pad files, executable ebooks strategy question

Profile picture of David
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
How do we do this?

Once I make an executable ebook, generate a pad file for it, how do we sub it to software directories?

do we upload the exe to our domains, then sub that url (so we get link juice)

OR... do we sub the pad file itself?

#ebooks #executable #files #pad #question #strategy
  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Loren Woirhaye
    Profile picture of Loren Woirhaye
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My understanding is the PAD file contains version and downloading
    information. The directories don't actually host the .exe download,
    you do. The PAD file says where the download is and since it is
    a small, universally accepted format it is easy to auto-submit it
    to a lot of directories.

    You can use IncanSoft PadBot to do the submission. There are
    other tools that do it too.
    • Profile picture of the author David
      Profile picture of David
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Loren Woirhaye View Post

      My understanding is the PAD file contains version and downloading
      information. The directories don't actually host the .exe download,
      you do. The PAD file says where the download is and since it is
      a small, universally accepted format it is easy to auto-submit it
      to a lot of directories.

      You can use IncanSoft PadBot to do the submission. There are
      other tools that do it too.
      Thanks Loren,

      so that answers part of my question: if the pad file tells em where to d/l then I do have to have it on my domain.

      Are there any software directories where you upload it to their directory?

      probably not, that could be a hosting resource hog and help spread viruses like a torrent could

      any thoughts gang?

      David Bruce Jr of Frederick Web Promotions
      Lawyer Local SEO - |

  • Profile picture of the author David
    Profile picture of David
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PAD XML File

    I see this in the pad file generator, I'm pretty sure the ebook creator software I'm using does not automatically create an xml file

    question: if I uploaded the ebook on my server, and the WP sitemap generator indexes it... it's gonna make an xml file for the ebook, is that correct?

    If so, and I uploaded the ebook to the wp/content directory
    then appended .xml to the url.. nah that wouldn't work

    What must we do to get a pad xml file?

    thanks guys

    David Bruce Jr of Frederick Web Promotions
    Lawyer Local SEO - |

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