Keyword research calculations

Profile picture of TCrosby
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
So for a niche I'm going to get involved in, I started doing some keyword research.

I've identified about 30 keywords that have decent search volume with low competition.

However, I wanted thoughts regarding two questions...

1) What do you guys do or think about keywords that when searched, have say 300,000 competing sites, but when searched with quotes, have like 1,000?

2) I've made an excel sheet of keywords, searches per month, google results, and google results when using "". Anyone have any cool formulas to maybe calculate a "value" number from these 4 columns? For example, (Results/Searches)
#calculations #keyword #research
  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    Profile picture of TCrosby
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    anyone else?
  • Profile picture of the author SPress
    Profile picture of SPress
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's the simplest piece of advice:

    You can basically ignore how much "competition" there is, whether it be with or without quotes.

    If you want to be found, then you want to be on the first page of google. So, focus on that. Check out the top 10 for each keyword that interests you and see if the competition looks like it can be beat in an acceptable timeframe.

    Defining the acceptable timeframe is important as well. Some keywords can be had in a matter of days, and other can take months if not years to compete for.

    Bottom line though is to not let a number like 500,000 "competitors" scare you away. You'd be surprised at how often you can find weakness in the top 10 when you stop to look.
    • Profile picture of the author Groovy99
      Profile picture of Groovy99
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      If you are persistent enough and have enough resources you can master nearly any keyphrase but the question is what is the best use of your time?

      I've ranked for keywords with millions of competing pages in SEO rich environments and keywords with 10,000 with non-existent SEO. It's often easy, trivial, to get the second on page 1 but the first requires more serious investments of time and money.

      If I had to do it all over again I would have rather done my first SEO work on a site that had 10,000 pages not because I could not get ranked but because I would have made more money sooner.

      I've bought my fair of internet marketing products. Its always seemed to me a central theme in the best ones that you should always pursue the low hanging fruit of SEO at the beginning. When you get up to doing it full time then you will be better positioned to go after the other offers.


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  • Profile picture of the author harry12
    Profile picture of harry12
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    the keyword density in a a content should be in between 5-6% and you also need to do the search for finding the appropriate keywords.

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