20 replies
I've browsed a lot of business forums in the 14 years or so since I first got online and seen a common trend through all of them. There's a misconception that you have to attack / try to damage your competitors in order to succeed.

This is where the Warrior Forum is different, the majority of the people don't subscribe to that kind of mentality, and the main reason I choose to do business here. Warriors help each other, encourage and support each other. At least the smart ones do.

A lot of things go round in circles on forums, and the WF is no different. From time to time I see people who are trying to make it, start to attack others.. the "You vs Me" mentality, it probably creeps in and fades away just as fast. Well, during this cycle, this time, I'd like point one or two things out to the 'new to IM' folks, who might think that these actions are the way to do business. Those who set their sights on harming others always remain unsuccessful, bitter and jealous.

I've been in business long enough (both online and offline) to know how to run a good business. Ridiculing, attacking and sniping at the success of others does not put your business in a better position - in fact it creates an unprofessional image, and nobody wants to work with or buy from unprofessionals.

I haven't been a member here for too long, but I've been watching for a while and saw that kind of thinking pop up before the forum went back to paid status. Now I just see it here and there, no big deal.

Everyone in IM is on the same side, what's good for you is good for me and vice versa. Working together, supporting and encouraging others is what makes the Warrior Forum so great. I know it won't become a slum like other forums, but I'd still like to air my opinion this time
  • Profile picture of the author petehols
    Hi Louise

    I couldn't of said it better myself. The way I see the WF is a wealth of information. It is like a global chamber of commerce where everyone gets togther with the ultimate goal of helping each other achieve their goals.

    If every forum was like this and everyone concentrated on trying to improve their business instead of attacking others it would be great.

    Just my 2c anyway.


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  • Profile picture of the author stiznef
    If everybody on the planet thought of you and me instead of your or me there would be a whole lot less fighting and more good times for everyone. Just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    I like that.. "you and me" instead of "you vs me".

    That kind of sums up my post quiet nicely
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    I have had business dealings with a number of warriors in the short time I have been here.

    I find that most are very willing to be helpful regardless of money.
    HeDir.com ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    I completely agree.

    The Warriors I have worked with are a true inspiration to me. And there's plenty more who I would love to work with in the future.

    Hand on heart, I cannot say that about any other forum on the web.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomaslee
    Hello Louise, I am a new warrior and finding threads like yours means a lot. Yes, I agree we are all in this together. A great business does not waist time sniping others, it continually creates more value for their customers and relationships.
    Tommy Lee
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  • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
    Hi Louise,
    Great post, and I'm glad you brought up the subject. I ran into this for years during my stint as a working musician. Folk singers, no less, harmonizing about peace and love while stabbing their fellow musicians in the back when it came time to book a gig. The truth is, there is room for everyone that is good. Too many times people look at a goal as if there was room for only one success story.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laura B
    I agree - I've been very impressed by the quality of the people on this site, especially when compared to that which shall remain nameless. Whole different world.
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    Affiliate marketing for brand spankin' newbies
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    Both online and off, having friendly competitors is not only a much more enjoyable way to do business, but your competitors are now a tremendous resource for you (and vice versa) instead of wasting valuable resources trying to tear each other down. You can learn so much form your competitors, it's truly a shame not to.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author milan
    Louise, I couldn't have said it better! What these people do is waste time and energy, and they are definitely not happier in their lives.

    It's hilarious that some of the people who thanked you for the post act like that. They see competitors where there aren't any, and show pure jealousy.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Cabral
    One of the things I loved about this forum when I joined was the fact that members genuinely wanted to help you if you needed help but I have seen it change to where you are lucky if you can even get a response to your post. Your post can be viewed by hundreds and not get a response.

    Its as like it has become selective so to speak. That was no so when Allen started this forum. It was a much warmer friendlier place where if you needed help or input on something you you would get it.

    Not to say that people don't help just that its harder now then it was before. This has been from observation and personal experience. The old time warriors will probably agree with me.

    Still its my favorite forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kanga
    Hi Louise,
    I just want to say thank you for your enlightened spirit and i do hope, we all on day understand the real meaning of : Together we are strong and alone weak.
    What is really by the way point of having it all and not being able to share?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    The ones who work with the we can run our own business, but work together I notice do a lot better. The ones who single themselves out hardly make it.....

    Great post
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  • Profile picture of the author kevinfar
    Good post.

    It's a common thing to see in other forums "How can I bring my competitor down?" threads. It's an excellent thing that this isn't the case here at WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author nota-bene
    I quite agree! One big happy Warrior family

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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    Well I'm really pleased so many see things this way too

    The Warrior Forum (the people who make up this great site) is the single reason that I decided to include the IM niche along side my other, non IM business ventures. It's the people here who make it what it is, a warm and welcoming place where the word "can't" has little meaning.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Andy Money
      Something that's interesting about this is that trying to attack or destroy your competition will only blow up in your face in the long run. If you're brand new and you try to do that it'll ruin your credibility, waste your time, and it'll take longer to be successful. If you're successful enough to get big enough to buy out or push out your competition, that's a completely different thing.
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      • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
        Originally Posted by Andrew Maule View Post

        If you're successful enough to get big enough to buy out or push out your competition, that's a completely different thing.
        Yep, that's good business sense! Nothing personal or malicious about that kind of decision. I've bough smaller businesses in one of my niches.. in fact now that I think about it.. site flipping could be a good example of that.
        IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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        • Profile picture of the author sal64
          It's all about being a go-giver. Sadly, newbs and/ or strugllers have to battle their own belief system before they see the light.

          Give give give and be open to receiving. You'll be amazed.

          I always recall a comment made to me by a mega succesful entrepreneur: Don't focus on the money.. focus on how many people you can help.

          Sometimes (and I was guilty of it) people tend to focus on the money and fear that giving and sharing will eat into their bottom line... when the exact opposite is true.


          Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
          You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    Helping people is at the core of our business, you're right.

    I'm a big believer in Karma, if you do good things, you'll receive good things.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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