Here's why you should be going offline...

8 replies
I have several corporate clients what pay me well to come in and advise them on innovative marketing ideas.
Alot of what I talk about I have gleaned from my own experience and from here
Today I went to a meeting where a "specialist" in IM came in and talked to the company. It was designed to be simple, but what frustrated me the most was how much MORE I knew- and I am not nearly as informed as half of you (seriously- I'm NOT )

If you want to fund your IM as you start out- and you want to get paid to learn,test and explore, consider helping offline companies. Your info is SO valuable, and your time will be well paid for.

Go to it!
  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Thanks for that reminder Rachel, and well done! Knowledge = money, every time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
    Most of the people who struggle to make money online
    don't even realize that they have more knowledge than
    99% of the offline world.

    Just knowing how to set a website up is enough knoweldge
    to go offline and make six figures rather easily.

    You'd be surprised how many businesses are still paying
    $10k for websites I could have outsourced for $500.

    What happens with forums like this is you get the
    "Gym" effect.

    That's what I call it.

    When you go to the gym even if you have a "decent" body
    you see all the in-shape people and begin to think
    "wow I'm way behind", and thinking about how good "you don't look".

    But when you step outside into the real world you realize
    you actually have a better body than 80% of the people
    you run into in daily life.

    It's no different than internet marketing. Most people
    visit these forums on a daily basis so it seems, "wow
    everybody is doing IM, it's so saturated, everybody
    knows this stuff".

    But if you go back into the real world you will find
    really nobody knows this stuff. This small section
    of the world becomes your idea of the whole
    world, and thats where the problems start.

    A great man once said (actually it was a wealthy
    man I met at starbucks), If you don't see the whole picture
    you are blind.

    Think about it.

    Daniel The God

    Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
    else is an illusion.

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  • Profile picture of the author crystalq
    Originally Posted by Rachel Goodchild View Post

    I have several corporate clients what pay me well to come in and advise them on innovative marketing ideas.
    Alot of what I talk about I have gleaned from my own experience and from here
    Today I went to a meeting where a "specialist" in IM came in and talked to the company. It was designed to be simple, but what frustrated me the most was how much MORE I knew- and I am not nearly as informed as half of you (seriously- I'm NOT )

    If you want to fund your IM as you start out- and you want to get paid to learn,test and explore, consider helping offline companies. Your info is SO valuable, and your time will be well paid for.

    Go to it!
    But where so you find these "corporate clients"?
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  • Profile picture of the author drkellogs
    I've never considered this.

    But you're absolutely right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
    Good point Rachel. Too many times people make the mistake of thinking they are "internet" marketers. The internet is a medium, a great medium, but there are many other factors in a businesses success as well, whether it be online, offline, or both.
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