Who has the best article marketing course?

20 replies
I'm looking for a really good program on how to earn some cash using adsense and article marketing. Can you recommend any program here on the warrior forum?

Also, can you point me to a good thread/success story on this forum about article marketing and adsense?

#article #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author grrbtn1959
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    Look for stuff by Steven Wagenhiem

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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    • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
      Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

      Look for stuff by Steven Wagenhiem
      I'll second that. Man knows his stuff when it comes to article marketing monetization.
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  • Profile picture of the author trevor75
    Go to Ezinearticles.com...without a doubt they are the best, they'll teach you everything you want to know about writing online.

    FREE Report Reveals 5 Secrets To Earn Truckloads Of Affiliate Marketing Cash In Less Than A Week!

    How To Do The Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Kohler
    The best thing to do is pick a niche that is popular. You can go to Go Articles or Ezine Articles.

    For instance on Go Articles, the most popular articles are listed on the front. I usually look at "Most Requested" as this is an indication of what the market is looking for. You can get an idea of how to write an article by looking at "Top Rated" articles.

    By doing this, you will get a feel for how to write an article and what is in demand. There are article writing courses out there that help you learn how to make money with articles and Adsense, but I would recommend doing this first.
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  • Profile picture of the author davisbrands
    I agree with Sara, affiliate marketing is a much better solution than adsense.
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    • Profile picture of the author Heat
      If I could recommend one product it would be conversations with Travis. That is Travis Sago to be exact. He is the one of the best IMO. You can search youtube.com for bum marketing or article marketing.

      You want to spend some time in forums getting to know the people in your niche and what there emotional hot buttons are and then incorporate them into your writing. Search Google For YOUR NICHE + FORUM

      Ezine articles is the best and will get you the most traffic.

      hope this helps you really need to watch Travis's Videos as they are realy eye openers and they will change they way you think about IM
      Panda Got Your Keywords Down? Click Here To Get Them Back in SERPs

      Earn More then $300per sale for every SEO client you send our Company. PM me for more details.
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  • Profile picture of the author cragar
    You need to always stay informed of the newest tactics and strategies and allow yourself to be teachable at all times.Sounds like you are. I have learned much from an article pro...name with held but he does frequent this forum.Take a look at what he has to say.

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    • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
      Good question, I like the materials available for free at Lisa Angelettie's site (.com)
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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Here's whom I look to when it comes to article marketing:

        Allen Graves
        Tim Gorman
        Steve Wagenheim
        Dean Shainin
        Jeremy Kelsall

        These guys have taught me more tricks than I know what to do with. I'd also seriously check out Allen Grave's site directory, I'm already liking it a lot better than EZA, primarily because it does well in the SERPS, there are no ads on my article, and another reason I'm not allow to share here, but it should be on every article marketer's distribution list.

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
          Why buy a product?

          Article Marketing itself, should actually be a fairly easy concept to wrap your head around, right?

          Content ---->Traffic------->Offer------->$$$$$$$

          The actual work comes in for the most part in the beginning. Without a solid foundation and understanding, you could find yourself spinning your wheels, getting frustrated, and ultimately giving up. So, let's take a look at some of the initial steps....

          Keywords - You will hear all kinds of people telling you to look for keywords with a certain number of competitionin quotes etc. Tell those people to shut up. Even if there are only 10 results in quotation marks, if they are all major players and either have a better understanding of SEO or just implament it better than you, you're pretty much screwed.

          What you want to pay attention to is the actual sites that are ranking on the first page and maybe even the results on the second page if you want to take it a step further. Pay really close attention to the sites in the first 5 spots on the first page though and ask yourself these questions.

          1. What kind of sites are they? - Are they article directories and web2.0 sites or are they true authority sites?
          2. How many backlinks do the ACTUAL PAGES HAVE?
          3. How many backlinks does the root domain have?
          4. What is the keyword density on those pages?

          But, what does all that tell us?

          If the results in the first 5 spots contain any article directories or web2.0 then it is a good kewyord for you, regardless of how many actual competitors there are. Save the keyword.

          If the results in the first 5 are solid authority sites - Skip it.

          You pay attention to the number of backlinks to the ACTUAL PAGE to get an idea of just how hardcore the person is promoting the page. if the page is showing 0 backlinks or a handful, then more than likely the page ranked simply because the Search Engines consider the directory or 2.0 some sort of authority. In many cases, this happens simply because of the large quanity of content that marketers such as you and I submit to the particular site.

          The keyword density is just something you should keep a mental note on - It's really not that important, but something I look at anyway

          Understand when you start the process that keyword tools will only give you a decent estimate - sometimes the estimate isn't even decent so, I like to go with my gut when deciding which keywords to do more research on. One way that I like to guage the actual search volume is by doing one of the following things.

          1. Setting up a dummy adwords campaign with the keywords to see how many impressions it gets over a 6 hour period and then just multiply it by 4.

          2. If some sort of directory or 2.0 is high on the first page, look at how many views the content has received.

          Picking A Niche - this part of the process should be about as easy as it gets. You'll find that many people will tell you to stick to the niches that you are passionate about. Me on the other hand, would like to see everybody get passionate about niches that will put money in their pocket. Just about anything that you'll run across out there. There are people that are not only looking for it, but would be willing to pay money for it. I have no interest whatsoever in reverse cell phone lookups, criminal background checks, e-mail tracing, diet pills, anxiety, credit repair, loan modifications, or burning video games. However, even with the lack of interest on my part, each and every last one of those niches listed has brought me a substantial amount of money in the affiliate marketing realm.

          So, my advice to you would be to simply find something that people are willing to pay for, which is just about anything, and to promote it. If you yourself can't be passionate enough to write about it, hire somebody that will.

          Traffic Plan - There are two trains of thought here. Ultimately though, your traffic plan should really depend on the niche and landing pages that you are promoting. Here is what I like to do though....

          When I first start a campaign, i don't want to waste my time setting up a site if the offer itself isn't going to convert. So, I will pick up a domain name and set up a redirect so that whenever someone clicks on a resource box, they go right to the sales page. In many cases, thousands and thousands of dollars have been spent to make sure that those pages convert. Unfortunately, most of the people that get involved in article marketing are not trained in copy writing. So, there's a good chance that by directing that traffic to your own page being used as a lander, won't give you the kind of data you need in order to determine whether or not the product itself and the sales copy will convert for you.

          By sending 100 or 200 potential buyers directly to the sales page you should be able to gauge what kind of conversions you'll get. This will tell you whether or not that particular product and the sales page in question is worth you spending not only your time but potentially your money promoting.

          One thing that you have to consider when coming up with your traffic plan though, is the niche that you are looking at as well as what type of landing page it is that the visitors will see. As an example, at one point in time I was direct linking to a weight-loss product on click bank. I would have to send 5 to 600 visitors to the page in order to get one simple conversion. To sum up my experience with that, it sucked. So, what I tried next was sending the product to my own opt-in page and collecting leads. After sending out a couple friendly e-mails and then pitching the product, the conversion rate was a whole hell of a lot better.

          What you have to pay attention to, and what you must consider is what the average person's mindset is going to be when they buy that particular product. Is it in a niche where people are not only looking to buy a product but also want information in the process. Because they're a ton of niches like that -- think anxiety, weight loss, acne, and pretty much any fitness type products.

          On the other hand though, if you're promoting products with A CPA style landing page, redirecting the traffic directly to the landing page is definitely a winner. This is because most of the products are either completely free or only require the visitor to pay any small shipping and handling charge. So, the conversion rates are drastically higher than sending people to a clickbank style sales letter.

          The best thing you can do, is to spend some time to actually understand the market. This means understanding from their perspective how the sales process should go, exactly what they're looking for, and what hoops if any they might be willing to jump through.

          I've seen tons of people waste article after article and hour after hour of their time redirecting traffic straight to a landing page that simply won't convert the traffic like that. On the other hand, I've also seen trying to build a list in a niche that simply isn't list friendly.

          Writing Content - actually producing content is sometimes a sticking point for some people. Believe it or not how you write something is often far more important than what you write. Understand, that as an article marketer, in most cases you're taking your content and putting it on somebody else's site which you have no control over. Not only that, you're putting your own content on somebody else's site for their benefit. Their benefit being adsense income, advertisement money, and the fact that in many cases you're building their sites up to be authorities across numerous niches.

          Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to put yourself out there as an authority. People don't care. When they search in the search engines for particular keyword especially when they're in buying mode, they want a link where they can go to make the purchase. They could care less about your 650 word article. How many dogs you have, how many kids you have, where you went to school, or anything else about you for the most part. Knowing that, you should write your content in a way that it presells the site that you are sending them to. This means features and benefits and understanding exactly what their problems are so that you can make them feel the pain. If you can do this, they are almost guaranteed to click on the link in your resource box.

          A good example of this would be in the anxiety niche. Whenever I either have content created or write content myself for this niche, you can believe that I bring up things such as social anxiety, not being able to sleep, the fear that is struck when their heart starts to beat 200 beats a minute, and a host of other things that I know are issues for people suffering anxiety. I don't get into what social anxiety is or why their heart starts to beat so fast - the fact that those things happen is enough to make them want those things to stop. So, even though an article by definition for most people is supposed to be informative, you want to make every attempt possible to sell that person within the actual article.

          For me, the shorter I could make an article the better. I want my link in my resource box to be visible almost as soon as they read my title. As a party stated, I really don't think that people care what's written in the article. They want the link, they want a solution, they want their problem addressed. However, many of the article directories are starting to have minimum word counts, and effort to increase the quality of content that is submitted to their directories.

          So, when this is the case, it's important to structure your article in a way which will lead them directly to your resource box. Again, the way to do this is by focusing on the pain and the problems that are prominent in the particular niche that your end. The other thing that you want to do is to break your articles up into smaller pieces. You could do this by making sure that your paragraphs are 2 to 3 sentences long at the very most, using bold text when possible, and using bullet points. All of those things will keep your article interesting, but more importantly your article will keep them flowing right down to your resource box, which at the end of the day is the most important part of your article.

          The key to the whole entire process is to find a product that you could get a handful of sales in and then scale the hell out of it. Unfortunately, a high percentage of people get stopped before they ever really get started. In many cases this happens because they don't understand one small part of the process. If that happens to you, just push forward with what you do understand.

          A great example of this, is the fact that when I very first started article marketing had no idea how to build a website, make an opt in page, cloak a link, or many of the other things we hear people talking about. What I didn't know how to do though was the right 300 words and simply submit them to article directories with my link at the bottom of, which at the time mainly directed people to lenses that I had on Squidoo. Even doing that, because I would beat the hell at a niches when I would get into him, it wasn't long before I was making $2000 a month. Nothing I was doing was complicated, the process I was following was one that anybody and everybody could follow if they were willing to put the work in, but sadly many wouldn't and still just can't bring themselves to put the initial work in.

          If they do though, and they actually stick with it, they can often start to generate profits, even if they're small, which then allow them to outsource the entire process and to become involved in increasingly more niches. That's where the power of article marketing really lies. I'm a firm believer that with article marketing the key is to do everything in mass. Mass niches, mass articles, mass back linking, mass promotion, and to get my content and my link seen all across the Internet.

          We as a community in the past year to year and a half have already seen a slew of software rolled out which enables even the biggest Internet dummy to not only automate, but to do things on a scale that simply wasn't possible to do manually unless you had an army of employees that were continuously banging away on the keyboard.

          So, the final piece of advice I'll leave you with is to look at the way that promoting things on the Internet is going and general and try to keep up. Some people can make money in certain niches just because of the way that their name is recognized. For most of us though, especially in niches that are on click bank and the different CPA networks, our names simply aren't recognizable. So, people are not going to flock to our content, they're not going to search our websites, and they're not going to buy the products that were promoting simply because we recommend them.

          As a marketer and a salesperson, it is your job and should be your goal to not only gets your offers, but your links in front of as many people as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Umm.. Yeah, what he said ^^

    Kudos, Jeremy



    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    For article marketing - No need to buy a product - All the information you need is in one thread - Article Marketing Secrets and Other Ramblings

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  • Profile picture of the author fredjr1978
    I really enjoy the Bum Marketing information and bummarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    I don't think that article marketing has to be adsense, I think you are confusing terms. Article marketing is any way of using article to drive traffic, whether it's for affiliate marketing or adsense.
    FREE 500 word articles, PM me for yours!
    (4 days only!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    I think Jeremy just finished "schooling you". Now you just need to take the info and get busy.

    Damn Jeremy, A whole article marketing course for free....
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane
    Threads asking how to do Article Marketing come up quite often here - so I have a standard reply - I hope this helps:

    Two brilliant threads to read about article marketing are these:



    Read them both - all the way through - and take notes.

    For further information I recommend the following directory - It is education in article marketing - a guide book and monthly newsletters - with a directory thrown in! You can read what Warriors think about it here: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...alks-walk.html

    Article Directory - Article Marketing Community

    I can also recommend the WSO's from this guy:

    View Profile: Zeus66

    This guy also has some good stuff - some article marketing some on other things

    View Profile: Steven Wagenheim

    Hope this helps.

    I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out

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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Hodgson
    I tried www.affiliatearticlewriters.com. It's an excellent website with one of the best article marketing forums I've seen anywhere. There's a headline and conclusions spinner, instruction videos, webinars, top quality affiliate programs.

    Basically everything and I mean everything you need to start article marketing. It's a subscription website. So I subscribed for about 3 months and absorbed everthing on the site and then cancelled

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