Google - Is This Hypocrisy?
Anyone else see the above blog post by Google yesterday?
Man, am I ever sick of their high and mighty pompous bull****, like they are the moral arbiter of the world!
They have the audacity to create an "algorithm" that claims to measure quality but measures it largely in terms of popularity.
It has, as far as I know, yet to be demonstrated that a machine can detect quality. What is quality, anyway, Google? The google algorithm can no more measure "quality" than it can describe the smell of a rose, in my opinion....
So they end up manufacturing what is obviously the biggest popularity contest in the world - and then from the top of the pile, have the audacity and hubris to decry those who would attempt to become more popular in order to survive!! Oh, you have sinned, you little scumbag internet marketer, shame on you and bankruptcy upon your family! Whack!
There's a lot of money to be made in Adsense, and what's more they are making bank out of it. And has anyone ever tried to get customer service out of them? Good luck, is all I can say.
The whole business of "ranking" pages is a preposterous notion if you ask me. It seems to me that all it really does is say, "we are going to award more importance to those who already have it, and take if from those who clearly don't deserve it; otherwise they would already be getting it."
The internet used to be cool because it leveled the playing field. Remember? Back in the '90's. When you used to find interesting underground stuff, when it was a refreshing break from the 80's corporate hierarchy ruling the world and when the individual or small company could shine and maybe make it big.
Now, the big corps have the biggest marketing budgets and therefore the most power to influence popularity - i.e. search engine rankings. So the big companies make all the money on the internet, and the "little guy", trying to get his or her game going, is getting played "Whack-a-Mole" with. It's all sewn up and too damn right you won't make much money with your crappy little web site, tryin' to get some clicks. I guess they have a point there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not in favour of dishonest products, false earnings claims and the whole notion of selling people false hopes - which as we know is rife in this industry.
But... "do no evil"... always did sound to me like something that both god and the devil would say.
Is it just me? Or does anyone else feel me here?
Why doesn't Google go instead after the companies in the Fortune 500 who are "participating in link schemes"? Why doesn't Google come clean, and instead of calling names, actually give a practical demonstration of how people SHOULD go about making money online? Oh wait, they already did - our beloved Youtube, which commits the "Pilate Offence" - through clever legal contracts, washing its hands of responsibility for the massive copyright infringement that goes on daily, while gleefully profiting from the power of those billions of pageviews. Pay back, out of your billions, the artists who have broken their backs to help make you rich, you dogs!
The emperor wears no clothes, and as the Sun strikes the heart of the Archer, my arrow is fired! The entree is boiled dog, boys - are you blinking? You could hire me to write your next algorithm, as I'm more highly evolved than you - but I'm pretty expensive you know.
Phew, feel better now. Ah well, I guess maybe there goes my Adsense account? Oh crap, Gmail is great by the way. Pretty please don't take that. And so is maps, and books, and blogger, and.......
"If there is no door, it becomes necessary to break out through the wall."
yes, I am....
Roger Davis
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Roger Davis
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