Do you consider yourself successful?

20 replies
Do you consider yourself successful?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brekat23
    To a certain degree I do. I still consider myself new to Internet Marketing because although I've been working diligently at it on and off now for quite awhile, I haven't officially worked towards making any actual money yet. So although I feel successful with the fact that I've decided what I want to do with my life (which is Internet Marketing), and I'm happy with my life and how I'm living, I don't feel successful at the same time because I haven't earned any money - yet, and thusly this hasn't become my official 'career' as I'd like to see it become.

    This doesn't answer your question very well does it? answer is half and half. If this thread is still up and running though within a months time (which is my goal of earning atleast 1 DOLLAR from the Internet by that time) then I'll be back on to post how amazingly successful I feel now that I know this is possible for me, and that I can plug away at it. Transform it into my full blown career! Can't wait!
    "The World of IM: Physically Easy - Mentally Challenging - Emotionally Intense."

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    • Profile picture of the author Sean A McAlister
      Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays!:p
      New Product Launches, Affiliate Marketplace

      Need More Sales? More Affiliates?
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      • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
        Very much so, after 18 years in the Gas Station and Auto Repair Business, I sold pretty much everything and went Full Time into Internet Marketing. Earn way more than I did with Retail business and only have one employee (office assistant part time) Been Full Time Internet Marketer since 2007. Love what I do, set for life !!!

        Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
        Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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        • Profile picture of the author webwriter
          To some extent, I do. I've had limited success in selling a 35-page report offline. During that time, I completed a successful sales letter about the report. And now, I'm writing another and will likely offer it free in order to build a list.
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          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Success is an attitude...not dollars and cents on a ledger sheet.

            But yes, I consider myself many things.
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            • Profile picture of the author JeffAMitchell
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              Success is an attitude...not dollars and cents on a ledger sheet.

              But yes, I consider myself many things.

              That is it in a nutshell. You have be successful in order to be succesful. (sounds odd right) all mental.

              You have to tell your thoughts who is the boss.

              { { In this industry if you have made $100 online you are more successful at marketing then like the top 90% of the world. lol as sad as that really sounds. } }

              Jeff Mitchell
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

    Do you consider yourself successful?
    Abso-friggen-lutely. I've finally got enough life experience under my belt where I know the path I need to walk on and where it's going to lead me. I have a wonderful family of brothers and sisters and parents that love me. Great friends. A girlfriend that adores me and a wonderful virtual staff that I consider my extended family.

    My health is getting back to normal and I literally have trounced the "psychological time" issue that has bothered me for years and now have learned to live in the moment. No more fretting on the past and realizing that what I do in the present moment is what affects my future, my destiny. So I no longer worry about the future.

    I've got everything I need and ever wanted. Everything else is pure gravy and I'm enjoying the ride.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      Abso-friggen-lutely. I've finally got enough life experience under my belt where I know the path I need to walk on and where it's going to lead me. I have a wonderful family of brothers and sisters and parents that love me. Great friends. A girlfriend that adores me and a wonderful virtual staff that I consider my extended family.

      My health is getting back to normal and I literally have trounced the "psychological time" that has bothered me for years and now have learned to live in the moment. No more fretting on the past and realizing that what I do in the present moment is what affects my future, my destiny. So I no longer worry about the future.

      I've got everything I need and ever wanted. Everything else is pure gravy and I'm enjoying the ride.


      Rod, this is the most inspiring post I've read all day.

      I am truly happy for you.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Rod, this is the most inspiring post I've read all day.

        I am truly happy for you.
        Thank you Steven, you made my day. I went through a lot of you-know-what to get there. In hindsight, I'm glad I went through all that tough stuff because it helped mold the man I am today. It also explains why I'm a little hyper and crazy too.

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

          Thank you Steven, you made my day. I went through a lot of you-know-what to get there. In hindsight, I'm glad I went through all that tough stuff because it helped mold the man I am today. It also explains why I'm a little hyper and crazy too.

          I thought that was from the Rod "too-much-coffee-today" Cortez lifestyle.
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    • Profile picture of the author MurphSmurf
      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      My health is getting back to normal and I literally have trounced the "psychological time" issue that has bothered me for years and now have learned to live in the moment. No more fretting on the past and realizing that what I do in the present moment is what affects my future, my destiny. So I no longer worry about the future.
      I think this is my problem. I constantly think about the future. Not necessarily a lofty, far-off future where all my dreams have come true and I'm rich and successful... but more like, "Well when I release my WSO next month I should have a nice chunk of change which I can use to fund this & that, blah blah".

      I spend all my time planning out my future to the exact detail... but I forget that the time I spent "planning" and visualizing could've been spent doing ACTUAL WORK which would bring me closer to my goal. Therefore all of my excessive planning really just holds me back.

      To answer your question... do I consider myself successful?

      Not yet. But I will be... someday :p
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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Originally Posted by MurphSmurf View Post

        I think this is my problem. I constantly think about the future. Not necessarily a lofty, far-off future where all my dreams have come true and I'm rich and successful... but more like, "Well when I release my WSO next month I should have a nice chunk of change which I can use to fund this & that, blah blah".

        I spend all my time planning out my future to the exact detail... but I forget that the time I spent "planning" and visualizing could've been spent doing ACTUAL WORK which would bring me closer to my goal. Therefore all of my excessive planning really just holds me back.

        To answer your question... do I consider myself successful?

        Not yet. But I will be... someday :p
        MurphSmurf (cute name), I'm going to share a resource that really helped me focus on the present. By the way, I prefer the audio version of it. It's a book called The Power Of Now by Eckart Tolle. It's a little more spiritual and metaphysical than I would like it to be, but man oh man, did the first portion of the book / audio book really make an impact on me.

        Nowadays, I listen and meditate to the audio book about 2 to 3x a week, about 30-60 minutes at a time. It's really changed the way I perceive reality, time, and just enjoying what I have now (since that's all we really have if you think about it). Our fast-paced, technologically-driven society actually trains and conditions us to be stressed and worried, this book helps you undo a lot of that stuff.

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Heck yeah. I crawl out of bed in the morning and grab a cup of coffee and walk the dogs and sit down at my computer with my slippers on and start work. Take off when I want to, work when I want to. Don't answer to a boss and don't deal with office politics. Work my own hours. Make a great living.
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  • Profile picture of the author webdesk
    Successful? Yes! Wealthy...? No. But I'm successful because I achieved my goals for 2009: I retired early because I could draw a pension and put my time and energy into getting started on the internet, with the intent of turning a reasonable income in 2010. Will I be sucessful in 2010? You bet.

    There has been so much to learn, a lot of it by trial and error, that just isn't covered in any of the online courses. I mean the software and hardware installations problems too. Very little has gone smoothly. Backup system crashes IE all the time.

    Testing the autoresponders and tweaking them, trying to find out if I can get by on a personal PayPal account or if a business account will be needed; affiliate choices; blogging impacts such as what happens when everything has been indexed on an autopost that should not have been approved, and subsequently deleted. Incomplete blog templates.

    Do I need a shopping cart... which one? How many email accounts do I need... one for each web site? Oops, forgot... now I have to monitor each one! Where do I find a privacy policy or terms of use page to use? Do I need a lawyer?

    What about Skype? What do I need now to do video marketing? Web 2.0 social marketing... (personally objectionable).

    Niche choices... can't use the ones I want to, by all analysis, they will fail. Realization that, hey, this is Internet Marketing, so I'll have to market things I personally don't want to if I'm to pay the bills and put food on the table.

    Time wasted with emails (joined too many lists). Time and effort wasted because marketers don't honor their sales promises. Wrong choices on who to believe in... initially.

    Getting traffic. SEO. Forums. Submissions. Articles.

    I fully understand why so many quit IM. I wish I would have gotten in 5 years ago because all indication is that since then, everything has changed and the effort and chances of making a living at IM compounded. Too many gurus?

    Hosting choices... don't put all of my eggs in one basket. Multiple domain hosting, odd how they are handled.

    Are my affiliate links working... are the sales tracking to me? I don't see my code on the landing page. Cloaking? Huh? The vendor told me specifically what to use, so how can something else be used...?

    And that is just what comes to mind at the moment. Whew.

    Sorry for rambling, I don't want to be know for that, I simply get excited about everything internet, what I've been through to get started, the foundation I've developed for 2010.

    I still have some pieces to put together, but by February 1st (today is 1/7/09), I expect to be in position to start making an income from IM. So, 2009... successful by measure; 2010 success by standard!

    Oh... these are not questions for the forum, not in this thread, please. This is just some of what I went through since my introduction to IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
    No not yet
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    • Profile picture of the author cybergod
      It depends on the act, today I may be dealing with a thing, so for that thing, I can be successful or not. But tomorrow its another thing. Daily new problems we face, I could be successful when I am settled successfully...
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  • Profile picture of the author rashamba
    Something I learned from observation. If you are not happy right now, you are not going to be happy if your income doubles. I see many people trying to get more money as a way to be happy. Problem is it won't work. I hope this serves as a motivation and not a discouragement.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlo_sim
    Yes I do! =)
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticleDirectory
    Success has so many different definitions depending on who you ask. If you have set realistic goals and you have accomplish majority of it at this point of your career, then you can assure that you have been successful.

    As others have mentioned, its not always about cents and dollars...
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    • Profile picture of the author chu082011
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