know any better)
- Dec 2 - Flippa PM from seller re: preparing content for easy transfer. They sent me zip file to my gmail addy but it was too large so they uploaded them to their domain for me to dld at 10:30 pm, along with a note that additional files would be sent the same day (a txt info file).
- Dec 3 - Unable to dld the zip files because they were broken and not able to be extracted so I emailed them to request another option. No reply from them.
- Dec 4 (Fri) - I emailed them again asking if the transfer would happen soon so I could work on it during the weekend. They asked if I'd rec'd their files (blind to my previous email saying they didn't open?). They also asked for cpanel login info to transfer the files. I replied with separate ftp info for them to upload the files to my domain. They uploaded the same broken zip files (not able to open) and emailed that all files were uploaded. Unfortunately, they were the same broken files that would not open. I also sent a Flippa PM to ask how I could help with the transfer.
- Dec 5 (Sat) - emailed them in the morning to ask if the transfer was going to happen any time soon?? Sent them another Flippa PM.
- Dec 6 (Sun) - wrote an email threatening to take whatever action I could unless I rec'd my product but for some reason, there is no record of this email so they probably still think I'm a naive sucker. I haven't heard anything from them since 10:30 pm Fri: eve (Dec 4).

(I also want to say that I am typically VERY polite and reasonable when I correspond with people, and I was very understanding to this guy when they came up with excuses why things weren't going as planned. Does that mark me as a 'sucker?!')

I know that Flippa is not liable for my bad judgment in trusting a seller to fulfill their end of my purchase - I fully assume all risk of trusting people, but... C'MON... surely naivety and trusting people isn't a curse?!?!???!!!!

I swear (sometimes literally) that Murphy's Law is my personal mantra -- If anything can go wrong -- IT WILL me !!!

I seriously want to know what Warriors would you do if you guys got stiffed for $75 !!

Should I go back and re-write my threatening email to the guy ...and write a blog post about it? Really... what else can I do? And, really, what good would come of it??? I'm not made of money and could have better spent that $75 on Christmas presents for my kids but instead, all I have is a bitter taste in my mouth and thinking vindictive thoughts (not my usual nature)....

Suggestions, anyone???!!!!
#auction #flippa #ripped #ripped off
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Linley
    Sorry about your situation, I cant think of any suggestions for you but in the future I can make a suggestion..always do your transactions through money switches hands until you get your product..nice and safe..and hope you get your website or money back soon...sorry again
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Sounds like a $75 education to me. It stinks, but it could have been much worse.

      At this point, I'd consider any positive resolution to be a bonus to the lesson.
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Alberta
    Thx, Mike. I know that now :|

    Guess I don't carry a big enough stick to be threatening 'after the fact'...
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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    I didn't really follow why you are so angry. They did delivery the product according to your own story. You just don't know how to deal with zip files or archived sites or something.

    Did they promise to walk you through installing the site on your own host? Most don't. I have never been expected to do anything more than your seller already did for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author KimW
      Originally Posted by KristiDaniels View Post

      I didn't really follow why you are so angry. They did delivery the product according to your own story. You just don't know how to deal with zip files or archived sites or something.

      Did they promise to walk you through installing the site on your own host? Most don't. I have never been expected to do anything more than your seller already did for you.

      You're making an assumption here, one which I feel the OP has addessed.
      "You just don't know how to deal with zip files or archived sites or something."
      Maybe it's YOU that don't understand that sometimes files become corrupted at some point in the process and that the seller needs to redo the files ,and this is something the OP has requested and not been done.

      At least SuzanneH is adressing different possibilities instead of telling the OP that it is his fault.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alberta
        Originally Posted by KimW View Post

        You're making an assumption here, one which I feel the OP has addessed.
        "You just don't know how to deal with zip files or archived sites or something."
        Maybe it's YOU that don't understand that sometimes files become corrupted at some point in the process and that the seller needs to redo the files ,and this is something the OP has requested and not been done.

        At least SuzanneH is adressing different possibilities instead of telling the OP that it is his fault.

        Thx Kim

        I'd hate for this to turn into a flame... but it gave me warm fuzzies to read your reply...
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  • Profile picture of the author SuzanneH
    Did you check the file extension? They could have gzipped or tarred the files, which is different from a plain, old .zip file.

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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino

    They used Google because it is a no refund type deal i don't understand though how the zip file is not downloadable if it is uploaded to the server the archive or at least the shell must be in tact. have you tried repairing the archive with winrar?

    In future don't ever give personal info out for your server or computer stuff your ftp username and password is the same used to log into your actual account in most cases that is just too much info for them.

    If this was me it happened to i would contact Google and explain what is happening and if they could do nothing then i would have to chalk it up i have been ripped a few times getting progs that were corrupted archives and would not repair you just have to get over it and get on with it at that point.

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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    • Profile picture of the author Alberta
      Originally Posted by KristiDaniels View Post

      I didn't really follow why you are so angry. They did delivery the product according to your own story. You just don't know how to deal with zip files or archived sites or something.

      Did they promise to walk you through installing the site on your own host? Most don't. I have never been expected to do anything more than your seller already did for you.
      Originally Posted by SuzanneH View Post

      Did you check the file extension? They could have gzipped or tarred the files, which is different from a plain, old .zip file.

      Originally Posted by WD Products View Post


      They used Google because it is a no refund type deal i don't understand though how the zip file is not downloadable if it is uploaded to the server the archive or at least the shell must be in tact. have you tried repairing the archive with winrar?

      In future don't ever give personal info out for your server or computer stuff your ftp username and password is the same used to log into your actual account in most cases that is just too much info for them.

      If this was me it happened to i would contact Google and explain what is happening and if they could do nothing then i would have to chalk it up i have been ripped a few times getting progs that were corrupted archives and would not repair you just have to get over it and get on with it at that point.
      Kristi - guess I'm angry because I rec'd a file that I couldn't use (you mustn't have ever had a broken zip before). Couple with (the promise to help, which I don't need and) the time frame and the lack of correspondence over the last 3 days... it isn't exactly the most 'professional' response I expected for my money.

      Suzanne - yes, I tried different resources to attempt to fix the zip. Thx for the suggestion, though

      WD - winrar didn't work either. And just to be clear (I don't want to seem TOO naive), I created a guest ftp login for them - no access to my main domain files. Thx for the moral support of your own story. I guess its encouraging to know that I'm not alone...
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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    Maybe. But the OP is pretty specific that they are new at this.

    They also call them zip files when the seller is obviously sending a cpanel backup which is pretty standard. The seller offered to restore it, but the OP refused and asked for the file to be ftp'd instead.

    Read between the lines. We are only hearing one side of the story, but that side of the story tells the other side pretty well.

    If it was a corrupt zip file, then why did the seller ask for his cpanel login? Nobody would transfer a cpanel site via zip file when cpanel offers a nice gzip archive that makes it really easy to transfer sites.

    It sounds to me like the OP received exactly what he paid for, the seller tried to deal with his ignorance, but he refused and now he's trying to publicly complain about the seller when it is the OP who is refusing to listen to reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    OP: Why don't you write the seller back with an apology and give them your cpanel login details so they can install the site for you? It is a simple process if you know what you are doing. They offered. Why did you refuse?
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    • Profile picture of the author Mar
      Alberta - I'm not sure what type of file they gave you ... good, bad or indifferent.

      I can't figure out whether or not you've tried this -

      Log in to your hosting control panel - usually on cpanel hosting.

      1. Navigate to the File Manager section; usually found underneath the section where you check your webstats.

      2. Click on File Manager.

      3. When it opens up, you have several options. Choose the Web Root folder and go to public_html (assuming that the zip file is in a folder there as opposed to the public_ftp folder).

      4. Then, highlight or select the zip file and click the "Extract" button there. If it can be decompressed, the server software will do it in the blink of an eye.

      As I say, I don't know whether or not you tried this.

      cPanel backups are a little trickier - if you've got a spare, unused, live hosting account somewhere, I'd try restoring the backup there - rather than corrupt your current live site.

      I hope that helps some.

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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    The OP did address the issue. They gave enough information for anyone in the know on flipping sites to understand the the OP thinks he received a zip file when he actually received a cpanel archive file (which is a gzip file, but not very useful when you try to treat it as a zip file).

    The OP refused to allow the seller to restore the cpanel backup insisting that the file was corrupt.

    OK. If it is corrupt, then the seller will fail to restore it when the seller gives his cpanel login details. The seller will then realize their error and fix the problem.

    I have dealt with corrupt zip files before. The seller doesn't even claim this is a zip file though. The seller claimed it is a gzipped cpanel backup. Why would the OP know more about the file that the seller created than the seller?
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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    "guess I'm angry because I rec'd a file that I couldn't use (you mustn't have ever had a broken zip before). Couple with (the promise to help, which I don't need and)"

    If you don't need help, then why are you asking for help?

    I say you need help. Go ask the seller for help since you have no clue about how to transfer a cpanel site. Why is that so hard?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Just go into Flippa to the transaction and go to the transaction communication area and file a dispute. Flippa will contact them and if they value their account, will sort it out. is also the support address for them, but the dispute resolution area is what you need.

    It sounds to me like there is miscommunication on both sides. I almost always get the cpanel login info and install the sites myself. Takes me no time, it's done right and I move on without these hassles. I personally would have let him install it.
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    • Profile picture of the author rahulchandra
      sbucciarel is right...

      I am not sure If you can pay via Paypal( using google checkout),
      But if you did pay via paypal, You can file a dispute there as well...

      Can someone confirm this?


      Nothing To See Here..
      Move Along Sir

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    • Profile picture of the author Alberta
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Just go into Flippa to the transaction and go to the transaction communication area and file a dispute. Flippa will contact them and if they value their account, will sort it out. support @ is also the support address for them, but the dispute resolution area is what you need.

      It sounds to me like there is miscommunication on both sides. I almost always get the cpanel login info and install the sites myself. Takes me no time, it's done right and I move on without these hassles. I personally would have let him install it.
      Thx sbucciarel,

      I contacted flippa support but was reminded of their TOS which basically said that I assume all risk in these kinds of transactions. Although, I didn't specifically look for a 'dispute resolution area.'
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  • Profile picture of the author Alberta
    Margaret, thx much for the advice. I'm familiar with the process but I appreciate your reply.

    Actually, the zip file in question contained multiple files (I can open it to view the contents but am unable to extract/repair the contents to access individual files) and an additional video is also corrupt. There was no db file in the zip.

    For the record --- to anyone else reading this thread who hasn't taken their "civility" pill, I'm not asking for "help." I'm simply offering the experience as a warning to others and wondering what other people would do when they're taken advantage of. I'm not interested in your replies if you can't contribute as a responsible, respectable adult. And I'm not going to reply to someone else's anger issues (*geesh!*)
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    • Profile picture of the author Mar
      Hi, Alberta - thanks for your note; maybe these folks don't know as much as you and me and perhaps they uploaded the zip in ascii instead of binary LOL

      The only other thought is to save a copy of the demo site they did for you ... they did a demo, didn't they???

      ... I just love living dangerously

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    The dispute resolution area is your best bet for getting the site. Let Flippa communicate with the seller and it most likely will get sorted out, although it is true, that Flippa does not have liability for transactions that go south, but will attempt to fix it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alberta
    I just wanted to update this thread by letting readers know there was a happy ending...

    Coincidentally, I was contacted by the seller shortly after this thread and we've been able to work together to complete the transfer. As of yesterday (11 days after the sale), I have a fully functioning new website.

    It turns out that the seller works (full time?) and had other priorities. We've managed to keep it very civil and I think we both have a little better understanding of each others' expectations.

    Seems I was premature in thinking the worst. I assumed that the transaction would happen in a much shorter time frame, but... never assume, right?

    ...Thought I owed it to the seller (even though they're anonymous) to set this thread straight.
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    • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
      Originally Posted by Alberta View Post

      I just wanted to update this thread by letting readers know there was a happy ending...

      Coincidentally, I was contacted by the seller shortly after this thread and we've been able to work together to complete the transfer. As of yesterday (11 days after the sale), I have a fully functioning new website.

      It turns out that the seller works (full time?) and had other priorities. We've managed to keep it very civil and I think we both have a little better understanding of each others' expectations.

      Seems I was premature in thinking the worst. I assumed that the transaction would happen in a much shorter time frame, but... never assume, right?

      ...Thought I owed it to the seller (even though they're anonymous) to set this thread straight.
      Nice to hear that it worked out well for you..

      Goodluck on that new site.

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  • Profile picture of the author Taylor French
    Just wanted to say that I don't know what kind of site you bought, but dang that seller must have been desperate. If I remember correctly it costs $20 to list a site on Flippa, plus another $10 or so for a domain. So they only made $45 on that deal. Hope it wasn't a lot of unique content.
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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    I bet they really regret selling after the hours you made them spend because you knew everything and didn't need any help... but was demanding help anyway... your way... not the way that actually works.

    I hope you at least gave them positive feedback after all that nightmare.
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    • Profile picture of the author cypionate
      Like a previous member said always use It might cost a bit of money to use it but it provides "some" protection for buyer and seller.

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  • Profile picture of the author iTechSolutions
    All is well if end is well.
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