Calling all Warrior Heroes - Newbie in Overload

Profile picture of samir141
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
11 replies
Hello mighty warriors,

I stand before you in need of guidance and wisdom. I am a total IM virgin, I am resarching and going to many many different resources and reading tones of posts here. However I am fining it hard as to where to start my IM journey: Adsense, PPC, CPA, CPV, blogging, clickbank,?????..

Cuold someone point me in the direction of a post or website that will breakdown the different categories/avenues that are involved in the Internet Marketing? Then at least my head could stop spinning

I wil be very grateful to anyone that can help me to help myself.


#calling #heroes #newbie #overload #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Steven Wagenheim
    Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sam, you're at the most difficult stage of your whole journey, and many
    people are going to come here and give you all these wonderful suggestions.

    While well meaning, ultimately what's going to happen is you will end up with
    more questions than answers.

    So let me tell you what I would do right now IF I were in your place.

    I'd research a respected coach in the IM community and have him work out
    a business plan with you. Yes, it will cost you some bucks, but it will be
    well worth it.


    Because it will cut the learning curve in half, if not more.

    There are too many things out there to choose from. You yourself in your
    post addressed this very issue. Many ideas you will be presented with here
    will be good ones...some better than others. But I truly believe that only
    a qualified coach, one who will know how to make the most of your skills
    and interests, will be able to guide you in the right direction.

    But before you choose ANYBODY, do your research. Personally, for
    business planning, I would go to Bev Clement. I don't know what she
    charges but she knows her stuff and is well respected here by many.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the subject.
  • Profile picture of the author Woody C
    Woody C
    Profile picture of Woody C
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    Originally Posted by samir141 View Post

    I am fining it hard as to where to start my IM journey: Adsense, PPC, CPA, CPV, blogging, clickbank,?????..

    Cuold someone point me in the direction of a post or website that will breakdown the different categories/avenues that are involved in the Internet Marketing? Then at least my head could stop spinning
    1. There is no magic pill in internet marketing. There are so many different ways to make money, that it is easy to get lost and never accomplish anything. Choose one program that has been proven to work, and do what it says from beginning to end.

    The key is to take action, learn from your mistakes, be persistent, and don't get distracted by shiny objects.

    2. Learn how to use the search function in the upper right corner of each page in the Warrior Forum. This will be one of your most valuable resources.

    3. Keep a positive attitude and never be afraid to ask for help.

    4. This is a great place to start: The KickStart Course

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
    Ken Preuss
    Profile picture of Ken Preuss
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    Great advice Steven. However the problem is that a lot of coaches don't actually create true business plans with or for their students. They teach strategies, yes. But as you and I both know, strategies and techniques are only as valuable as the overall plan they serve.

    Sam - Steven is dead on. Make a plan first. Decide on a specific direction you want to go in IM. *Then* dig into learning the strategies and techniques that will make that specific plan a reality.


    Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

    A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Steven Wagenheim
      Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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      Originally Posted by Ken Preuss View Post

      Great advice Steven. However the problem is that a lot of coaches don't actually create true business plans with or for their students. They teach strategies, yes. But as you and I both know, strategies and techniques are only as valuable as the overall plan they serve.

      Sam - Steven is dead on. Make a plan first. Decide on a specific direction you want to go in IM. *Then* dig into learning the strategies and techniques that will make that specific plan a reality.

      That's why I recommended Bev. She actually works out a business plan
      with her students. She helped me a ton and I already had plenty of direction.

      But I think we agree that you shouldn't just pick something (Bum Marketing,
      CPA, Ebay, whatever) and try to make it "work." A business plan is the
      best way to get your act together solidly.
      • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
        Ken Preuss
        Profile picture of Ken Preuss
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        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        But I think we agree that you shouldn't just pick something (Bum Marketing,
        CPA, Ebay, whatever) and try to make it "work." A business plan is the
        best way to get your act together solidly.
        You betcha. In fact in my opinion it's the *only* way.

        Focusing solely on the zillions of IM techniques available is the fast path to nowhere for someone who has not defined 1) a customer audience (niche), 2) how they plan to reach that audience (traffic) and 3) how they plan to monetize that audience (product, offer & conversions... whether through their own products or affiliate sales).


        Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

        A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

        • Profile picture of the author Woody C
          Woody C
          Profile picture of Woody C
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          I don't want to hijack this thread, but.....

          Steve and Ken,

          What would an IM business plan look like? Would it include strategies, theories, expenses, goals, etc?

          Also, how would he go about finding an IM Coach to help him with a business plan? I've never seen anyone offering this service (in those words)?

          Sorry, that's a lot of questions. :p
          • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
            Ken Preuss
            Profile picture of Ken Preuss
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            Originally Posted by Woody Crenshaw View Post

            What would an IM business plan look like? Would it include strategies, theories, expenses, goals, etc?

            Also, how would he go about finding an IM Coach to help him with a business plan? I've never seen anyone offering this service (in those words)?
            *Exactly* my point Woody. Very few people do offer it. Yet it's essential to success.

            For me personally, I'm a very simple person. So my plans don't get too ticky-tacky into expenses and nit-picky stuff the way more "formal" business plans do.

            For me the most fundamental aspects of a sound IM business plan are these:

            1) The Market - Who are they? Where do they hang out? Do they already self-identify as an audience/community? Are they already buying? (critical)

            2) The Competition - Who are they? What are the most successful competition doing with their websites, promotions, etc.? Where are they getting their traffic? What are they selling and for how much? HOW are they selling it? (the true million dollar education)

            3) Business Model - Meaning the model you will use for Traffic - Offer - Conversions. Is it based on a proven model within the niche, or is it based on your own theory?

            (Hint: If you can begin by duplicating a proven successful business model as your fundamental model, your customer behavior will be fundamentally the SAME as whatever successful competition is already using that core model... Translation: Customers will buy from you, assuming your own additions to the model are magnetic to the customer)

            4) Ultimate Positioning - What is your "X Factor"? What is your powerful branding? What will make your customers SWARM you?

            These are the fundamentals in my experience. All the techniques you can possible learn serve these things, not vice versa.

            Figure these out first and you're off to the best possible start in this industry.


            Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

            A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

            • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
              Jill Carpenter
              Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
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              Originally Posted by Woody Crenshaw View Post

              I don't want to hijack this thread, but.....

              Steve and Ken,

              What would an IM business plan look like? Would it include strategies, theories, expenses, goals, etc?

              Also, how would he go about finding an IM Coach to help him with a business plan? I've never seen anyone offering this service (in those words)?

              Sorry, that's a lot of questions. :p

              And the keyword you said here is "coach" not "mentor" and I think the two get confused.

              I think an IM business plan is not much different than a regular business plan.

              Take away the internet. What would you do? What kind of business would you set up?

              I can be honest and tell you, if I had followed this train of thought from the get go I would have been a bit more focused with my objectives and products I would have promoted.

              I have learned a lot of things I didn't "need" to learn, and this has slowed my financial progress.

              It is easier to start with one focused idea, and then build upon it and monetize on it in different ways at a later date.

              It all starts with a niche or area of interest.

              Now, if you want to focus on something that is an "online" thing - like blogging or templates, then the thing I just said about the internet not existing does not make as much sense, but you need to translate it that way.

              Imagine starting up a store front for instance, and you sell all DVD's and CD's about blogging. And you create your own product on it as well.

              One has to really imagine a physical location of your business - even though it is virtual.

              Recently I was riding with a friend of mine in the car and she almost got it, but still was stuck on the thought that I pull money out of thin air. It is not really air. It is just on a different plane of existence.

              "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Steven Wagenheim
            Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Woody Crenshaw View Post

            I don't want to hijack this thread, but.....

            Steve and Ken,

            What would an IM business plan look like? Would it include strategies, theories, expenses, goals, etc?

            Also, how would he go about finding an IM Coach to help him with a business plan? I've never seen anyone offering this service (in those words)?

            Sorry, that's a lot of questions. :p
            Every person has their own way of coming up with a business plan. Bev
            has her way, I have my way. I've incorporated some of Bev's methods but
            not all of them.

            There is no ONE way to make a business plan. There are some basic
            things you SHOULD do but nothing is written in stone because every
            business is different.

            For example, somebody who decides to go into freelancing his copywriting
            services is going to have a completely different business plan from
            somebody who decides that they're going to get into niche marketing
            and sell digital info products for one or more niches.

            And that business plan is going to be totally different from somebody
            who decides they're going to buy up domains and either sell them at a
            premium price OR build sites on them and flip the sites. Through outsourcing
            the whole creation process, you can actually flip many in a short period
            of time.

            But there are some basic things you should do such as working out an
            expense budget and a projected income based on reality...not pie in the
            sky dreams.

            For example (and I know I shouldn't get into this here because it can get
            so complex) but let's say you decide that you are going to go into the
            information services selling digital info products.

            You would choose a niche based on research. Preferably, you'd want to
            choose one that has already proven to have a demand. But that doesn't
            stop people from taking chances. At one time, every niche was brand new.

            After choosing your niche (and the research involved is extensive) you
            would decide what product(s) you are going to market to that niche. In
            a good niche, you should have a product line so that your income isn't
            reliant on just ONE thing.

            For example, in the IM make money niche, you might sell the following

            Adwords book
            Article Marketing book
            List Building book
            Copywriting book

            These would probably be priced at a modest amount ($27 to $47)

            Then you would plan out a higher end product line working your way up
            to online seminars, membership sites and coaching.

            You'd probably build a list either giving away a report or selling a low end
            product. Either way can work.

            You'd build trust with your list so that they purchase other products from

            But this can only be done with niches where there is room for growth.

            However, that is only ONE model.

            If you want, you can get into many NARROW niches and sell products
            across the board for each one.

            The key thing to doing all this is to determine what you will spend and
            how much you realistically plan to make.

            You will also take your skills into consideration so you will know what you
            can do yourself and what you will outsource to others.

            And then there are different stages to your business plan.

            For example, somebody just starting out who is broke has no choice
            (unless they get a loan) but to do everything on their own.

            However, as the income comes in and you're exceeding your expenses,
            you will then budget some of that money to outsource things to other
            people so that you can scale up and make more money.

            Business plans aren't static. They evolve over time. Of course if you've
            found yourself a good thing and it's making you a lot of money, you may
            decide not to branch out. However, you should always be looking to see
            that your model is still a viable one.


            Because contrary to what people believe, things DO become obsolete when
            new technology comes along or laws changes.

            Take the MFA sites of years ago.

            Those who didn't adapt when Google put the kibosh on them went out
            of business if that was their whole model.

            Here's the bottom line.

            Before you build one site...before you write one ad...before you create
            one product...before you do should have a firm plan in
            place for what niche you're going to tackle, how you're going to tackle it,
            how much money you can budget and how much you can realistically
            expect to make in 30, 60, 90, 120 and so on days.

            This means keeping very good records on everything. If you don't know
            where you've been, you can't possibly know where you're going.

            Anyway, I've rambled on long enough and haven't covered nearly everything.

            But hopefully you get the idea.

            Business planning is VERY involved if you're going to do it right.
  • Profile picture of the author kevinw1
    Profile picture of kevinw1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It seems to me that Samir is at the stage before that where he could use a coach: he doesn't know what is out there, or what any of it means.

    One of several things I found helpful at the beginning was to go through the (free) 30 day challenge here:
    Thirty Day Challenge
    It happens in "real time" each summer, but all the videos and the forum are there all year, so you can work through it any time. You'll get a good sense of the basics, and some idea of which areas might interest you, both niche-wise and business-model wise. IMO you will then be able to make much better use of a coach.
  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
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    Well not much I can add you have had some pretty wise words given here but I will add a few things.

    Stop bouncing from one thing to another looking for the perfect outlet you have got to see online as a business the same as a regular business forget affiliate marketing why is this not working I tried this etc. stop.

    Sit down and write a list with the following.

    What are you passionate about what is your biggest passion in life.

    What do you want to accomplish.

    How do you want to accomplish it

    What are you willing to do to get there.

    How are you going to implement this strategy now because that is what I just taught you to do . complete a business strategy this is the purpose of the list.

    now figure out the way to execute that strategy. by execute I mean this. How are you going to find the niche to fit your passion .
    Once you find it how are you going to get into it are you going to post a website write articles are you going to create a product for it. etc.

    I am not going to give you all the keys but this is enough coupled with the words given above you will be well on your way to financial success. never ever bounce around pick one thing perfect it rinse and repeat.

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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