Free, Quick and Easy Header Graphics Generator

9 replies
G'day Warriors,

It's been a while since I was last online - living in the sticks has its drawbacks

But I have been busy creating various scripts (I have WAMP installed on my laptop), one of them is a website/blog header graphics generator.

The basic idea is to use it in a auto website/blog setup.

I've installed it on my blog for anybody to use, so can I ask you to give it a try and to let me know what improvements you think it needs?

Here's the link: Logo Maker

Thanks to all who replied, as per your suggestions I have added:
- a font preview facility
- a facility to upload blank header graphics.
- a tabbed interface so no more scrolling required.
#easy #generator #graphics #header #quick
  • Profile picture of the author kcom
    I agree with product creator, other than that, looks like you really have got something there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
    OK, will do - I'll work on a custom font drop down which prevues the fonts...

    Sig not working today - too hung over...

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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Useful tool, Colin. Very quick & easy. Thank you for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Barbour
    Thanks for sharing!

    It would be nice to be able to upload a background image or a pattern.

    Other ideas:
    - save preferences
    - ability to revert to last settings (if you change something and want to go back)
    - ability to create multiple sizes at the same time instead of just one
    - have the preview/final banners off to the left and the main window are up so I don't have to scroll each time
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
    Thanks for all the comments - I have added a preview system for the fonts - next I will add the ability to upload graphics.

    It's taking some time because of the seriously long and frequent power cuts here (and too many beers) ...

    Sig not working today - too hung over...

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  • Profile picture of the author markshields
    Thank you for such a top quality post, I will download the tool now and thanks for sharing, I have been looking for something like this for a while

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1734412].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
      Originally Posted by markshields View Post

      Thank you for such a top quality post, I will download the tool now and thanks for sharing, I have been looking for something like this for a while
      It's not a downloadable tool - this is a resource I have created for my blog readers to use for creating header and footer graphics. It will ultimately be a website template/blog theme generator...

      Sig not working today - too hung over...

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  • Profile picture of the author UBotBuddy
    Nice work!
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
    I have now added a system for uploading and editing blank header graphics - I've also added a tabbed interface so you don't have to scroll up and down while editing the graphic.

    Next on the cards is a system for automatically generating simple website templates and blog themes based on the colors used in the header logo...

    Sig not working today - too hung over...

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