YahooAnswers - does anyone do this?

19 replies
Hi Fellow Warriors;

I've been getting some top answers over at YA....the asker often makes a comment as to why they picked the answer.....I'm tempted to write them to say thanks for choosing my answer.....does anyone do there any benefit? (i.e. replying to comments on your blog or site)

Just curious....

  • Profile picture of the author Al-Leyson
    That's a good question. I never thought about doing that. May as well do it as an experiment. lol
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    • Profile picture of the author zackick
      i do the yahoo answer but not yet get asker choose my answer as best. I still in level one as this is still my new testing method and what niche you are in to?
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      • Profile picture of the author Terri LC
        Hi Zackik....if you're asking what Niche I'm into - its weight loss....I know, tough, but its a passion of mine and I love to answer questions on YA with links to all the various info I have on my blog.

        I get a lot of Top Answers, you can see that by what most people post there, its something quick and irrelevant to gain points or to promote an affiliate program, but you have to actually ANSWER their question and come across as genuine.

        I also answer Business questions, with no source reference just b/c I like to help them out. I really should at least have an affiliate product - lol.

        Keep at it though, its just a matter of time. You have some great blogs there and can easily use them as sources!

        Keep in mind, because Yahoo Answers has constantly updated posts, it ranks SO WELL in search engines....its crazy!

        Good Luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lincoln Ryan
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    I do use yahoo answer and occassionally my answer get picked as the best answer. And have never thought of sending a courteous thanks. I think that would be a great idea as that will show they are really dealing with real people.
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    • Profile picture of the author affilcrazy
      I have used Yahoo Answer over the past few years and was also involved in the weight loss niche. I often responded to people who picked my answer as the "best answer" and spent time answering any further questions, but that then gave me an idea.

      On a couple of occasions i took about 10 questions that had been asked on YA and answered them. I wrote my answers down on notepad and then converted this into a pdf. On the bottom of each page of the pdf was a link back to my site and i had a few affiliate links sprinkled through my special "Free Report".

      Then rather than shoving this report down everyone's throat and linking to it in my answers, when someone approached me for advice, i would answer their specific concerns the best i could and offer them a free copy of my weight loss report. i also told them to feel free to share the report with others!

      Was it successful...mmm...kind of! However, i have found that YA has far more information seekers than buyers, but that is merely my opinion! The best way to see if it works for you is to test it yourself. Although i do believe this is a fairly decent method to help your site and indeed affiliate links go "viral"!

      "There is no fixed teaching. All I can provide is an appropriate medicine for a particular ailment" - Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do (on Zen)
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  • Profile picture of the author ArticleDirectory
    I used Yahoo Answers for a little while. 20% of my answers were selected as top answers.

    I did send a few messages to thank them.

    Soon after, they suspended my account with no reason. I would add source to 1/5 questions with specific articles linked, however appears someone reported me as a spammer and when I appealed for my account to be reviewed, I was declined so I moved on.

    It can be very beneficial.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing

    ive never thought about replying and saying thanks but you could always do this and then say try this for free as a big thanks from me.

    I do bookmark my best answers though and it really works!

    Kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author yommys01
    I don't do it 90% of the time not all of the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author guide4everything
    I never did it before,will try it now

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  • Profile picture of the author dete49
    I was using them and was over 4000 points and all of a sudden I was suspended .I did not spam ,just gave good answers ,I have no idea why this happened so I gave up on them. I still get emails , you have been chosen best answer and the page is still there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Terri LC
      Wow dete49 - that is a major drag.

      I had one person email me cause he didn't like my answer (even tho it was chosen) He wanted to debate my source til the cows came home until finally I just told him he was right and moved on.....I wonder if its disgruntled posters that submit a complaint.......
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  • Profile picture of the author esr
    Perhaps it depends on the niche, because I've posted many times on YA, even had my answer chosen as "best" answer, but have never, ever gotten any traffic to speak of. I must be one of the lucky ones, too, because I posted my URL to all of my answers and never had my account closed. Again, maybe it's the niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketstriker
    I did almost the same when I was in affiliate marketing. The difference is that I posted on the special forum that covered my niche and just spent a few hours to place posts there. When I've got the growth in users from the forum, I place backlinks. Nothing is hard.
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  • Profile picture of the author zackick
    hey Terry LC
    that is the same niche i do, but did you do different region like place that using english like usa,canada,malaysia,singapore and etc. go try it. I dont really focus on one country as this will really bring a lot of traffic to my site yet. I think i have to be at level 4-5 like that may seem the flood of traffic.
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