47 replies

could you please have a look at my new website and give me some feedback?


some friends already told me the squeeze and sales pages are weak. I just have conflict on using the whole enchilada in the IM "niche", find it a bit insulting...

Any comment, good or bad, is highly appreciated.

#plr #review
  • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe
    Your site is currently a 'Back Button Special' at this point.

    I'm not saying that to be mean, but it lacks a hook to immediately let the visitor know they have arrived at a useful site.

    In other words, there is no emotional reason for investigating your site past the first 2 seconds.

    Perhaps adding a good headline would help point to the benefits you offer.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530099].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
      Hi KJ,


      I was after a bit of a corp look for it... I guess I got what I wanted. LOL

      have different reasons for it, but I would still like to keep some of the emotional factor from normal sales letters.

      will see if we can change the front page to get there...

      the sales letter is not in the front page. It is in the button that says no-brainer deal.

      we are sending traffic to the squeeze (shameless-bribe), and it is working ok. But ok is of course not enough for me.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530138].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Hi, Laura...

        I spent some time clicking around on your site, and I did like it a lot. But I have to agree with KJ - if I hadn't been snooping because you asked, I'd have been out of there.

        I can also see not wanting to use the 'whole enchilada', but at the same time, there needs to be at least a splash of sauce. You need to convey who the service is for and what the benefits are before you start in on the list of what's included.

        You have the seeds you need buried in your sales letter. Go down to the section marked "Business Model". The bullets have the seeds of benefits, you just need to sprout them. And you have the makings of a nice USP - look at the sentences in that section that end in question marks...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530221].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          Hi, Laura...

          I spent some time clicking around on your site, and I did like it a lot. But I have to agree with KJ - if I hadn't been snooping because you asked, I'd have been out of there.

          I can also see not wanting to use the 'whole enchilada', but at the same time, there needs to be at least a splash of sauce. You need to convey who the service is for and what the benefits are before you start in on the list of what's included.

          You have the seeds you need buried in your sales letter. Go down to the section marked "Business Model". The bullets have the seeds of benefits, you just need to sprout them. And you have the makings of a nice USP - look at the sentences in that section that end in question marks...
          Hi John,

          thanks for taking the time to snoop!!!

          ah... so you needed to push some buttons to know what it was really about... hum, sounds like the story of my life.

          thanks for putting it clear, it makes sense to put the benefits on first page.

          some salsa will make it fun!

          Also something we wrote for article marketing can be useful. We made fun of how useless in practical terms most of the prl services are:

          the one that gives high quality... you can't do much with them,
          those that give you all the plr rights are mostly crap...
          and all of them get lost and collect cyber dust...

          of course some services are great... I didn't know there were some much offer around until we started researching this.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530654].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Ditch the stuff at the top, move the opt-in box and associated content up above the fold. Add some bullet point to give visitors reasons to sign up to your newsletter and get the freebies. Market the PLR you put out to the list you build.

    No reason to overthink this stuff. You have the beginnings there, but you need more reasons to entice visitors to do something useful for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530156].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author aceshigh
    I'd make it free and just do it as ad supported like google ad sense. My friend does that with his article directory and he gets tons of articles coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author manifestwithmichael
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530536].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    It's cleanly done and very professional looking...however, it feels stark and cold to me. If not for you asking, I wouldn't have gotten past the front page. Since you did ask, my only other problem is having on-site links open in a new window. It's just a pain the arse to keep closing them.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530610].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    You need "FREE PLR" screaming somewhere up top.

    Is the date at the top left corner necessary?

    Are the tags needed in the middle of the site?

    If I didn't know you wanted a review and I was sent to this site, I wouldn't know the opt-in even existed down at the bottom...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
    Originally Posted by Phil Leotardo View Post

    What's the deal with being dirty? I don't get it. Is it because you don't like to take baths?:confused:

    Just wondering.
    LOLOLOLOLOLOL I can't answer you here, because i have someone with not much sense of humour on my tail...

    dare to take this conversation to Twitter and you will find out...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Glassjaw009

    At first glance, the site itself doesn't look bad, but a little unorganized. It's a bit of an non traditional template which can work well in some cases, but If the site isn't working well for you at this point, I'd say that't the reason.

    The navigation doesn't pop out.

    The left sidebar titles are nice and snarky (I like that kind of stuff) but a little unclear.

    Just needs a little tweaking =)

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530876].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
      Originally Posted by Glassjaw009 View Post


      At first glance, the site itself doesn't look bad, but a little unorganized. It's a bit of an non traditional template which can work well in some cases, but If the site isn't working well for you at this point, I'd say that't the reason.

      The navigation doesn't pop out.

      The left sidebar titles are nice and snarky (I like that kind of stuff) but a little unclear.

      Just needs a little tweaking =)
      Hey there,

      yes, all my websites are non traditional. As we use Joomla and Drupal to do them, not WP.

      the site is not working bad, but it can always work better. And all feedback is great, specially from people who doesn't know me that much.

      I have the group that buys everything I do, but those are relationships built one by one, old style.

      I'm trying to reach a wider market now, without losing the respect of those who know me.

      you are right about the organization... it seemed to flow when we designed it. But it is not the usual organization and people can get confused.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1530925].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    You can increase conversions if you have more details in the top center/left corners. I have no idea what this site is about. You can't assume everyone knows what PLR stands for. The important locations all seem "blank".
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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    All you need is a site with good solid content
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  • Profile picture of the author Chat2network
    The site looks really great. You just need a video presentation now. Goodluck!

    Chat2network is a social networking site that allows users to chat, share and socialize. Create your free profile and advertise your business with Chat2network at no cost.

    Thank you & God bless you!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531019].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author deckman
    You need to Sell your Service from the front page and give them a reason to look further.
    For example : Like you have done with your avatar, your nickname and your
    "always ready" slogan. Now that sales ! You need to use the similar enthusiasm on your sites home page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531020].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
      Originally Posted by deckman View Post

      You need to Sell your Service from the front page and give them a reason to look further.
      For example : Like you have done with your avatar, your nickname and your
      "always ready" slogan. Now that sales ! You need to use the similar enthusiasm on your sites home page.
      The same one??? LOLOLOL

      yeah.. it could work. Only that I don't have any adult material in it.

      it does need a bit more of my personality...


      I'm mindmapping everything and sending to my gal.

      We are working on the Valentines package that, hopefully, will replace the Christmas one on Dec 26.

      But we will work on the changes.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531196].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author deckman
        Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

        The same one??? LOLOLOL

        yeah.. it could work. Only that I don't have any adult material in it.

        it does need a bit more of my personality...


        I'm mindmapping everything and sending to my gal.

        We are working on the Valentines package that, hopefully, will replace the Christmas one on Dec 26.

        But we will work on the changes.

        The same one? Laura, you must be a true blonde. Kidding !

        What I really mean is to point out how it catches an audience even though it may be the men market but that is what men like. If you learn your market and know what they want/like, take that to tease them to spend more time looking around on your site. Maybe by pointing out a problem like:
        'Tired of paying for articles then having to proof read/correct them? I have the solution!' ?

        Is that really you in the avatar? Just had to ask.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531360].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
          Originally Posted by deckman View Post

          The same one? Laura, you must be a true blonde. Kidding !

          What I really mean is to point out how it catches an audience even though it may be the men market but that is what men like. If you learn your market and know what they want/like, take that to tease them to spend more time looking around on your site. Maybe by pointing out a problem like:
          'Tired of paying for articles then having to proof read/correct them? I have the solution!' ?

          Is that really you in the avatar? Just had to ask.
          LOLOLOLOL I'm as blond as it gets...

          this one? nah... I'm not a cartoon... lololololol

          the other one? yep!

          Thanks for the help...

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531382].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author theimdude
            The site didn't work for me. Although I knew it was PLR I had no idea what kinda PLR and had to look around. I don't like looking around.

            From reading this thread I see it is PLR articles but on the site not clear as you offer a optin on ebooks so a bit confusing

            Make it a single page and add a 20 sec video. You can use the you on twitter on the beach without the head as that will work as well
            Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

            CLICK HERE NOW
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531441].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author theimdude
              Hi Laura,
              I just did a optin on you site and you provide more info after the optin about what you have to offer. After the optin I closed the page accidentally and wanted to go back but could not find it.

              I then optin again and saw your warning on bookmarking the page as it only appears there (writing very small)

              The info on the page explains more on what you offer that you main website. I think you should go for a single page including all the info. The font you using is also very small.

              I would also use a different product for your optin as Christmas is gone already (nearly) so I will save it for next year
              Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

              CLICK HERE NOW
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531532].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author deckman
            Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

            LOLOLOLOL I'm as blond as it gets...

            this one? nah... I'm not a cartoon... lololololol

            the other one? yep!

            Thanks for the help...

            Ooops! Open mouth and insert foot.
            Are there a lot of Blonde Brazilians?

            On a serious note : With your beautiful looks and your Bubbly personality it could be a definite plus to exploit this. Would you say that 50% of your market would be men? Why do you think car makers use beautiful women to sell new cars? May be something to think about.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531622].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    You've already had some great suggestions, so I'll just add a couple more into the mix.

    I think there are a few 'leaks' on the page that let the reader's attention wander away from where you want it.

    The first is that there are around 85 possible actions the visitor could take, and that's just above the fold on the homepage. There are all the links in the tag box, the sidebar links, the top navbar links and the tab bar links. That much choice will usually paralyze a visitor into choosing nothing at all.

    I would decide exactly what it is you want the visitor to do, and then on that page remove all additional options, and pull the focus in tight on your main option. The tag clouds etc. don't help you get signups, but they do distract you as a visitor when you first arrive on the page, and prevent you from seeing the opt in form. I'd suggest pick one thing you really want the user to do, and then laser beam onto encouraging that particular action.

    Some folks have already made the suggestion of using bullet points to pull in focus on the one major action you want the visitor to take, and that's great advice. More reasons why someone should "Join Now" will help for sure, and will also act as reasons why a person should stay on the page at all to learn more about the offer.

    You can also use some color and layout tweaks to tighten up the focus. Layout and color on a page effects the way a visitor's eyes will naturally wander across the site.

    My two suggestions in this area are:

    1. Change the background color to a darker color, probably a navy blue, a darker shade of the blue you have in your logo. What this will do is prevent the visitor psychologically feeling they have to take in the whole page. As soon as they see the dark blue background, they'll know that they only area they need to look at is the brighter white/light grey central area. It's a similar principle to blinkers on a horse, ie. it removes the peripheral information that is of no value.

    I would remove the distracting bubble image background: http://yumplr.com/templates/rt_affin...2/page-bg2.png

    Replace the top gradient image with a blue one: http://yumplr.com/templates/rt_affin...header-bg2.png

    ...and change the background color code for the entire area.

    2. The full width header graphics also add to that attention leak / eye wander factor, as the eye tends to naturally follow them. It's only for a fraction of a second, but it only takes a second for someone to hit "back" so that lost time can be important. I would either crop / rearrange the header images to be the same width as the content area itself, or add something to the image that clearly defines where the visual focus should start and stop. You could do this with a drop shadow for example.

    I hope that helps, and good luck with your site!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1531411].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
      Originally Posted by Kezz View Post

      You've already had some great suggestions, so I'll just add a couple more into the mix.

      I think there are a few 'leaks' on the page that let the reader's attention wander away from where you want it.

      The first is that there are around 85 possible actions the visitor could take, and that's just above the fold on the homepage. There are all the links in the tag box, the sidebar links, the top navbar links and the tab bar links. That much choice will usually paralyze a visitor into choosing nothing at all.

      I would decide exactly what it is you want the visitor to do, and then on that page remove all additional options, and pull the focus in tight on your main option. The tag clouds etc. don't help you get signups, but they do distract you as a visitor when you first arrive on the page, and prevent you from seeing the opt in form. I'd suggest pick one thing you really want the user to do, and then laser beam onto encouraging that particular action.

      Some folks have already made the suggestion of using bullet points to pull in focus on the one major action you want the visitor to take, and that's great advice. More reasons why someone should "Join Now" will help for sure, and will also act as reasons why a person should stay on the page at all to learn more about the offer.

      You can also use some color and layout tweaks to tighten up the focus. Layout and color on a page effects the way a visitor's eyes will naturally wander across the site.

      My two suggestions in this area are:

      1. Change the background color to a darker color, probably a navy blue, a darker shade of the blue you have in your logo. What this will do is prevent the visitor psychologically feeling they have to take in the whole page. As soon as they see the dark blue background, they'll know that they only area they need to look at is the brighter white/light grey central area. It's a similar principle to blinkers on a horse, ie. it removes the peripheral information that is of no value.

      I would remove the distracting bubble image background: http://yumplr.com/templates/rt_affin...2/page-bg2.png

      Replace the top gradient image with a blue one: http://yumplr.com/templates/rt_affin...header-bg2.png

      ...and change the background color code for the entire area.

      2. The full width header graphics also add to that attention leak / eye wander factor, as the eye tends to naturally follow them. It's only for a fraction of a second, but it only takes a second for someone to hit "back" so that lost time can be important. I would either crop / rearrange the header images to be the same width as the content area itself, or add something to the image that clearly defines where the visual focus should start and stop. You could do this with a drop shadow for example.

      I hope that helps, and good luck with your site!
      Hi Kezz,

      yes it does help, thanks a lot!

      of course my tech gal is not happy at all.

      the colours and structure was designed thinking more on the user experience once they are already members than to attract customers, now that I think about it.

      the home page is not the page I send traffic to, it is this one:

      Christmas in a Box

      with not so many distractions. But is is weak as squeeze too...

      ok, I have all this mindmapped. Once we finish the Valentines package that has to replace this one on day 26, we get to it.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1532587].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
        Originally Posted by theimdude View Post

        The site didn't work for me. Although I knew it was PLR I had no idea what kinda PLR and had to look around. I don't like looking around.

        From reading this thread I see it is PLR articles but on the site not clear as you offer a optin on ebooks so a bit confusing

        Make it a single page and add a 20 sec video. You can use the you on twitter on the beach without the head as that will work as well
        thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! will simplify it. Take out what doesn't work and add the missing info.

        so you think the bikini will do, hum? it might... I have other movies even more interesting, that's why you don't see the head...

        Originally Posted by theimdude View Post

        Hi Laura,
        I just did a optin on you site and you provide more info after the optin about what you have to offer. After the optin I closed the page accidentally and wanted to go back but could not find it.

        I then optin again and saw your warning on bookmarking the page as it only appears there (writing very small)

        The info on the page explains more on what you offer that you main website. I think you should go for a single page including all the info. The font you using is also very small.

        I would also use a different product for your optin as Christmas is gone already (nearly) so I will save it for next year
        saw that you registered to the website. We gave you full access, you can play inside now.

        Christmas... yes, i know. We have a similar setup getting done for Valentines, this will go down and the other up hopefully on Dec 26th.

        for the squeeze: 4 ebooks, chocolate stuff.

        1 for scribd and clones, 1 for the squeeze, one as product and 1 as bonus. This system works well for me. These are PLR.

        for the bonus, 4 minisite templates, wp themes and graphics. This with MRR, it is a bought package and we are adding some custom made graphics.

        Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

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  • Profile picture of the author deckman
    Laura, I know you guys celebrate everything down there but do you celebrate X-mas?
    If so may you have a Merry One.

    "What do IM and Brazilian wax have in common?" You I gotta know !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1534493].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author deckman
    You are a live wire. Bet you are loads of fun to be around and yes I did think that you were Brazilian. I have done a bit of traveling myself.
    But regardless you have a great personality and exploiting that can do nothing but help with your IM ventures.

    BTW please add me to your friend list!

    "What do IM and Brazilian wax have in common?" ??
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  • Profile picture of the author startersim88
    Actually I like the like. But I don't really know what will I get when give you my email.
    Also for a noob like me, I don't know what is "PLR" (2 months ago).
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