Best Article Writers for the Money

by m4rx
4 replies
Well, I have just now decided to look into article marketing(too a while XD). And of course where else to look for some of the best than WF.

I am wondering who the best article writer is that you have found. No advertising, but real reviews from people that you have used.

Thanks so much for any of the input.

#article #money #writers
  • If you want good articles go to your local college or university. Find the English Department. Talk to professors and tell them you want to find a couple of students that will write for pay. Don't expect this to be super cheap, but you will get quality.

    I find this is a great way to get past the crap.
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  • Profile picture of the author m4rx
    That's a wonderful idea considering I live just five minutes from one.

    Nice :]

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  • Profile picture of the author Rachel Goodchild
    I dunno
    I decided to support some media and comms interns last year by getting them some work in some magazines- and 90% of their work was unreadable.
    I don't think people get taught how to write anymore.
    I find housewives and mums working from home who were once in the workforce to be the best writers. And I feel good giving them the work too!

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    • Profile picture of the author shibbeymon
      Bianca Raven....period. Find her in the For Hire section. Nevermind, I just went and found her thread for you :

      I'm not claiming she's the best in the world and she charges a bit more than $5 a article (which alot of marketers toss around as a standard in forums for some reason).

      BUT in the last year I've hired about 6 or 7 writers to help with content and article marketing and she's the best one I've used so far that didn't cost $15 or more. I don't have to rewrite her articles to submit them article sites for promotion like I have in the past with others.

      Hope this helps.

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