The Buddy System: How Accountability Can Drive You

9 replies
Hi Fellow Warriors;

Well as a few of you may know I'm a psychologist at heart and I'm always looking for the edge. One of the things that I stumbled upon a while ago might actually be fairly useful to everyone here.

About a month and a half ago I decided I was going to complete a project by the end of this month. It was big, it was daunting and it scared the crap out of me. But the results are going to be WELL worth it. I could have copped out at any moment and decided I wasn't going to do it, but I knew I'd hate myself in the end.

So what did I do? Well, I did the same thing that every serious weight loss program, self improvement program and goal driven program suggests. I told EVERYONE about it. I posted it on facebook, I told friends, I told family ad nauseam.

Why did I do this?

One word: Accountability

It's proven and tested that one of the strongest forms of motivation is congruency. It's socially taboo to say you're going to do something and not do it. It's one of the main points in Cialdini's book "Influence" (which if you haven't read, I highly recommend).

The more public you make your goal, and continually update people on it, the more pressure is put on you to actually complete it.

So here is what I'm proposing.

The Buddy System:

It's new years, we've all made financial and marketing resolutions I assume?(with the exception of the admins and mods - they're perfect ).

What I'd like you guys to do is find someone on the forum, either in this thread or through PM and offer up a buddy system. You tell each other your goals, you work on a plan together, and you push each other.

Post your results in this thread once a month and successes / failures you've had.

Accountability is incredibly powerful. This does work, and regardless of how many people participate I'm going to go out there and say:

"This month, January 2010 I'm going to make $1500 through IM alone."

What are you going to do?

Love & Respect
- Adam
#accountability #buddy #drive #system
  • Profile picture of the author Justin Bott
    I've been one of Adam's buddies in the past and I can tell you that Adam is so on point with this.

    When I first got into IM I did so with my good friend and roommate Brad. I don't know if I would have made it as far as I would have without him. Developing relationships in this business is vital, just as it is in any business. Now, when I'm bummed out about something not working, I have a support group to go to help me figure out how to get over a hump. That's a huge plush when facing adversity.

    Adam buddy, you're dead on with this post...and I'm going to be asking you about that $1500.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Solid plan. Back when I cared about how I looked... you know, before I got married :rolleyes: ... I used the buddy system with my gym membership. I'm so lazy and so ADD that if not for my buddy kicking my butt if I tried to wimp out, I'd have been about 300 lbs. Same concept here, right? Commit to a plan and then pick a merciless buddy who'll make you feel like a girly man (what's the chick equivalent?) if you don't stick with it.

    Helluva lot cheaper than most "mentors."

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  • Profile picture of the author digigo
    work even better for those without self-discipline .. motivation and accountability aside, I think inspiration is also a great benefit from peers.. that is when you gain new perspective and think outside the box...
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Nolan
      Originally Posted by digigo View Post

      work even better for those without self-discipline .. motivation and accountability aside, I think inspiration is also a great benefit from peers.. that is when you gain new perspective and think outside the box...
      Looks around *nervously* self-discipline... what's that?

      Hahah I'm so glad I have Justin keeping tabs on me. I get all these brilliant ideas and try and do them all at once. I got a business coach / friend who is also riding me to accomplish my goals.

      One of them actually is going to be fitness so I really like your approach Martin & Zeus! I put on 20 freaking lbs this past year! Starting out a finance career means you're eating alot of Kraft Dinner

      Thanks for the positive feedback & thanks guys!

      - Adam
      Marketing Hacks Workshop Tonight at 8PM EST.

      Tonights Hack: The incredible hidden traffic source you haven't heard about that can send thousands of targeted visitors to your website for 1.9 cents per click.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Roch
    Great idea. Today I made a video of myself, in just my boxer shorts, to show how out of shape I have become (scary). I will be posting regular updates on Youtube etc. in preperation for the launch of my training and nutrition product in May. The fear of not achieving my goals in such a public way will drive me on.
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  • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
    I'd like to add a twist...

    It's a good idea to pick a 'buddy' who has already reached where you'd like to achieve. They are less likely to accept your excuses as to how 'hard' things are. Because they've already been there and done it.

    I've got a few 'buddies' like this, one in particular gives me a good verbal kicking anytime they feel I'm slacking off.

    Kindest regards,
    eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Nolan
      Nice idea Karl!
      Marketing Hacks Workshop Tonight at 8PM EST.

      Tonights Hack: The incredible hidden traffic source you haven't heard about that can send thousands of targeted visitors to your website for 1.9 cents per click.
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      • Profile picture of the author 84xads
        I've been lurking on the Warrior Forum since 2003 - gathering alot of facts, dabbling in IM, building many useful skills, but never really breaking thru because of treating IM as a hobby.

        Lot's of excuses.

        I've been thinking quite about over the last several weeks about the importance of accountability - so I decided to do a search on 'accountability' in Warrior and I found this thread. When the student is ready the teacher will come.

        No more lurking.

        This is my first post.

        My hope is that I can find encouragement here to take some simple next steps to gain momentum.

        As simple as they might be - I commit to:
        1. Fill in the blanks on my Warrior profile
        2. Add an avatar to my Warrior profile
        3. To pay the $37 to join Warrior
        4. To add value to this community by posting (doing more than one sentence replies)

        "I'm out there Jerry... and lovin' every minute of it!" - Cosmo Kramer
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacer
    Great post! Something that has really added value to me personally and in business in becoming part of a mastermind. The one I am in right now is 8 people, we talk once a week by phone and email daily. It has been amazing! I encourage everyone who is not in a mastermind group to make that a goal this year.
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