keyword elite 2.0 broken after update!!

pascal van baal
Profile picture of pascal van baal
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
7 replies
Hey people,
A few days a go KE2.0 updated to a new version when i started up the program and after that the software is broken down (screen goes white after 5 sec),anybody here had the same problem?

I contacted Bryxon software and they reset my licence and sent me a new download link,but the same proble is there!(using the 2062.exe)

I am using windows 7 64-bit on a new pc,i have checked my pc on errors,mallware and virusses,nothing there.

I am desperate,anybody here know a solution?:confused:
#broken #elite #keyword #update
  • Profile picture of the author TylerF
    Profile picture of TylerF
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Shouldn't you recontact them and report the problem?
    If they say it's because of your 64-bit OS, download windows xp virtual pc and run KE2.0 from that virtual pc.
  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    Profile picture of ArticlePrince
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yea i think that their tech support will be way more help than we would
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    • Profile picture of the author pascal van baal
      pascal van baal
      Profile picture of pascal van baal
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I already report this problem but they dont react to it,they just sent me a new download link and reset my crap!

      But no one here with the same problem?
      i also had this problem on a older XP machine,KE2.0 broken after update.

      I asked for a refund now,still waiting for an answer.
      • Profile picture of the author Ghalt
        Profile picture of Ghalt
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I am getting so tired of KE being broken. It never works fully. It almost always hangs. It never finishes parsing through all the data. And often the numbers don't match.

        Recently I've had to go through four to five "re-downloads" from a ticket to get it fixed.

        It makes me nervous. I'm actually working with real customers and I would hate to present data to them that turns out to be inaccurate because KE was buggy.

        I'm really tempted to switch to Market Samurai just because so many Warriors rave about it.

        I'm bummed because KE has a lot of potential but doesn't seem to work for me. I, too, am wondering if it's just me, or if there are others (since you're not allowed to post complaints on the KE forum...which raises a question in my mind anyway).

        I'm not trashing KE, since I used to use it, but it seems to be getting buggier each patch...and it never seems to get fixed. Again, that's ME, but just wondering if others out there are seeing the same thing.

        (And I do have a ticket open...)
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  • Profile picture of the author deathmask11
    Profile picture of deathmask11
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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been wondering about KE for some time, because I still have version One. Would my version still be as powerful as it was when it was released, even though it doesn't the bells and whistles KE 2.0 does?

    Kind regards


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