4 replies
I apologize if this topic has been done to death, but I thought some of us might benefit from the wisdom of others' experience:

What has been your favorite/most successful way to build a client/contact list?

I'm slowly building one of my own with regular clients and have an opt in on my website but would love to hear of the ways you've built your lists as well.

#advice #building #list
  • Profile picture of the author George Wright

    I have a very small list. Only a little over 500. My "list" (in quotes because I haven't compiled it all together.) I built if from membership sites/forums I own. A forum is a great way to get to know people.

    Based on what I have learned about forums I think a great forum would be a very fast and effective way to build a loyal list. (Warrior Forum for example)

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Thanks George! Your list is huge compared to mine (though mine are all clients I've worked for in the last year and only just started thinking of ways to build it up).

    Anybody else have advice?
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Dillon
    Some people may disagree with me here but I have found traffic exchanges to be great at building a list. In fact I wrote a hub about it here>
    Ebooks With Resale Rights For Pennies On the Dollar.

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  • Profile picture of the author YellowLights
    The fastest way I've seen so far is to give something away for free... on the condition that they sign up for your list. A "leaked chapter" of your main product, or a supplementary eBook is always good.

    Similar to that - possibly even better, because it qualifies your listmembers as "buyers" rather than just "browsers"- is the 7 dollar script.
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