Need help getting into CPA network. Willing to sign under your referral link...

5 replies
Hi everyone,

I have tried applying for a few networks like azoogle, neverblueads, copeac, hydra before but they all turned me down. (I'm in Hong Kong right now..)

I am already earning with CJ however. ($1k + per month) Could anyone can get me in those CPA programs? I'll be glad to sign under your referral link.

Thanks again,

#cpa #link #network #referral #sign
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    some networks have restrictions on where their traffic comes from. if need be, send an email with a copy of your stats page .

    also, some programs have country restrictions - i live in south africa, and i got knocked a few times. to make it more interesting, paypal doesn't allow us to accept payments in SA, so any program that pays out via paypal is out.

    so yeah, it kinda sucks......
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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  • Profile picture of the author brendan301
    i just sent you a pm about joining cpa networks. i'll be happy to help you join a few.
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    • Profile picture of the author Foupin
      Hi there!
      I'm in the same position as Linda. Could you send me you links to!

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Hey Brendan,

    Thanks for helping Linda.

    Linda, I hope this works out for you.

    Tal from Canada
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  • Profile picture of the author sevenish
    I got accepted to a few picky ones recently (who wouldn't accept me or my sites last year) by picking up the phone and following up.

    Case in point: Last year Copeac rejected me even after 15 other networks approved me. So I pouted for a year.

    This year I reapplied and when I got the email encouraging me to call them, I called them and explained my marketing methods, which are mainly direct SEM linking, email marketing and media buys. I got approved and took some time to ask them about a certain method I use that some networks don't like (offline marketing that results in geographically clustered waves / actions) and some other ideas.

    Do that. It works, but be real about it. Present to them in no uncertain terms how you will be an asset to their network.

    Good luck!

    100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

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