Can A Porn Site Be Lucrative?

Profile picture of sharpturn
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26 replies

I was chatting to a friend about this today.

I am just curious to know if making up a softcore porn site would be any different to doing a normal site?

I mean, do you think there would be more rules and regulations involved, what with the pictures and videos and stuff?

I understand there is a lot of competition in that niche which means there is still money to be

or am I just talking like a typical newbie?!!!

#lucrative #site
  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaG
    Profile picture of JoshuaG
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Porn is not for newbies.

    I've got a friend in the online porn biz and its a whole different ball game then standard internet marketing.

    The competitiveness does speak of a market, but that doesn't make it any easier.

    Porn is making significant steps towards branding (which takes lots of time and effort) and only the most successful sites make significant money because of this.

    It is also a very cut throat industry.
    It is also a very scammy industry.

    It is difficult also because of the availability of free porn. Conversions are generally low because of this.

    Its an industry where you have to have connections too.

    That's all I know.

    • Profile picture of the author TommyBussey
      Profile picture of TommyBussey
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JoshuaG View Post

      It is also a very cut throat industry.
      It is also a very scammy industry.

      Its an industry where you have to have connections too.
      From the little I know about this industry, I would have to agree with Joshua on this.

      I just couldn't in my right mind recommend you getting into this industry. *Personally* I wouldn't get into this industry no matter how experienced I am, but that's just me. I know that different people have different standards.

      From a marketing standpoint it just doesn't seem like a very good investment of your time and money...just my 2 cents lol.

      Good luck!

      - Tommy

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    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
      Profile picture of whateverpedia
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      Originally Posted by JoshuaG View Post

      It is also a very cut throat industry.
      It is also a very scammy industry.
      In a lot of jurisdictions it is also ILLEGAL, even for "soft" stuff.

      RANT TIME:

      Australia has got the most stupid laws regarding this.

      For example, Playboy (the magazine) is available in newsagents across the country. You don't have to be over 18 to buy it.

      If you hosted the Playboy website in Australia, it would be banned. Site closed down and a HEAVY fine imposed and/or jail time.

      If you put the magazine on a disc (ie make it an ebook), that would be given an X rating (ie banned from sale everywhere except for Canberra/ACT and Darwin/NT), despite it having the EXACT same photos as the paper version, which you don't have to be over 18 to buy.

      The reasoning behind this is that digital photos are classed as "moving pictures", despite them being completely static.

      RANT OVER.

      If you're going down that path, the first thing you'll need is a damn good lawyer.
      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
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  • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
    Profile picture of sharpturn
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    Thanks guys,

    I guess there is more to making money in that area than I thought. With so many of those sites out there you would think it was easy to get into.

    I was just curious......then again look what that did to the cat!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Profile picture of timpears
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    There are lots of people that make more cash than they can count in this industry. And for every one that is successful, there are probably a hundred or more that wish they could get it right. Unless you really know what you are doing, this would be a very long and steep up hill battle.

    Tim Pears

  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Profile picture of butters
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    Porn is so far ahead of most industries, you will have to know your stuff when you go into this market. If you want a good converting porn page then you will be drop 10g's easily and thats just for the design, you need to know your stuff if your going to enter into that market.
  • Profile picture of the author caseyzeman
    Profile picture of caseyzeman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yeah i would stay away from porn there is no money because you will probably not have a subscriber base. Now something more niche like Cams might be a better way to go. Host a cam site where you have a % going to you for the hosting. Have no idea how one would do that so good luck. interesting question

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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Emily Meeks
    Profile picture of Emily Meeks
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    It depends on what you're doing.

    While I personally am not interested in hosting videos (whether bought or actually finding people to make them) or anything of that sort, you can make a pretty penny promoting adult CPA offers. It's different from traditional CPA marketing, but cuts down significantly on the hard labor.

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    • Profile picture of the author thedogtreatjar
      Profile picture of thedogtreatjar
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I concur with everybody else - porn is not for newbies.

      I worked with a phone sex site years back and I was constantly bombarded with complaints about everything from how to secure merchant accounts (can't use things like paypal for adult products) to the marketing of different states (in some states the taboo laws are different)

      Unless you are already involved in the industry and have some serious mentors I would choose something else entirely.

      Porn is the NASA of the internet. It sounds like fun, but you have to be REALLY smart to be a success at it.
    • Profile picture of the author Wealthyclark
      Profile picture of Wealthyclark
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      Originally Posted by moneysoapbox View Post

      It depends on what you're doing.

      While I personally am not interested in hosting videos (whether bought or actually finding people to make them) or anything of that sort, you can make a pretty penny promoting adult CPA offers. It's different from traditional CPA marketing, but cuts down significantly on the hard labor.
      This is absolutely the best answer to the question. There is a ton of money in this industry.

      If you can create results in other industries using cpa offers, you can do the same in porn and make more money. You did the research to find traffic for your other niche's, so just do the same in this industry.

      It's pretty much that simple, it is not as hard as some will make it out to be depending on which route you take it can be a lot easier due to the high demand.
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      • Profile picture of the author vicone
        Profile picture of vicone
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        If you can create results in other industries using cpa offers, you can do the same...
        Are there specialized networks providing these offers or are they to be found on the established networks? I hadn't noticed them on the major networks but perhaps that was because I wasn't looking.

        It's different from traditional CPA marketing...
        Would you care to elaborate?

        • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
          Emily Meeks
          Profile picture of Emily Meeks
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          Originally Posted by vicone View Post

          Would you care to elaborate?
          Promotion requires a little bit more out-of-the-box thinking. You can't exactly use article-marketing in the traditional sense for backlinking (erotic stories, maybe, though haven't personally tested this so don't quote me), and unless you have a huge budget PPC will be out of the question (Adwords is out, obviously, and I'm not sure how you'd go about hunting for "long tail" keywords...)

          Extra spending money with this industry is doable, but making a full-time living, let alone a fortune, will cost a lot more time, resources, and blackhat tactics (which of course, aren't discussed here) than I'm willing to undergo, so while I'll add it as an extra income stream, I'd rather pursue other avenues as well.

          In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

  • Profile picture of the author Zach Booker
    Zach Booker
    Profile picture of Zach Booker
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    With so much "free" porn out there nobody, these days, really wants to pay. The porn industry has taken a huge hit and the newbies have been taken out of the game for the most part.

    Those who create value still have insanely lucrative business' - but cracking into their territory is hard.

    With so many people fighting for targeted traffic search terms have been terribly hard to rank for with SEM. The best way to get in is to have connections and friends. Unless you have a team of lawyers by your side do not make porn yourself - only promote adult CPA offers. (The best ones are in private networks where you'll need an invite in due to so much fraud in the industry.)

    The same concepts of affiliate marketing apply to this market, the only difference is the hyper competitive nature of it.

  • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
    Profile picture of sharpturn
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    Thanks guys,

    Quite a few interesting answers. I'm glad I asked, now I can cross that off my future list.
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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Profile picture of thunderbird
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    One thing to consider is that what you spend time at is what goes into your mind, what you're devoting a chunk of your life to, and what you will constantly be thinking about.

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  • Profile picture of the author robvegas626
    Profile picture of robvegas626
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    I think this is the wrong time to jump into adult sites. What's hurting the industry BADLY right now is the proliferation of "tube" sites (think YouTube, but it's millions of people uploading and sharing free porn clips). That being said, if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and put in a serious amount of time and effort, I'm sure you can make some money as an affiliate. (The online XXX biz has some of the most sophisticated affiliate programs out there -- they give you every affiliate tool you could possibly think of.)

    I just think right now is a particularly bad time to try to get into that side of internet marketing...
  • Profile picture of the author iw
    Profile picture of iw
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    I guess it's lucrative but you really need time and commitment to devote onto the site. Traffic is not easy as it can be very different on how you promote other niches. Solid website planning is needed if anyone is ever serious about working on one.

    • Profile picture of the author Alminc
      Profile picture of Alminc
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Unless you have a significant capital to invest it's very risky
      and you could end up losing a lot of time and work for nothing.
      No links :)
  • Profile picture of the author jtormey
    Profile picture of jtormey
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    Getting into porn will ruin your mojo. Stay away from the porn industry, it will drag you into the sewer.

    There is PLENTY of money to be made in better markets.
  • Profile picture of the author robvegas626
    Profile picture of robvegas626
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    Also, the original poster said he wants to do a "softcore" porn site. Unless you are willing to plunge in and try to make a nastier, crazier or filthier site than the last guy, you won't stand a chance in that niche..."soft core" won't go anywhere. You'd be competing against a billion mainstream sites.
  • Profile picture of the author HomeBizNizz
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    Go to
    It's a adult webmaster forum.
  • Profile picture of the author Zach Booker
    Zach Booker
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  • Profile picture of the author rodi
    Profile picture of rodi
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    I dont recommemend you to dive into porn. Promoting it would mean that your contributing to making more pornaddicts and destroying lives. Would you prefer to lose your soul in exchange for cash coming from immoral sites?

    Think it over buddy. You might be turning kids into deeper addicts etc. Promote something clean.

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